Top 10 Best Wheels in Rocket League

best Rocket League wheels.
27 Aug 2020

Which wheels will seal the deal for your Rocket League car design?


You’re sporting a sick paint job, wearing a funny topper, and bombarding the goal with your sick goal explosions. Now all you need are the wheels, which can make or break the look of a car. For this article, I’m going to be looking at the sickest wheels that are easy to find or obtain. So no wheels that are found on the premium cars like the DeLorean or the Batmobile.

I’m also a fan of matching colors, so some wheels may work or they may not work depending on which team you’re on. Red wheels on a blue car isn’t all that great a look, and vice versa.

10. Foreman

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Foreman? Fore-midable.

If you’ve decked out one of the bigger, bulkier cars like the Merc or the Roadhog, these are the wheels for you. With it’s off road tires the huge sheet of metal making up the rim, this wheel screams nothing but tough. It’s a common item too, so you start out with it regardless.

9. Invader

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Wheels for the space race.

If you’re looking for something more alien, the Invader works great. It’s got lots of gaps and space, and on a lowrider like the Dominus it makes it look like it’s floating. While this is a common wheel, the Invader also has painted variations. If you’re lucky enough to come across one in a loot crate, your car will really pop.

8. Trahere

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Adhere to the Trahere.

I like this wheel because it’s got just a hint of color to it, at least it does when it isn’t painted. That subtle red line mixed with the black rim is seriously cool, especially for a common item. Not only that, it’s got the same awesome off-road look the Foreman has, and works great with cars big or small.

7. Tempest

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Feeling tempted by the Tempest?

This wheel has such a jagged design compared to some of the others on this list. It isn’t perfectly symmetrical, but it sticks out like a sore thumb because of that. Not every car needs to be perfect, sometimes a chaotic and confusing wheel like this works better on a car. The only bummer is this wheel doesn’t have any painted variants, but at least it’s a common item, so you get it right out the gate.

6. Rat Rod

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Just a big slab of steel.

While this isn’t the best looking wheel on this list, it is my personal favorite. It’s got color, flare, and classic styling in mind. Even in real life, these large sleds make me smile. It’s a common wheel that comes in red as standard, so it only really works for the red team (unless you want to class colors.. However, if you’re lucky to stumble upon a painted version of this that works for a car on the blue team, you’ll outstyle your opponents with ease.

5. Zeta

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The spikey selection.

Like the Invader, the Zeta has a lot of empty space inside and creates that sort of hovering look. The thing I really like about this one are the spikes along the sides, which feel invisibly connected to the center. This is considered a rare wheel, which means you just have to keep playing in order to find it. Persistence is key.

4. Nipper

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Nipper is the hipper choice.

This is a funky wheel. Everytime I look at it I’m reminded of an octopus or a spider, and that’s why I like it. It also stands out with that baby blue hue to it. The yellow rim helps compliment that color choice as well, and if you happen to find a painted version you’ll really look slick (my favorite of the painted version is purple). This wheel is classified as a very rare wheel, meaning that you’ll find it in a victory loot crate or can trade it with other players. Just keep on playing and hope luck is on your side for this one.

3. Septum

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You would even say they glow.

Another one I use on a regular basis, the Septum is perfect for a blue team car as it is. Not only that, it’s got futuristic tire treads with that blue tint, which just adds to how futuristic it looks. It’s got painted variants too that change the color of the tires, which look almost like their glowing as you drive along. Keep an eye out for this very rare wheel in the player’s choice loot boxes you’ll come across while playing.

2. Gaiden

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For a more sinister look.

Black. All important wheels are black. But in all seriousness, the Gaiden can work as is with either your red or blue team version of the car. It’s color neutral, but not shiny or metallic. This very rare wheel would make a sleek addition to your collection, so long as it pops up in either the accelerator crate or player’s choice crate.

1. Masato

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Still feeling blue?

This wheel is cool as ice, smooth like butter, it’s the perfect addition to your collection. It comes in blue standard, but it’s got plenty of paint variants you can pray you come across. Even if you’re stuck with only blue, it’s not a bad looking wheel. It’s simple, yet sleek. Keep your eyes peeled for this very rare wheel inside of an impact crate.

So there you have it. Some of these wheels are harder to get than others, but they’re not impossible to attain. Just keep playing, keep finding crates, and you’ll very likely stumble upon one of the rare or very rare wheels on this list.

At the end of the day, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has their own style, so find what works for you. Just please, don’t use the fidget spinner wheels.

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