[Top 10] DbD Best Survivor Builds That Are Great

DbD Best Survivor Builds
03 May 2022

What are some builds that are gonna make survivor games much easier?

In this article, we are gonna take a look at survivor builds that are gonna make survivor games much easier and killer games much harder.


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Dwight and meg are searching


Aura Reading Build is a build that relies on the perks that show players, vaults, generators and so on.

I would recommend this build to experienced and new players because of the power of the information. New players need to know where the vaults and other survivors are so this perks can help them a lot.

Aura Reading Build full details :

  • shows other survivors and generators with a yellow aura
  • shows vaults and killer

Bond - shows other survivors within 36 meters

The Object of Obsession - shows killer aura if the survivor and killer are looking at each other, range is 72 meters and perk deactivates when a survivor is in a killer heartbeat

Windows of Opportunity - shows auras of vaults, breakable walls, pallets within 20 meters. Perk has a cooldown of 20 seconds after you drop a pallet or vault when in the chase

Visionary - shows auras of generators within 32 meters. When a generator is completed the perk has a cooldown of 20 seconds.


Why Aura Reading Build is great :

  • shows pallets and vaults which can prevent you from taking a hit
  • shows a generator which is good if you are playing on an indoor map
  • shows killer but the perk is for people who want to get chased


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Survivors waiting at the campfire

Saboteur Build is for people who want to escape hooks and also disable them.

Saboteur Build is a build that can help you get preventing a hook or a disabling a hook. It is meant to be used for more experienced players who have spent some time in the game already.

It is a great build but sometimes the killer downs you near a hook and you cannot wiggle out if there are no teammates to help the body block.

Saboteur Build full details :

  • the build is great for people who are experienced in the game
  • can prevent hooks 

Deliverance - perk that grants you self unhook if you saved survivor before and you saved him safely, it grants 60 seconds of broken status effect after the action

Breakdown - after you get unhooked the hook breaks for 180 seconds and you see the killer aura for 6 seconds. Hook repairs itself after 180 seconds and the killer can hook you again.

Saboteur - survivor can break hooks without toolbox but it takes about 3 seconds. You also see hooks within 56 meters and the perk has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

Boil Over - Killer cant sees the aura of the hooks within 14 meters range. The survivors struggle effects are increased by 75 effects.


Why Saboteur Build is great :

  • helps you prevent from getting hooked 
  • sabotages a hook after unsafe so killer cant down you and immediately hooking you back up


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Felix running away from Blight

Wiggle Out Build is a great build for anyone who wants to get the most fun out of the game.

Wiggle Out Build is a build that helps you wiggle or escape the killer grasp when he is carrying you to a hook.

Wiggle Out Build full details :

  • makes killer really hates you after you drop pallets on his head
  • saves you from the hook if it is not too close

Power Struggle - while you are carried by a killer and you reach 25% struggle, you have the option if the killer passes through the plank to drop it and save yourself.

Flip Flop - When you are downed, 50% of your recovery state is converted into your wiggle timer up to a maximum of 50% of wiggle state

Unbreakable - makes your recovery speed on the ground 35% faster and you can use it once to pick yourself up from the recovery state.

Boil Over - makes wiggle efficient for 75% more and killer can not see the hooks that are within his 14 meters range.


Why Wiggle Out Build is great :

  • can help you easily wiggle you out if the killer is more new to the game
  • helps stall time and give killer less time to chase other survivors


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Survivor looking at his arm

Second Chances Build is a build that gives you multiple chances to escape a hook or a downed state.

This build gives you a lot of perks that help you at not being hooked or being slugged.

Second Chances Build full info :

  • helps other survivors by not dying immediately after getting picked up from a downed state
  • helps you if the killer is tunnelling and you can use the perk to save yourself

Unbreakable - makes your recovery speed on the ground 35% faster and you can use it once to pick yourself up from the recovery state.

Soul Guard - gives you an endurance status effect for 8 seconds after getting picked by yourself or other survivors.

Decisive Strike - survivor can stun the killer if he is picked up 60 seconds after he was hooked. Can be only used once.

Power Struggle - while you are carried by a killer and you reach 25% struggle, you have the option if the killer passes through the plank to drop it and save yourself.


Why Second Chances Build is great : 

  • helps you escape bad situations
  • deters killers from tunnelling you because of the decisive strike


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Claud hiding from the killer

Locker Build is a great build for anyone who plays with friends and has a voice connection on Discord.

This build is great for people who play with friends. People can save you with the perk Head On.

Locker Build full details :

  • best experience when playing with friends
  • can make killers very cautious

Quick and Quiet - perk activates when you vault or go into lockers. It makes zero sound but it has a cooldown of 20 seconds

Head-On - you have to stand in the locker for 3 seconds so that perks activates. If a killer is close, you can stun him and make an escape. It has a cooldown of 40 seconds.

Deception - It activates when you are sprinting pass a locker. It opens a locker and gives the killer a loud notification. You produce no scratch marks for 3 seconds but it has a cooldown of 40 seconds.

Inner Strength - after you cleanse a totem and go into a locker for 8 seconds you get a very fast heal


Why Locker Build is great :

  • gives you fast heal with Inner Strength
  • gives you a stun perk with Head On


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Survivor sliding on a pallet

Stealth Build is great for people who want to be sneaky whole game and not interact with a killer too much.

Urban Evasion can make you crouch speed quicker and with Sprint burst you can escape killer when he founds you and you need to get to the pallet.

Iron Will makes your grunts like so that they make zero sound so that can help you hide


Stealth Build full details :

  • makes you stealthiest player in the game 

Iron Will can make you quiet even if you are injured

Urban Evasion - makes crouch speed increased by 100%

Iron Will - makes your breathing and grunts of pain 100% silent

Spine Chill - perk highlights when a killer is looking at your direction at a range of 36 meters. It also boosts action speeds by 6% per cent if the perk is activated.

Sprint burst - when a player starts running it boosts sped by 150% for 3 seconds. You are exhausted for 40 seconds.


Why Stealth Build is great :

  • makes your interaction with the killer minimal
  • Sprint burst can make your life much easier


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Survivor doing the generator

Gen Rush Build is meant for survivors who want to do the gens as quickly as possible and get out.

Prove Thyself helps you with generators being repaired more quickly and efficiently. Bond makes your teammates quicker to detect and do gens quicker as a result.

Gen Rush Build full details :

  • gives good speed on generators 

Prove Thyself - makes every action 15% quicker when done with at least two survivors

Bond - detect player who is within 36 meters range

Resilience - makes every action 9% faster when a survivor is in an injured state

Spine Chill - perk highlights when a killer is looking at your direction at a range of 36 meters. It also boosts action speeds by 6% per cent if the perk is activated.


Why Gen Rush Build is great : 

  • generators fly by when done with Prove Thyself and other perks
  • find other survivors easily with Bond


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Steve being chased by demorgogon

Gen Rush Build is meant for survivors who want to do the gens as quickly as possible and get out.

Survive With Friends Build is a build that is used with players who play with two or more friends in the game.

Borrowed Time helps at securing safe unhooks if the killer is camping. Dead Hard is great for people who want to get another chance to get on the vault or a pallet.

Survive With Friends Build full details :

  • survive with friends with these great perks

Borrowed Time - a survivor who is saved from a hook and is in killer terror radius gains endurance status effect for 15 seconds.

Dead Hard - you can use it in injured state and make killer miss one hit but you gain exhausted status effect for 40 seconds.

Prove Thyself - makes every action 15% quicker when done with at least two survivors

Adrenaline - heal survivor for one state after all generators are made. Survivor gains 150% running speed for 3 seconds but you gain exhausting effect.


Why Survive With Friends Build is great :

  • gens are gonna fly
  • Dead Hard gives you another chance before you get downed


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Death Slinger carrying a survivor

Fast Healing Build helps survivor heal other survivors very quickly.

Empathy gives you an aura reading which you can use to see wounded survivors within 128 meters and other perks which can give you an advantage in healing.

Fast Healing Build full details :

  • help other survivors with the healing

Empathy - gives you aura reading for survivors who are within 128 meters and are in an injured state

We Will Make It - gives survivor 90 seconds speed boost for healing after unhooking a survivor. Speed is increased by 100%.

Botany Knowledge - healing item efficiency and healing speed are increased by 33%.

Autodidact - You can gain up to 5 tokens. It grants you healing buff that you make on skill checks.


Why Fast Healing Build is great :

  • makes survivors appreciate fast healing


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Survivor searching a chest

Competitive Build is one of the most used in the game and is meant to make survivors almost


This build has the most overpowered perks in the whole game and each is designed to make survivor survive the most time.

Competitive Build full details :

  • great for people who play in high skill games

Unbreakable - makes your recovery speed on the ground 35% faster and you can use it once to pick yourself up from the recovery state.

Decisive Strike - survivor can stun the killer if he is picked up 60 seconds after he was hooked. Can be only used once.

Adrenaline - heal survivor for one state after all generators are made. Survivor gains 150% running speed for 3 seconds but you gain exhausting effect.

Dead Hard - you can use it in injured state and make killer miss one hit but you gain exhausted status effect for 40 seconds.


Why Competitive Build is great :

  • gives you the best survival chance
  • perks counter slugging and tunnelling 




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