[Top 12] Hearthstone Best Wild Decks

04 May 2024

What are Wild Decks? 

Hearthstone offers many different modes of play and Wild Mode is definitely one of the most intense. This mode of play allows players to use cards from any sets ever made without any card restrictions.

Players can build some incredibly wicked decks that even the top standard decks can’t compete with. Some would argue that this is the one mode that will really challenge a person’s skill, since there are no restrictions, but, even without the restrictions, some decks are still far better than others.  

12. Mine Rogue 

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You can run, but you can’t outrun the Naval Mine. 

The Naval Mine card is the key component of this deck. The strategy is to trigger this card's deathrattle multiple times to deal big damage to your opponent. Combos play a large part in almost all rogue decks, and this deck is particularly known for its nasty combos. Use card combos to deal face damage to your opponent and look for ways to trigger the Naval Mine multiple times in rapid succession. Your opponent won’t like this!

This deck is explosive and a lot of fun. It isn’t as great as some of the top tier Wild decks, but it can hold its own pretty well. This is a deck that can be frustrating to play against due to the combos, and the way that Naval Mine can be triggered. 

Mine Rogue is a fantastic wild deck because it has so many solid strengths. This deck is aggressive and its burst damage is overwhelming. The deck is flexible and has quite a few removal spells to help maintain board control. I think that one of the things that makes this deck a great  Wild Deck, is its ability to cause massive burst damage. . There is almost nothing more irritating than a Warrior or a Druid that wont quit stacking armor. Armor means nothing to the Mine Rogue when its popping Naval Mines 

Mine Rogue Strengths

  • Burst damage that can eliminate opponents quickly. 

  • Strong combos that lock other classes down. 

  • Removal spells that help the Rogue maintain board control. 

  •  The ability to trigger deathrattles multiple times. 

  • Fun to play, with the burst damage and the combos, this deck will hold your attention. 

Mine Rogue Cards

  • Backstab x 2
  • Counterfeit Coin x 2
  • Preparation x 2
  • Shadow of Demise x 1 
  • Door of Shadows x 2
  • Gear Shift x 2
  • Ghostly Strike x 2
  • Gone Fishin’ x 2
  • SI:7 Extortion x 2 
  • Secret Passage x 2
  • Shadestone Skulker x 2
  • Cavern Shinyfinder x 1
  • Swindle x 2
  • Necrium Blade x 2
  • Snowfall Graveyard x 2
  • Naval Mine x 2 

11. XL Reno Quest Mage

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Where there’s a Reno, there’s a way. 

This deck relies heavily on the Questline mechanic. The strategy here is to complete the Open the Waygate Questline while controlling the board. The XL Reno Quest Mage contains a mixture of combos, removal spells, and value generating cards. The deck contains 30 unique cards, no duplicates, because Reno will heal your hero back to full health when played, if the deck contains no duplicates. That’s huge, and could potentially swing a game in your favor! This is not an aggressive deck, and surviving for the late game is imperative. One thing that this deck has, is a lot of surprises! 

This Wild Deck has many strengths, but it has some pretty obvious weaknesses as well. One being the dependency on completing the questline. If you’re not drawing or able to play cards to complete the questline, this could hinder your game. As with most mage decks, healing opportunities are limited, so use your full heal Reno wisely. Honestly, the strengths and weaknesses for this deck balance each other out, so overall, this is a very balanced deck, and careful strategizing can make all of the difference here. 

XL Reno Quest Mage is a great Wild Deck! It’s fun to play, and you’re equipped with enough removal spells and combos to survive a while. Pair that with Reno’s ability to restore all of your health, and you’ve got this! This deck has ranked in the top 3 Legend status for Wild Decks according to Hearthstone Top Decks, and rightfully so! There is so much versatility here, and so many options available to play to match your opponent. 

XL Reno Quest Mage Strengths

  • Versatility- this is a huge strength for this deck, because with 30 unique cards, you can set up for so many different situations, making this deck viable against all of the other classes. 

  • Extra turn- when you finish the questline, you’re granted an extra turn! This alone could win you a game. 

  • Board clears- this deck contains a lot of removal spells, so maintaining board control isn’t a hard task. 

  • Surprise factor- this deck is the conductor of chaos! Paired with extra turns, a full heal, combos, and many removal spells, you’re full of surprises here. 

XL Reno Quest Mage Cards

  • Arcane Artificer x 1
  • Discovery of Magic x 1
  • Evocation x 1
  • First Flame x 1
  • Open the Waygate x 1
  • Ancient Mysteries x 1
  • Conjure Mana Biscuit x 1
  • Heat Wave x 1
  • Hidden Objects x 1 
  • Infinitize the Maxitude x 1
  • Primordial Glyph x 1
  • Prismatic Elemental x 1
  • Rewind x 1
  • Stargazing x 1
  • Vast Wisdom x 1
  • Flame Ward x 1
  • Frost Nova x 1
  • Ice Block x 1
  • Nightcloak Sanctum x 1
  • Solid Alibi x 1
  • Commander Sivara x 1
  • Fire Sale x 1
  • Potion of Illusion x 1
  • Varden Dawngrasp x 1
  • Volume Up x 1
  • Wisdom of Norgannon x 1
  • Magister Dawngrasp x 1
  • Grand Magister Rommath x 1

10. Alexstrasza Rogue

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Watch your back! 

Alexstrasza rogue is an OTK (one turn kill) deck! This deck works off of combos that give you the opportunity to deal enough burst damage to one shot your opponents. Those combos are crucial! You have  combos that let you play other cards cheaper, and if done correctly, you can play multiple copies of Alexstrasza to deal massive burst damage to your opponent. This strategy is pretty concrete, meaning, you may not fare so well if you can’t utilize your combos efficiently. 

This deck is so nasty and full of surprises. If you’re not familiar with an OTK deck and how they operate, you’ll quickly learn that you need to deal with your opponents' minions quickly, and not allow them to build board presence.This deck is strong, but a real weakness is that if someone is familiar with the Alexstrasza Rogue deck, they know your strategyand can counter you. . This deck has limited opportunities to heal, and aggressive decks can pressure you causing you to compromise combos to survive. Overall, it requires a lot of familiarity with your combos and cards, and can be frustrating until you get the hang of it, but this deck contains a lot of potential, and is another top eLgendary Wild Deck. 

This is a great Wild Deck because of its OTK ability and straightforward strategy. The strategy doesn’t change. There are more strengths in this deck than there are weaknesses. Once you’re familiar with it, it’s a lot of fun to play and it is fast paced. Massive burst damage is a real treat if you haven’t experienced it yet. 

Alexstrasza Rogue Strengths

  • Massive burst damage- this is a serious strength here, and the core value of any OTK deck. End your opponents swiftly with combos that deal burst damage. 

  • Mana cheat- playing combos that allow you to play cards for free, or for way less than they would generally cost, will give you an edge. 

  • Versatility- the many combos allows this deck to change it’s play style a bit to adapt to your opponent. 

Alexstrasza Rogue Cards

  • Counterfeit Coin x 2
  • Preparation x 2
  • Shadow of Demise x 1
  • Shadowstep x 2
  • Blackwater Cutlass x 2
  • Deafen x 1
  • Dig for Treasure x 2
  • Door of Shadows x 1
  • Gone Fishin’ x 2
  • Secret Passage x 2
  • Evasion x 2
  • Foxy Fraud x 1
  • Serrated Bone Spike x 2
  • Swindle x 2 
  • Shroud of Concealment x 2
  • Scabbs Cutterbutter x 1 
  • Spirit of the Shark x 1
  • Shadowcaster x 1
  • E.T.C. Band Manager x 1 (Bounce Around (ft. Garona, Potion of Illusion, & Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder)

9. Even Paladin

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Let’s even the odds. 

The Even Paladin is such a unique deck, it uses only even cost cards. This deck relies heavily on board control and using your hero power. Being restricted to only even cost cards takes some getting used to, you really have to focus on your mana with this deck. Your Silver Hand Recruits that you generate using your hero power will create a board presence for you. This deck has a few strong early game minions that can help with board presence.. With Even Paladin being a control deck, that’s one of your main focuses. You have a few mid game minions that are strong as well, but late game is where this deck shines. Board control is the key, and then you buff your minions mid to late game. 

Resource management is very important with the Even Paladin deck.  Control decks play well against all types of decks because of their ability to create a board presence that will aid you in attacking and defending. A drawback to this deck is the lack of removal spells. You have your minions to help with board control, but you don’t really have any direct removal spells to assist you. Having to sacrifice your minions to manage the board can hinder the Even Paladin’s strategy. This can be an aggressive deck, but playing against opponents that have large taunt minions will be difficult.Overall, this deck is good and it can be fun, but it has some pretty serious weaknesses. 

This deck is a good Wild Deck because even though there are the weaknesses to consider, this deck has some pretty great strengths as well. While this is a midrange deck, it can put out some surprising burst damage, and board control comes easy to the Even Paladin. This deck is pretty adaptable too when considering the amount of minions that it has, as well as the availability of burst damage options.

Even Paladin Strengths

  • Strong Board Development- there are many opportunities to stack some Silver Hand Recruits on the board and buff them to make them much stronger. The Recruits are cheap and give you the chance to start early and build an unstoppable board! 

  • Mid-range power- this deck doesn’t fall directly one direction. It balances between being aggressive and controlling the board, giving it more flexibility than a lot of other decks. 

  • Cheap hero power- Having enn Greymane in your deck makes your starting hero power cost one mana.You can summon a Silver Hand Recruit for just one mana each turn. This allows you to continue to push toward controlling the board and pressuring your opponent! 

Even Paladin Cards

  • Adaptation x 1
  • Blood Matriarch Liadrin x 1
  • Hand of A’dal x 2
  • Hi Ho Silverwing x 2
  • Mining Casualties x 2 
  • Rebuke x 1
  • Showdown! X 2
  • Call to Arms x 2
  • Crusader Aura x 2
  • Flash Sale x 1
  • Horn of the Windlord x 1
  • Prismatic Beam x 2
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 (Pylon Module & Ticking Module) 
  • Crabrider x 2
  • Dirty Rat x 2
  • Nerub’ar Weblord x 2
  • Trapdoor Spider x 1
  • Genn Greymane x 1
  • Sea Giant x 2

8.  Questline Demon Hunter

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Meet the mayhem! 

You will not have an opportunity to get bored while playing this deck! Questline Demon Hunter is super fast-paced and very aggressive. A lot of your cards are low cost and will give you a strong early game. This deck is incredibly flexible and has many opportunities to draw cards to maintain the card advantage, as well as removal spells to maintain board control.Use your low cost minions to trade value with your opponents minions and attack your opponents face when you can, and you’ve got a good chance to win. You don’t need to rush to complete the questline, just discount cards as often as you can so that you can maintain board control. The Demon Hunter is such a versatile class but it does lack armor gain abilities. Health gain is pretty limited as well, but it’s something that you can work around with some lifesteal minions and weapons paired with strategic gameplay. 

The Questline Demon Hunter is a very strong deck and it’s versatile enough to play most other decks, although it struggles against Warrior and Hunter decks. That isn’t to say that it can’t win against these decks, because it most definitely can, just prepare for a longer game. Questline Demon Hunter is easy to play though and is a suitable deck for both beginners and experienced players. All decks come with some weaknesses though and the weaknesses in this deck are particularly frustrating. It struggles against control decks because its minions are pretty fragile and it’s vulnerable to taunt decks because of the dependency on face damage. Even though the minions in this deck are fragile, they’re very versatile and can adapt to many different situations, making them unique. Overall, this deck is a great choice, and the weaknesses really don’t outweigh its strengths. 

Questline Demon Hunter Strengths

  • Strong early game- As far as aggressive decks go, this one is one of the most aggressive. Equipped with low cost minions to gain early game board presence, as well as weapons and combos to gain attack, you can set yourself up for a very strong early game. 

  • Card Advantage- This deck contains a lot of draw cards, giving you a chance to refill your hand, and look for some cards to play to your situation. There are also a lot of ways to discount card costs in this deck, allowing you to play more cards each turn!

  • Flexible spells- There are spells in this deck that have the “discover” ability, giving you the opportunity to search for minions or spells that will be beneficial to your current game. 

Questline Demon Hunter Cards

  • Consume Magic  x 2
  • Crimson Sigil Runner x 2
  • Double Jump x 2
  • Felosophy x 2
  • Fierce Outsider x 2
  • Final Showdown x 1 
  • Illidari Studies x 2
  • Mana Burn x 2
  • Sigil of Alacrity x 2
  • Spectral Sight x 2
  • Glaivetar x 2
  • Glide x 2
  • Irebound Brute x 2
  • Vengeful Walloper x 2
  • Zephrys the Great x 1
  • Gaslight Gatekeeper  x 2

7. Pirate Rogue

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All hail the Pirate King!!!

The Pirate Rogue aims to stay one step ahead of their opponent. With strong, low cost minions, you can gain early board presence, and then use your combos to keep ahead of the game. This is another aggressive deck. Pirate Rogue isn’t as aggressive as some of the other decks on this list but it can still be tough to beat!. This deck relies heavily on its weapons and combos, so strategy is super important here. It’s easy to play a card prematurely and throw your game, so be patient, and play the long game. This deck is good at outlasting others. 

The Pirate Rogue is a little more difficult to play due to the use of combos and the strategy involved in playing them efficiently. The weapon synergies and combos are a lot of fun and they can cause massive damage to your opponent. The Pirate Rogue excels at board control and has plenty of minions to maintain a strong board presence. An issue with this deck is the lack of heals that generally comes with playing an aggressive deck. Along with lack of heals, board presence is such a necessary component of your game that playing against classes that have heavy AoE and removal spells can be tough. At the end of the day, the Pirate Rogue has a couple of weaknesses, and isn’t the first choice for wild decks, but it’s a lot of fun to play, and worth giving a try! 

This deck is a great choice when playing Wild Mode because it’s strong and offers a unique style of play. It will provide you with more of a challenge if that’s something that you’re interested in. I would not recommend this deck to someone that is new to the game, but experienced players can ruin opponents with it. There’s also some peace of mind that can be gained from overwhelming your opponent with a fleet of pirates, so try it out, enjoy it! 

Pirate Rogue Strengths

  • Applies pressure fast- this deck is quick to start the game and apply pressure fast to your opponent. If they give you an inch, you’ll take a mile. 

  • Weapon synergy- the weapon synergy in this deck is outstanding, play them with other cards and gain bonus effects as well as massive damage output. 

  • Combos- These are HUGE, and a serious strength in this deck. Your combos are almost everything. They can cause huge amounts of damage, allow you to draw more cards, and make your minions stronger! 

  • Fun- maybe this isn’t a true strength, but it’s important! This deck is so much fun, and that’s honestly the most integral part of the game. 

Pirate Rogue Cards

  • Cold Blood x 2
  • Fillet Fighter x 2
  • Gear Shift x 2
  • Jolly Roger x 2
  • Prize Plunderer x 2
  • Secret Passage x 2
  • Toy Boat x 2
  • Swordfish x 2
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 (Pylon Module & Ticking Module)
  • Patches the Pirate x 1
  • Southsea Deckhand x 2
  • Treasure Distributor x 2
  • Parachute Brigand x 2
  • Ship’s Cannon x 2
  • Dread Corsair x 2
  • Frenzied Felwing x 2

6. XL Questline Warlock

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No one cheats death like a Warlock. 

 The goal in this deck is to complete the starting questline as soon as possible to receive Blightborn Tamsin. When you play her, all damage that you deal to yourself is dealt to your opponent instead! This is HUGE, and a good time!  This deck is composed of some pretty good early game minions that can help with board control. A lot of minions in this deck will damage you when played. Ideally, you want to save those until you’ve completed the questline and then take your opponent out quickly. 

This deck is unique because your main strategy is to deal damage to yourself! Even when working toward completing the questline you’ll be damaging yourself. It’s a straightforward and easy to follow strategy but this does require quite the learning curve. You have to make precise decisions due to the heavy damage you’ll deal to yourself and when to use the few heals that you have available to you. Healing options are limited. So the fear factor here is dealing damage to yourself and hoping that your opponent doesn’t end you before you complete the questline!  The questline is so important to this deck that it can also be seen as a weakness because if an opponent disrupts your questline, this can hinder your strategy. 

XL Questline Warlockis still a top choice when playing Ranked Wild Modes because it’s strong enough to contend with most other decks. This deck has high win rates, according to hsreplay, and is still a top Legendary Ranked Wild Deck. This speaks volumes when you’re looking for a deck that can provide you with consistent wins. 

 XL Questline Warlock Strengths

  • Easy to achieve questline- This deck’s powerful questline is easy to achieve, as the Warlock is great at imposing self-harm!

  • Resource Discount- this deck has a lot of ways to discount cards and this allows you to play multiple cards in a turn. 

  • Board Clears- this deck has a lot of removal spells that will progress your questline and clear your opponents board! 

 XL Questline Warlock Cards

  • Raise Dead x 2
  • Dark Pact x 2
  • Kobold Librarian x 2 
  • Plague of Flames x 2
  • Soulfreeze x 2
  • Spirit Bomb x 2
  • The Demon Seed x 1
  • The Soularium x 1
  • Touch of the Nathrezim x 2
  • Curse of Rafaam x 1
  • Defile x 1
  • Elementium Geode x 2
  • Backfire x 2
  • Darkglare x 1
  • Hellfire x 2
  • Imprisoned Horror x 2
  • Flesh Giant x 2
  • Table Flip x 1
  • Animated Broomstick x 2
  • Crystallizer x 2
  • Tour Guide x 1
  • Dirty Rate x 1
  • Prince Renethal x 1
  • Loatheb x 1
  • Molten Giant x 2

5.  Odyn Control Warrior

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“That’s thirty defense, to be exact” - Odyn, Prime Designate

This is the control deck, of all control decks. Your strategy is to stack armor, and stack armor, and stack armor. Did I mention that you need to stack armor? When you’re not stacking armor, use your minions and removal spells to control that board, that’s the second part of your strategy. When you can play Odyn, Prime Designate, do it! This card allows you to gain attack  power whenever you gain armor! This can give you massive attacks, ending your opponent quickly. Keep an eye on your board while you stack armor, don’t give your opponent board advantage, because remember, despite the armor stacking defense this deck maintains, this is a control deck. 

Odyn Control Warrior is a nasty deck. It’s strong and controls the board with little effort with strong minions, taunt minions, and plenty of removal spells. Armor stacking is huge for this deck and makes it incredibly difficult to touch. This deck in the late game is tough to beat. If you plan on getting a leg up on Odyn Control Warrior, do it early. As far as control decks go, this one is a bit slower to start. There are less strong early game minions, so the beginning of the game is just a bunch of armor stacking. You’re not really able to pressure your opponent until late game. Combo decks can be tough for Odyn Control Warrior because of their super strong early games and burst damage. This deck is strong and another ranked legend wild deck! You won't win all of your games, but you’ll surely win a lot of them! 

The armor stacking and insane survivability of the Odyn Control Warrior are what makes this deck great! Let’s not forget when playing Odyn, Prime Designate, you start to attack anytime you gain armor, and this deck is loaded with armor stacking opportunities! 

Odyn Control Warrior Strengths

  • Survivability- This is the top strength of this deck. The armor stacking makes you feel invincible when playing Odyn Control Warrior. 

  • Late-Game Power- this deck is so strong once Odyn, Prime Designate is played. It will be tough for an opponent to push through your defense and survive the burst damage you’ll inflict once he’s on the board. 

  • Board control- This is a control deck, so this may be an obvious strength. The removal spells in this particular deck are numerous. There are also some AoE removal spells which you won't generally find in heavy defense decks, this gives this deck a unique edge. 

Odyn Control Warrior Cards

  • Garrosh’s Gift x 2
  • Shield Slam x 2
  • Bash x 2
  • Bladestorm x 2
  • Safety Goggles x 2
  • Shield Block x 2
  • Stoneskin Armorer x 2
  • Heavy Plate x 2
  • Craftsman’s Hammer x 2
  • Aftershocks x 1
  • Sanitize x 2
  • Trial by Fire x 2
  • Odyn, Prime Designate x 1
  • Acolyte of Pain x 2
  • Photographer Fizzle x 1
  • Ignis, the Eternal Flame x 1
  • Justicar Trueheart x 1
  • Reno, Lone Ranger x 1

4. OTK Miracle Druid

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Don’t blink, you might miss what happens next. 

OTK decks are some of the most fascinating decks to play. The OTK Miracle Druid relies on combos and a solid strategy. With this deck, you want to gain mana quickly, you have cards that will help you ramp up your mana. Try to mulligan for those. You have mana refresh combos, look for those and look for combos that will deal massive spell damage to your opponent. Applying pressure quickly. Your spells will do most of the dirty work for you, you’ve just gotta keep up with your combos. 

This deck can be difficult to play since combo timing is important, so I would not recommend it to new players. Experienced players have a blast with this one, it can provide a good challenge. The OTK Miracle Druid is versatile and has a little bit of everything, helping it adapt effortlessly when playing all other classes. You can ramp up mana quickly, there are plenty of healing and removal spells, as well as armor stacking spells to increase survivability. An issue with this deck is that it’s dependent on card draw, ramping mana is so crucial to your ability to play key cards. Your early game will be weak due to your focus on ramping mana, making you vulnerable. The deck is fairly balanced and has some pretty powerful spells. There are a couple of weaknesses with this one, but you can adjust your strategy a bit to play efficiently against specific decks. 

OTK Miracle Druid is a good wild deck. It’s balanced and versatile, giving it an edge that most other decks don’t have. The combos and strategy that this deck requires make it challenging, but still a very fun deck to play. 

OTK Miracle Druid Strengths

  • Burst Damage- Utilizing combos, this deck has the potential to produce some serious damage, and fast.

  • Mana ramp- there are many cards that will boost your mana, giving you the chance to play high cost cards faster than your opponent. 

  • Versatility- Because the OTK Miracle Druid contains a bit of everything, as well as cards that will generate new spells, this gives you the chance to adapt your playstyle to fit that of your opponents. 

OTK Miracle Druid Cards

  • Aquatic Form x 2 
  • Forbidden Fruit x 1
  • Innervate x 2
  • Lightning Bloom x 2
  • Moonfire x 2
  • Pounce x 2
  • Biology Project x 2
  • Floop’s Glorious Gloop x 1
  • Forest Seedlings x 1
  • Funnel Cake x 2
  • Living Roots x 2
  • Lifebinder’s Gift x 2
  • Solar Eclipse x 2
  • Pendant of Earth x 2
  • Poison Seeds x 2
  • Barnes x 1
  • Gadgetzan Auctioneer x 2

3. Combo Dragon Priest

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Extra turns aren’t cheats! 

Dragons and combos, yes please! Combo Dragon Priest is everything we’ve ever asked for. Dragons have alway been powerful and had incredible synergy, and when you combine those with other combos, you get chaos, in its finest form. Chaos is always best served by you, and not to you. With this deck you’ll want to ramp your mana and use draw cards to try for cards that will assist you with whatever you’re dealing with. Strategize to play your combos efficiently, and use your dragons to pressure your opponent! You’ll be playing the waiting game, but it’ll be worth it! 

The Combo Priest is pretty solid and has a good amount of removal spells to help with board control. The dragons are pretty strong on their own, but this deck can also inflict some pretty nasty spell damage with combos. The deck is flexible and will fare well against most decks, but aggressive decks pose a problem. Your early game is weak and you’ve got to ramp up mana to do anything, so aggressive decks can apply pressure that you’re not prepared to mitigate. The draw dependency of this deck is rough as well, it’s heavily reliant on specific cards for combo effects. With an efficient strategy, and using your draw cards you may be able to overcome that weakness. Overall, this deck is super strong, the combos are nasty, strategy is important, and combos are life! 

This is a great wild deck because aside from being loads of fun, it’s challenging, and very strong. Between burst damage and dragons, this deck is solid. 

Combo Dragon Priest Strengths

  • Versatility- with draw cards and generate cards, you can find something to play to your advantage! 

  • High Burst Damage- combos and dragons can do massive amounts of damage to your opponents. 

  • Combos- with the right strategy, and a little luck, you can create some beautiful game winning combos. 

Combo Dragon Priest Cards 

  • Raise Dead x 2
  • Cleric of Scales x 2
  • Shadow Word: Devour x 1
  • Shard of the Naaru x 1
  • Ship’s Chirurgeon x 2
  • Twilight Whelp x 2
  • Bless x 2
  • Divine Spirit x 2
  • Scale Replica x 2
  • Cathedral of Atonement x 2
  • Horn of Wrathion x 2
  • Duskbreaker x 2
  • Timewinder Zarimi x 1
  • Giftwrapped Whelp x 2
  • Patches the Pirate x 1
  • Razorscale x 2
  • Tight-Lipped Witness x 1
  • Future Emissary x 1

2. Spell Damage Shaman

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The elements will consume you! 

Spell Damage Shaman is a midrange deck that relies heavily on spell damage and supportive combos. This deck can be tricky but there are so many different variations of this deck that are great, so it’s easy to surprise your opponent! Mana ramping is another tactic of this deck, ramp mana quickly to play expensive late game cards early. Use draw cards to maintain card advantage. Try to combo cards that will synergize well and increase spell damage and burst damage so that you can bring your opponent down quickly. This deck has some healing spells that help with survival as well as some spells that can assist you with large minions that might pose a threat. Timing is everything with Spell Damage Shaman, don’t play your cards prematurely, look for good combo synergies! 

The burst damage that this deck can cause is difficult to match. While this isn’t a control deck, trying to maintain some semblance of board control is important so that you don’t get overwhelmed. Due to the slow start of this deck, aggressive decks are a problem. There’s either a pattern here, or aggressive decks are just always a problem. As with most decks that rely on combos, this one is draw dependent, which can hinder you. While Spell Damage Shaman has a few single target and AoE removal spells, it doesn’t have enough to be considered a strength. Unlike other combo heavy decks, the Spell Damage Shaman is a bit easier and the strategy is more straightforward.

 The Spell Damage Shaman deck is a great wild deck because it’s strong, versatile, and fun. There aren’t as many combos in this deck as there are in other combo decks.This would be a great deck to introduce beginner’s to combos while still being strategy dependent enough to challenge experienced players.

Spell Damage Shaman Strengths

  • Burst Damage- huge bursts of damage are always a strength. These can start happening pretty early in the game. 

  • Versatility- The draw opportunities and the combos make this deck versatile because they give you opportunities to adjust your play style. 

  • Board Control- this one is fairly balanced because while the Spell Damage Shaman doesn’t have a lot of removal spells, you can pair them with combos and spell damage to help maintain board control. 

  • Low Cost Cards-  this deck is full of cheap spells, this is where your burst damage comes from, don’t blow them. 

Spell Damage Shaman Cards

  • Flowrider x 2
  • Lightning Bolt x 2
  • Lightning Reflexes x 2
  • Novice Zapper x 2
  • Overdraft x 1
  • Pop-Up Book x 2
  • Spirit Claws x 1
  • Amphibious Elixir x 2
  • Ancestral Knowledge x 2
  • Cactus Cutter x 2
  • Flash of Lightning x 2
  • Needlerock Totem x 2
  • Crash of Thunder x 2
  • Golganneth, the Thunderer x 1
  • Miracle Salesman x 2
  • Bloodmage Thalnos x 1
  • Kobold Geomancer x 1
  • Photographer Fizzle x 1

1.XL Reno Hunter

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It’s no surprise that the XL Reno Hunter tops this chart! 

XL Reno Hunter is a huge, 40 card deck full of legendaries. Due to this deck containing so many cards it’s incredibly versatile and can match any opponent. The strategy with this deck is to outlast your opponent through the late game, and this deck has all of the tools to do that. Your low cost minions will aid you in the early game with creating a board presence and applying some early pressure. You’ve got cards that provide you with custom spells to guide the game in the direction that you need it to go, draw cards hold the card advantage for you, so this deck doesn’t lack much. Healing spells assist with survivability and removal and silence spells assist with board control. By the late game, you’re playing large minions and overwhelming your opponent. 

This deck is seriously powerful and incredibly expensive to build, but so worth it. There isn’t much that this deck can’t offer you. There are some things that could be considered a weakness, but really I think this deck can play against it. It’s a little draw dependent at times, as you search for combos, just remember that combos do not make this deck. They’re nice, and definitely utilize them where you can, but they’re not everything.  Aggressive decks, bleh. Aggressive decks can cause some issues for you as you wait to play your larger minions, but if you just play your low cost minions, you can trade value on your turn and work on surviving. This deck doesn’t have a lot of board clears, however, you do have options to choose custom spells that cater to your situation, so you could grab some that way. This deck is strong and I wouldn’t consider these weaknesses anything more than speed bumps. 

The XL Reno Hunter is a fantastic wild deck. It’s versatile, fun to play, you have powerful minions and spells, weapons, all of the things! Great for beginners and experienced players because the strategy is straightforward, and this deck is explosive! 

XL Reno Hunter Strengths

  • Versatility- This deck offers the most versatility that you could ask for from a deck. There’s a little bit of everything in here. 

  • Explosive damage- Large minions and combos can deal a lot of burst damage, catching your opponent off guard.

  • Board Control- At about mid game, you’ll have enough mana to start putting some minions on the board, and this deck has TONS! You have a lot of choices, and a lot of opportunities to maintain board presence.  

  • FUN- this deck is so powerful that it’s fun. Who wouldn’t enjoy controlling a legion of legendary minions! 

XL Reno Hunter Cards

  • Devouring Swarm x 1
  • Serpent Bloom x 1
  • Sneaky Snakes x 1
  • Tracking x 1
  • Trinket Tracker x 1
  • Observer of Myths x 1
  • Patchwork Pals x 1
  • Selective Breeder x 1
  • Snipe x 1
  • Spirit Poacher x 1
  • Zombeeees!!! X 1
  • Acidmaw x 1
  • Dreadscale x 1
  • Stitched Tracker x 1
  • Wild Spirits x 1
  • Rinling’s Rifle x 1
  • Theldurin the Lost x 1
  • Ara’lon x 1
  • Aggramar the Avenger x 1
  • Beaststalker Tavish x 1
  • Hope of the Quel’thalas x 1
  • Dinotamer Brann x 1
  • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 x 1 (Ticking Module & Perfect Module)
  • Miracle Salesman x 1
  • Sir Finley, Sea Guide x 1
  • Astalor Bloodsword x 1
  • Cult Neophyte x 1 
  • Dirty Rat x 1
  • Zephrys the Great x 1
  • Prince Renathal x 1
  • Razorscale x 1
  • Smothering Starfish x 1
  • Blademaster Okani x 1
  • E.T.C. Band Manager x 1 (Serpentbloom, The Darkness, & Reno Jackson)
  • Lorekeeper Polkelt x 1 
  • Speaker Stomper x 1
  • Loatheb x 1
  • Magatha, Bane of Music x 1
  • Theotar, the Mad Duke x 1
  • Reno, Lone Ranger x 1

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