[Top 5] Titanfall 2 Best Titans

titanfall 2 best titans legion tone northstar ion ronin
06 Dec 2022

Dominate your enemies with these elite Titans.

Titanfall 2 has seven mech-like Titans you can shoot, stab, smolder and literally squash the competition with.

It’s difficult to choose a Titan that doesn’t do drastic damage. Yet while Respawn Entertainment has balanced each Titan so they’re all Optimus Primes, you want the top Titans for fighting on the Frontier. 

Here are the five best Titans for causing carnage:

5. Legion

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Legion firing his Predator Cannon for sustained damage

If you like to push the enemy while absorbing and dealing high amounts of damage, Legion is a solid choice. You punish opponents with his Predator Cannon, a powerful minigun, although it’s offset by its long spin-up time. 

You can alternate between long and short range fire with Mode Switch. This Tactical ability applies to both his Predator Cannon and Ordnance ability, Power Shot.

Power Shot heats up the Cannon, so its six barrels instantaneously spin to produce either a Shotgun-like blast (short range mode), or a Railgun-like projectile (long range mode). You can also deploy a shield around his Predator Cannon with the aptly named Defensive ability, Gun Shield.

When Legion’s Core meter is full, you can activate smart lock-on. This temporarily grants unlimited ammo and a 100% chance that every shot will land.

Some more things that make him great:

  • Power Shot, in short range mode, inflicts nearly as much damage as a fully charged Railgun shot—one of the highest damage outputs in the game. 
  • The Hidden Compartment Titan Kit, available at Legion level 9, adds an extra charge to Power Shot, meaning you can fire it twice. Its immediate damage increases +70%—a boon when you consider the significantly long spin-up time and sustained nature of the Predator Cannon.
  • A full clip from the Predator Cannon, in short range mode, does enough sustained damage to take down any Titan—Legion is the only Titan whose primary weapon alone can do this.

Power Rating: 88/100

4. Tone

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Tone looking as determined as ever to dispense rocket-guided destruction

Tone is a good choice if you like to consistently deal damage from medium to long range. Her primary weapon, the 40mm Tracker Cannon, grants one tracker mark each time you hit its target. Once the target has three marks, you can unleash her guided Tracking Rockets for high damage.

Tone’s Tactical ability, Sonar Lock, reveals nearby enemies and grants one mark for the closest available target. You can erect a Particle Wall with her Defensive ability, which blocks incoming fire. Salvo Core unloads a batch of guided missiles that goes wherever you aim. 

What makes Tone great:

  • Tracking Rockets has no cooldown. As long as you consistently apply trackers to enemy Titans—you can spam this ability for serious damage.
  • Enhanced Tracker Rounds, Tone’s first available Titan Kit, makes critical hits generate two marks instead of one—ultimately letting you use her Tracking Rockets more often.
  • Particle Wall nullifies everything but Ronin’s Arc Waves, which frees up Tone’s movement on the battlefield—making her an excellent anchor for your team.

Power Rating: 91/100 

3. Northstar

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Northstar Prime taking flight with her VTOL ability

One of the most nimble Titans, Northstar is Titanfall 2’s sniper class. Her Plasma Railgun, which is essentially a sniper rifle, charges power as you aim down sights. You can hold this charge indefinitely.

You can hover over the battlefield with her Tactical ability, VTOL Hover. Her Defensive ability, Tether Trap, immobilizes enemy Titans with one mine; or two with the Twin Traps Titan Kit, available at Northstar Level 7. You can also utilize Cluster Missiles for supplemental damage.

Flight Core is a powerful attack. Once her Core meter is full, you can hover and discharge a slew of rockets at your foes on the ground like an F-16 fighter jet.

Some more things that make her great:

  • Plasma Railgun has the highest single shot damage of all the Titans’ primary weapons when fully charged—easily suppressing distant enemy Titans. 
  • Since you can hold the Railgun charge indefinitely, you can safely peek around corners before firing for quick, significant damage.
  • VTOL Hover, when used correctly with Northstar’s high mobility and Railgun, creates more damage opportunities for her than any other Titan.  

Power Rating: 94/100

2. Ion

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Ion looking ready to wreak havoc with her Splitter Rifle

Ion is the most well-rounded Titan. She’s the first available Titan and suitable for beginners, but that doesn’t make her a slouch. She’s very versatile on the battlefield.

Ion’s primary weapon, the Splitter Rifle, is arguably the weakest part of her arsenal; it rapid-fires a spread of three energy rounds, but once Ion reaches level 9, you can upgrade the spread to five shots.

Her Ordnance ability, Laser Shot, compensates for the relative weakness of the Splitter Rifle by searing through opponents with a deadly laser beam. You can keep incoming enemy Titans at bay with her Tactical ability, Tripwire, which deals massive explosive damage if triggered.

You can also stop incoming fire in its tracks and deflect it back to her foes using her Defensive ability, Vortex Shield. Ion’s ultra destructive Laser Core scorches her foes with a red ray like Supergirl.

Some more reasons why Ion is awesome:

  • Vortex Shield has the potential to redirect 100% of incoming damage. Its large hitbox also increases the surface area for absorbing enemy fire.
  • Laser Shot is extremely accurate and very difficult for enemies to avoid.
  • Laser Core can prove troublesome even for a group of enemy Titans. It’s also useful for clearing out objectives and taking down tank Titans.

Power Rating: 96/100

1. Ronin

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Ronin swinging his electrically enhanced sword

Another highly mobile Titan, Ronin specializes in hit and run tactics. He’s highly effective at short range and uses a giant sword for melee. His primary weapon is the Leadwall Shotgun, which can be devastating to any target—Pilot and Titan alike (if they’re close enough to you, of course).

You can quickly escape dangerous situations and avoid incoming fire with his Tactical ability, Phase Dash. You can further mitigate damage with Sword Block, which you can hold indefinitely. His Ordnance ability, Arc Wave, sends a straight-line electric wave that slows and damages enemies.

Once Ronin’s Core is fully charged, you can activate Sword Core to power up his blade with an electrical current. In addition to buffing sword damage and adding new attacks, Sword Core also increases the recharge rate for Sword Block and Arc Wave, meaning you can use these abilities more often while Sword Core is active.

Some more things that make Ronin the number one top Titan:

  • Sword Block reduces 70% of all damage, excluding melee attacks—allowing Ronin to act as a distraction or push to the enemy.
  • You can “shot-block” incoming fire in succession with Ronin’s sword, due to his rapid pull-up and drop speed.
  • Arc Wave breaks Particles Walls and Gun Shields—exposing Tone and Legion to incoming damage.
  • You can turn the tide of battle with Sword Core. Between the augmented damage over time, and boosted Dash regeneration, Ronin can be a slippery force of utter destruction.

Power Rating: 99/100

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