Hearthstone: How To Get Gold Fast

hearthstone how to earn gold
07 Apr 2020

How much is enough gold in Hearthstone?

 If you're a long time fan of the series, you'd know you can open dozens of packs and still want more. Hearthstone gold has two main uses in the game, buy packs or run arenas. The two most exciting parts of the game are coincidentally the same.

People sometimes pay just to keep up with the current rotation of cards in Hearthstone, and that's how they skirt around the issue of playing the games for hours on end.

That can be extremely frustrating. However, it's always possible to get your collection up to snuff with current cardpools if you simply manage your gold and come into a new meta game as quickly as you can.

5. Tavern Brawl

Do your tavern brawl every week. It's worth it for a basic pack. Most of them don't require a collection of cards. Jump in and see what crazy decks you're playing this week even if you're not so interested in constructed. 

  • Doesn't require a huge collection to be competitive or at least win your weekly pack of cards.
  • Usually fun and interesting. If a Tavern Brawl is good, Blizzard will bring it back at a later date. It's updated weekly.

4. Clear your quest log every three days at minimum.

Hearthstone is a garden, your strategies grow as you learn more. You can always be competitive. If there's a new card printed, I guarantee there's a similar card in the base set. If you enjoy playing the game, and you want to dive in, dive in. You'll win some, you'll lose some. But you'll learn the strategies of the best players working with the tools they have available. You can build your toolbox exactly like that playing casually.

  • Keeping your quest log cleared will always keep you stocked up on gold if your grinding habits are better than your spending habits.
  • There are hidden quests that range from something as simple as winning a game with every class to something as difficult as obtaining the base set. There's always a goal to work toward, but you mainly want to focus on your daily quests.

3. Arena

Arena is a commodity. Learn to game it, and you can win big. Going infinite (averaging 7 wins) is not feasible, though. If you're sitting at 150 gold, queue an arena, build the best deck you can build, and put in your duels. It's a fair battleground of chance. If you lose, you're still getting a pack out of it. If you win, you may get a few packs. That's what the game is really about. As long as you can average 3 wins, it's the most efficient way to spend your gold. If you like streams and playing Hearthstone, check out Kripparian. He has a lot of great tips on how to be a consistent arena player.

  • Arena is the most efficient way to spend your gold. It gives you the chance to easily break even with buying a pack, but a lottery chance to sometimes triple your gold earnings. If you can draft (or even install an addon to help you draft well), an arena is a great option.
  • So many tutorials and great streamers who will teach you how to play arena well. I think Kripparian is the main guy around, but Hafu, HSTrump, and a range of other likable streamers have done guides on how to get better at Hearthstone arena. Plenty of content on the subject.

2. Try climing the standard ladder when you have some downtime.

At higher ranks, standard is a nightmare because people with every card are hanging out there. The climb is where you learn to build deck archetypes. You learn the puzzle pieces you need for your edge. You learn the combinations that can win you endless victories. It will rotate, but you can still play your favorite deck in the Wild format.

  • Standard ladder is the true test of your collection's power level. A healthy collection can stay up to date on what's going on now in Hearthstone.
  • Bonus gold at the end of every month depending on your rank. At certain ranks, there will be gold cards offered to you that will give a great boost in arcane dust to craft the cards you want to craft.

1. Battlegrounds

It's a new feature to the game. It's almost an entirely new game in the Hearthstone client. Your collection doesn't matter. Everyone is selecting from card pools. It's free to play, and most importantly, it's fun and fresh for card game enthusiasts. It's a nice features, and it's a fair way to grind gold with no collection of cards.

  • Battlegrounds is something seperate from Hearthstone in the game. You do not need a collection to win. The first game you ever play, you have a chance of winning.
  • Interesting PvP interactions and strategic gameplay.

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