Top 10 The Mandalorian Best Characters

The Mandalorian Best Characters
26 Jun 2020

Who qualifies for being in the top 10 characters in The Mandalorian? 

Disney+’s hit series The Mandalorian is arguably the best addition to the Star Wars universe in recent years. Its varied range of characters represent some of the more overlooked groups in the galaxy, from bounty hunters to lowly farmers on obscure planets. Here’s my picks for the best, most memorable characters in The Mandalorian. 

10. Fennec Shand 

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Fennec’s role in The Mandalorian wasn’t substantial, but her appearance left many of us wishing for more.

While Fennec didn’t survive in The Mandalorian series for very long, her character left a positive impact on many fans (including myself). 

What makes Fennec awesome: 

- She’s a beautiful, fennec-fox-inspired assassin, and it’s a real shame she didn’t get more screen time. 

- Her death in the show only adds to her significance--after she is killed, a shadowy figure approaches her body, suggesting that Fennec’s role, posthumous or not,isn’t quite over. 

Fennec Shand details

9. Omera 

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Omera tries to take off Mando's helmet. 

Omera lives on Sorgan, and she hosts the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda in her home while Din and Cara are on a mission there. 

What makes Omera awesome: 

- Whether you like Omera and Din’s brief romance or not, Omera is an impressive character. She’s the only person in her small village that can shoot at all (and accurately, to top it off), so there’s clearly some interesting backstory to her life that we don’t know about yet.  

Omera details 

8.  Paz Vizla 

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Paz vents his anger before trying to fight the Mandalorian. 

Paz Vizla, named only in the credits of The Mandalorian, appears twice in the series, once when he tries to fight Din, and another time when he and the other Mandalorians come to Din’s aid. 

What makes Paz awesome: 

- He’s a very loyal Mandalorian, hating the fallen Empire (and Din’s work with the remnants of it) due its role in the Great Purge. However, his loyalty to the other Mandalorians in his tribe outweighs even that heavy hatred, as he helps Din escape with Baby Yoda not long after their fight. This is a very selfless move considering that showing up to help Din means that the Mandalorians have exposed themselves, risking threats to their own lives, and now have to move their covert. 

- Paz even goes as far as to salute Din as he leaves in his ship, showing Din that he himself and the Mandalorians in general retain a great respect for him. 

Paz Vizla details

7. Greef Karga

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Greef, probably trying to figure which side he's on now. 

Greef Karga is the man who gets bounty hunter contracts for Din, and he repeatedly switches sides in the fight for the Child. 

What makes Greef awesome: 

- Ultimately, despite his intentions to kill Din after his escape with Baby Yoda, Greef decides to drop his murderous plans and work together with Din and his friends to keep Baby Yoda safe. 

- His “Make the baby do the magic hand thing!” line is iconic. 

Greef Karga details 

6. IG-11

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IG-11's first life as a capable assassin droid. 

IG-11, initially programmed to be an assassin droid, ends up an unexpected hero as he sacrifices his life for the rest of the group. 

What makes IG-11 awesome: 

- Din likely would’ve died from his injuries if IG-11 hadn’t been there to save him. As the only non-lifeform present, he was able to remove Din’s helmet without compromising Din’s Mandalorian philosophy. 

- He self-destructed to save Baby Yoda and the rest of the group, a selfless act that also softens Din’s hatred of all droids. 

IG-11 details 

5. The Armorer 

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The cool and mysterious Armorer in her forge. 

Although we never see her face and she has few lines in The Mandalorian, the Armorer plays a pretty important role throughout the series. 

What makes the Armorer awesome: 

- She’s one of the first, if not the first, female blacksmiths/metalworkers that I’ve ever seen in any movie or TV show, and that’s pretty awesome to see. 

- Her fight scene against the Stormtroopers in Chapter 8 is impressive to witness, and along with her strong reliance on the Mandalorian Way, it makes her a stunning example of peak Mandalorian culture. 

The Armorer details

4. Cara Dune

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Cara Dune preparing to face off aganist the Stormtroopers. 

Cara Dune is a former shock trooper and a current mercenary, and she teams up with Din both on Sorgan and in the show’s final fight. 

What makes Cara awesome: 

- Her combat abilities rival that of Din’s, and she’s a loyal and effective warrior. 

- Although she fought for the New Republic as a shock trooper, she wasn’t afraid to pave her own way, defecting from her military job when it no longer involved any fighting against the Empire. Later, when she works with Din on Nevarro, she agrees because she gets to fight the Empire again. She’s a cool, spite-fueled warrior. 

Cara Dune details  

3. Kuiil 

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Kuiil atop one of his beloved blurrgs. 

Kuiil is a moisture farmer that saves Din from attacking blurrgs while Din’s searching for Baby Yoda. Later, Kuiil helps protect that same baby in Chapter 8. 

What makes Kuiil awesome: 

- He helps Din in every way possible: helping him track down Baby Yoda in Chapter 1; retrieving the parts of the Razor Crest that were stolen by Jawas, and then rebuilding Din’s ship with him in a single night; and finally giving up his life in an attempt to protect Baby Yoda. And all this because Din was a guest of his. Now that’s hospitality. 

- He used to be an Imperial slave, but worked his entire life to gain his freedom and never serve under anyone again, an achievement that’s very impressive. 

- In his current job as a moisture farmer, he has a great amount of compassion for others, including castoffs like the destroyed IG-11 and the aggressive blurrgs. 

Kuiil details 

2. Baby Yoda/The Child 

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Baby Yoda being adorable, per usual. 

Baby Yoda is the target that Din’s initially after, but Baby Yoda turns out to be… a baby. 

What makes Baby Yoda awesome: 

- He’s absolutely adorable. Everything about him is adorable, from his big ears to his little cooing noises.  

- He shows his love for Din by repeatedly helping him in a fight with his Force abilities, even to the point of becoming so exhausted he passes out. 

- He’s the biggest mystery in the series. What species is he, and what does the Empire want with him?

Baby Yoda details 

1. The Mandalorian/Din Djarin 

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The Mandalorian, aka the best single dad in the galaxy. 

The Mandalorian, otherwise known as Din, is a bounty hunter who has to track down the Child for a mission. 

What makes Din awesome: 

- He’s an amazing Mandalorian fighter, showcasing his skills especially in Chapter 6 during the prison heist. Even after being locked in a prison cell, he escapes and locks up the rest of the heist crew in return.

- The juxtaposition of him being both a hardened bounty hunter and a single father just trying his best is perfect. His protectiveness and love for Baby Yoda makes them a cute duo, and it’s really cool to watch him grow into a better and better father figure.  

- His beskar-armored look is so visually appealing. 

Din details

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