[Top 5] D&D Best Wall Spells That Are Excellent

d&d, dungeons and dragons, spells, wall spells, d&d best wall spells
21 Apr 2022

Spells come in great varieties in D&D. In all shapes and sizes. It can be a cone, a square, or a circular area, or targetted. One other type is Wall Spells. These can be particularly powerful in battle, especially when you do not have much space to work with, or if you are trying to block off your enemy in some way.

Here we have gathered five wall spells that we consider the best.

5. Wall of Water

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At the bottom of our list lies the spell Wall of Water. The advantages it has over others is that it’s only a 3rd circle spell, which means you will have access to it much earlier than most others.

Why is Wall of Water great; as it is clear from the name, this spell conjures up a wall made from water that gives disadvantage on any ranged attacks attempted through it. Not only that, every fire that goes through it is halved in damage.

Extremely useful when fighting a pyromaniac, or trying to hold back a group of archers that you cannot simply best yet.

Wall of Water details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:wall-of-water

4. Wall of Fire

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Pretty self-explanatory, this is a wall made of fire. But why is it useful?

It’s an opaque wall, which means you are safely guarded from any spells or arrows coming your way that require sight. Any creature that starts their turn in it or tries to pass through it is scorched with 5d8 fire damage. It’s a considerably huge amount.

And, it increases in damage as you level up and cast the spell from higher levels! It also allows you to choose a damaging ‘side’, which means while your friends on one side of the wall can safely pass through, the other side is going to have to risk turning to ash.

Wall of Fire details; http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:wall-of-fire


3. Wall of Thorns

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Next up we have the Wall of Thorns. An impressive spell that could save your party’s life when you need a moment’s respite, either to heal or make a plan.

Why is Wall of Thorns great? First of all, it blocks all sight which means anyone who was able to target you will now be unable to. You could surround yourself with it or block off a passage to hold off a group of enemies.

While people can indeed attempt to go through the thorns, they need to roll a save or be pierced by thorns painfully. 7d8 damage, to be exact. And even if they succeed the save going past the wall is not that easy, and it’s going to be a slow crawl after taking half of the damage, one foot being equal to 4 feet of your movement speed.

Wall of Thorns details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:wall-of-thorns


2. Wall of Light

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Another impressive spell to perform, Wall of Light is this high up on the list because of two things;

One, that it does radiant damage. Many things in D&D 5e have resistance to fire, but radiant is a rather rare one to see.

Secondly, it actually blinds people who try to go through it or start or end their turn within its area. Blindness is basically going to render your enemy useless, unless they make their save. Potent and useful.

You also have the option to beam parts of the wall to your enemies, unless they are not coming to you.

Wall of Light details; http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:wall-of-light


1. Wall of Force

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A spell that does no damage, but the first one on our list. Why, you’d ask. Let me explain.

Wall of Force is the most powerful spell on this list because nothing can physically pass through it. Swords, arrows, and even ethereal travel. One thing that’s still being discussed on forums is whether it can block spells or not.

There’s no official ruling on this as of yet, but depending on your DM and how you may argue your point across, it very well might since it’s a physical wall and blocks line of sight.

Cannot be dispelled, unless a disintegrate spell is used cannot be damaged. Ten minutes of total cover and safety. It is why this spell is the first on our list.

Wall of Force details: http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/spell:wall-of-force


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