F1 2021 Best Ai Difficulty - Which To Choose

F1 2021 Best Ai Difficulty
28 Sep 2021

F1 2021’s greatest experiences come when you are evenly matched with your rivals, doing your best to beat them in a fair contest. One of the best features of the F1 2021 game is its endless tweak-able AI. Compared to other games that just have a classic easy/medium option for their AI. F1’s sliding scale from 0 to 110 allows you to fine-tune your opponent’s so that you can have a more engaging and exciting race every time.

It also means finding the right level to suit your skill, which could be difficult as we all have tracks, we are fast at and the ones we struggle on.

So, how could you be sure of what AI difficulty you should play against, well in this article, we look at the AI levels and differentiate them from each other, and see where you rank.

Difficulty: Level 0-39 (Easy)

How it works: This is the first level of the AI difficult spectrum. If you are very new to the game and trying the game for the first time, this is the level you should try setting the AI too. This level allows you to get a feel of the game with little or no amount of game knowledge and serves as a building block for you to get better.


Difficulty: Level 40-59 (Medium)

How it works: This level of AI is a potential next step for beginner players. Here, the players are still beginners to some extent but now have a bit of game knowledge to move out of the easy level. Here, you have learnt a bit of the game controls, but you are struggling with settings like traction control, ABS and track familiarity. So, it’s advisable to set the AI difficulty at medium. You can always tweak the range as you play, which is one of the great things about the game.


Difficulty: Level 60-79 (Hard)

How it works: This level of AI is when things get spicy. Here, you are now grounded on much of the game knowledge but are still lacking in experience, and this is where playing in the online lobbies would become very beneficial for you moving to the next AI level. This level of AI tests a bit of your pace and racing craft.


Difficulty: Level 80-89 (Expert)

How it works: This level of AI tests players who have a wealthy experience of the game. Now, you are being considered by the AI as a quick racer, with a very good level of racecraft. This AI level is the same as the two that precede it (Master and Legend). The only difference is the pace of the AI becomes non-realistic compared to real life. Here, the AI is realistic, which means the AI is as fast as drivers in real life.


Difficulty: Ultimate

How it works: This level of AI is very unrealistic, and you must be extremely skilled and fast to keep up. The e-sports players are on this level and some other quick drivers too. I play on the expert level and I’m pretty quick, so when I say the Ultimate level is unrealistic, it is. The lap times could be up to 2 seconds faster than the real F1 drivers’ times! When you first play the game, look to set the AI difficulty around 60 marks. This is a balanced difficulty and depending on how well you fare, you can either reduce or increase the difficulty. Once you get around the 80-difficulty rating, consider yourself an above-average player. At 90, consider yourself a fast driver and at or around 100, you are an extremely fast racer. 110 (Ultimate) AI difficulty. You should get close to the professionals’ lap times.

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