[Top 3] CoD Mobile Best Kilo Loadouts That Are Great

06 Jan 2023

The Kilo 141 was brought to Call of Duty: Mobile in January of 2022 with the Season 1: Heist update. Since then it has graciously made its way up the ladder as one of the best Assault Rifles in its class. Although it may not be as grand as some of its counterparts, it is definitely a weapon to be feared. Between its fast Fire Rate, high Accuracy, and quick Mobility, it is no wonder that gamers have gone crazy about this gun. It is safe to say that this gun has the potential to give you that extra umph in your gameplay.

1. No Recoil, Fast ADS, High Accuracy

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Kilo 141 Gunsmith and Gameplay by CoD Morfin

This Kilo 141 set up is geared towards high Accuracy and Mobility; two things that are extremely detrimental to the success of your game. This Loadout showcases this gun's ability to maintain its balance whilst also gaining speed and Mobility. To say that it is easy to keep that balance, would be a lie, as we see over and over again in weapons where in order to get one thing, you have to sacrifice something else. The attachments are as follows:

  • Muzzle - Monolithic Suppressor
  • Stock - No Stock
  • Laser - OWC Laser - Tactical
  • Ammunition - Large Extended Mag B
  • Rear - Granulated Grip Tap

So what is so great about this Loadout?

  • The great thing about this Loadout is that it is highly tailored to alter your ADS. The No Stock, the Laser, even the Grip Tape. This is going to allow for those quick reaction times, but it also lessens that ADS Bullet Spread allowing for more of your bullets to count.
  • The Suppressor is there to increase that Range and give you a little bit more of a ninja status as none of your shots will be broadcasted on the mini map. 
  • This weapon loadout is ideal because whether you are close or far away, you have a greater chance of getting that kill before the enemy does you in instead.

2. New “2 Shot” Gunsmith

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Kilo 141 Gunsmith and Gameplay by Venin

This Kilo 141 Loadout is great because it is one that is built for Control. Although you lose a lot of speed when it comes to the ADS, you make up for it by being able to lock your sites on the enemy and actually have a good chunk of your shots land. So while everybody else's weapon is bouncing around aimlessly in their hands, you will have that laser precision keeping you as a strong contender in any match. The attachments are as follows:

  • Muzzle - OWC Light Compensator
  • Barrel - MIP Extended Light Barrel
  • Laser - MIP Laser 5mW
  • Underbarrel - Operator Foregrip
  • Ammunition - Large Extended Mag B

So what is so great about this Loadout?

  • Equipped to this gun is the OWC Light Compensator and Operator Foregrip. The functions of these two attachments are imperative to lessening the Vertical and Horizontal Recoil. These two attachments are what make this gun so easy to Control.
  • The MIP Extended Light Barrel also decreases the Horizontal Recoil, but it serves a greater purpose which is the -6.4% ADS Bullet Spread and +20% Damage Range. This aids in those controlled long range shots.
  • This loadout is great for any of those mid range players. It offers good support but can also get up close and personal AND get those cross map kills if need be.

3. Long Range Build

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Kilo 141 Gunsmith and Gameplay by EvadEr

This Kilo 141 Loadout is made for those players who like to stay a little farther away from the main fight going on. It is great for laying down suppressive fire while your rushers obtain the objective and you could even throw on the 100 Round Reload and make it even worse. This does not mean however, that this weapon couldn't go up against a rusher in close quarters combat, the Mobility may not be much, but it's not THAT bad either. The attachments are as follows:

  • Muzzle - Monolithic Suppressor
  • Barrel - OWC Marksman
  • Laser - OWC Laser - Tactical
  • Ammunition - Large Extended Mag B
  • Rear Grip - Granulated Grip Tape

So what is so great about this Loadout?

  • The Muzzle and Barrel attachments greatly impact the Range of this weapon. With a 25% AND a 35% increase, there is no wonder that this loadout is confusing players left and right, as they expect it to come from something bigger.
  • The Rear Grip and Laser increase the Accuracy by quite a bit. So pairing that with that increase in Range makes it so much easier to get those cross map shots, without having to use your whole magazine to do it.
  • This Loadout could be great for many different levels of gamers. It won't bounce around on you too much so the newbies could have an easier time trying to learn how to play, but the pros could be getting numerous kills by bouncing around between those long shot corridors.


    The Kilo 141 is a very solid weapon choice. It can be easily altered to fit your needs, whether that be long range, close range, or somewhere inbetween. However, it seems that most everybody agrees that the Large Extended Mag B is the one attachment that everyone should use (however, if it were me, I would choose the 100 Round Reload for any long range build). All-in-all, this is a solid weapon choice with a lot of potential in many different areas. It is well balanced, and a great option for gamers of all styles.

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