[Top 10] Empyrion Galactic Survival Best Weapons and How To Get Them

Empyrion Galactic Survival Best Weapons
11 Sep 2019

No survival game is complete without a full arsenal of firepower. Be sure to equip yourself with the best weaponry available to you before taking on an army of aliens. This guide will give you a list of the top ten best guns you can get and how to get them.

Best Starter Guns

10. Projectile Pistol

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Start the game with a simple but effective pistol.

The projectile pistol is the only gun except for a survival tool that can be used at the very start of the game. The ammo for it is very cheap to make and those resources can be found readily available from the beginning. It has decent damage and all guns give a multiplier headshot bonus.

  • Damage - 42
  • Ammo Type - pistol round
  • Unlock Level - 0
  • How to Obtain - crafting or buy from trader


9. Shotgun

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The good ol' classic shotgun. 

Who doesn’t love a good shotgun? You can craft this one very early on, it deals big burst damage, and ammo is pretty cheap if you can find some wreckage nearby.

  • Damage - 100
  • Ammo Type - shotgun shells
  • Unlock Level - 3
  • How to Obtain - crafting or buy from trader


8. Sniper Rifle

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Need to attack from a distance? Got you covered.

A sniper rifle gives a player a huge advantage. Suddenly, you can take out enemies at range with very little risk of receiving damage yourself. This gun has high damage, pretty cheap ammo, and can be crafted as early as level 5.

  • Damage - 220
  • Ammo Type - sniper rifle rounds
  • Unlock Level - 5
  • How to Obtain - crafting or buy from trader


Best Mid-Game Guns

7. Tier 2 Sniper

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Got the range but need more firepower? Got you covered there too.

With an upgrade kit, take your sniper and turn it into a tier 2 version. It does more damage than a tier 1, uses the same ammo, and gives a 7x headshot damage multiplier while keeping you a safe distance from harm.

  • Damage - 300
  • Ammo Type - sniper rifle rounds
  • Unlock Level - 12
  • How to Obtain - crafting or buy from trader


6. Tier 2 Shotgun

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The big boom stick.

As with the sniper, use an upgrade kit to change your tier 1 shotgun into a tier 2. It uses the same ammo as before so you can save materials for more important mid-game items. It has a larger magazine size and a higher rate of fire than the tier 1 shotgun.

  • Damage - 115
  • Ammo Type shotgun shells
  • Unlock Level - 15 
  • How to Obtain - crafting or buy from trader


5. Minigun

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This one is just plain fun to use.

The minigun may not pump a lot of damage per hit, but it has a super high rate of fire at 1200 rounds per minute. Ammo is relatively cheap but you get many bullets per craft so it makes up for it. This gun also has a huge magazine, so you can plow through enemies quickly and efficiently.

  • Damage - 28
  • Ammo Type - minigun round
  • Unlock Level - 15
  • How to Obtain - crafting or buy from trader


The following weapons are not craftable, repairable, or available for purchase. They are only obtained through looting Alien points of interest. They can also be used before reaching the max level of 25.


Best End-Game Weapons

4. Epic Plasma Rifle

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Pew pew!

This is a space game after all, why wouldn’t we include lasers? The ammo for a plasma rifle is slightly more expensive, but by the time you reach this level, the materials shouldn’t be too hard to obtain. You get high damage, high fire rate, and a decent headshot multiplier.

  • Damage - 185
  • Ammo Type - laser rifle cell
  • Unlock Level - 25
  • How to Obtain - Alien POI loot


3. Epic Rocket Launcher

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An even bigger boom stick. 

Rocket launchers are good for use in enemy bases to break down doors or walls or on foot outdoors against groups of enemies. This weapon in particular requires homing missiles which makes drone hunting easy. However, the explosive damage means you can injure your teammates or yourself, so use caution.

  • Damage - 500
  • Ammo Type - rocket launcher homing missiles
  • Unlock Level - 25
  • How to Obtain - Alien POI loot


2. Epic Assault Shotgun

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Your best bet for close-range fighting.

This thing hurts. At close range, headshots are nearly one shot per kill. It uses the same cheap ammo as a normal shotgun, making it great for close-quarters combat.

  • Damage - 150
  • Ammo Type - shotgun shells
  • Unlock Level - 25
  • How to Obtain - Alien POI loot


1. Epic Heavy Sniper Rifle

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This thing takes down DRONES!

If you can afford to make the expensive ammo for this rifle, then you’re in good shape. This sniper has super high damage, a very high rate of fire, and a whopping 8x headshot multiplier, the highest in the game. 

  • Damage - 2780
  • Ammo Type - railgun bullets
  • Unlock Level - 25
  • How to Obtain - Alien POI loot


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