All Final Fantasy 7 Remake Bosses Ranked Easiest To Hardest

All Final Fantasy 7 Remake Bosses Ranked Easiest To Hardest
19 Apr 2024

Do you love boss fights? Do you enjoy fighting special enemies that only appear once during the game and that's it? Do you like being tested in every single way possible while playing? Well, if you do, then Final Fantasy 7 Remake is packed with such encounters. 

By the end of every chapter, you’ll either be fighting a boss or a tough enemy. So in today's article, I'll be ranking these boss fights by how hard they are to beat and defeat. So without losing any more time, let's get into it!


28. Fat Chocobo

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This a chonky birb. 

This boss is really simple, it's a fat bird who takes little to no damage due to being tanky and having a huge health pool. The way this bird attacks is by either rolling or chucking bombs your way. The way you deal with this boss is by taking it slow, attacking when there is an opening, and backing out when he's about to attack. This bird will appear in Chapter 9 at Chadley’s VR Mission Battles.

Fat Chocobo Difficulty: 33/100


27. Scorpion Sentinel

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What the hell is this thing?

The first boss fight you will encounter in the game happens at the end of Chapter 1 and has 4 stages. The boss is quite tanky, but he has a weakness for lighting, so make sure to use it against him. 

The boss also has a barrier that regenerates, so be sure to down his shield generator to take down the barrier. After advancing through the stages, you'll be able to target his legs, so be sure to attack those and drop him to the ground to deal extra damage. 

Scorpion Sentinel Difficulty: 35/100


26. Crab Warden

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This thing is a crab, put him in a kettle.

The next boss is a literal crab, so be sure to target its legs to bring it down, and deal extra damage. He will appear at the end of Chapter 5. Once it's down be sure to use a thunder spell or Tifa’s rapid attacks for massive damage. 

Now, once you take its HP down halfway, it will use a move where it shoots out a huge burst of electricity, and this is where I died the first time having to restart the fight. Be sure to move away from anything metal and stand on solid ground. Once the boss is down to low HP, it will expose its generator; be sure to target that for bonus damage.

Crab Warden Difficulty: 40/100


25. Roche

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His bike be cool as hell.

The next boss fight is against a SOLDIER and it happens in Chapter 4. Roche is all about attacking quickly and doing tricks with his motorcycle. His biggest weakness is fire, so be sure to equip yourself with some “Fire materia" when going into this fight. 

Also, be sure to have healing materia equipped, as you'll need it. During the boss fight, Roche will also spawn weak enemies, so use AoE spells to deal with them quickly. A quick way to defeat Roche is to counter his attacks and fill up the stagger meter to deal a ton of damage.

Roche Difficulty: 43/100


24. Shiva

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She will turn you into ice.

Shiva is an ice queen and my favorite summon in the whole game. You battle her in the VR Challenges, and she is weak to fire damage. So bring Ifrit with you. The boss fight isn't anything special, as she casts ice spells and can encircle your whole squad in a blizzard that deals damage. The key to winning this fight is dodging her abilities and using fire against her. She will appear in Chapter 8 at Chadley’s VR Battles.

Shiva Difficulty: 44/100


23. Reno

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A wanna be SOLDIER.

Right at the start of Chapter 8, you'll be fighting against a boss, and his name is Reno. He can easily dodge most of your attacks, so you need to wait for an opening to strike at him. Using “Punisher Mode” is a must in this boss fight as Cloud can counterattack against  his melee attacks.

And Punisher mode deals more damage in general. While fighting Reno, he will counter most of your attacks, so don't give up. It's not a hard fight, it just takes time due to Reno not having any weaknesses and being able to counter your attacks.

Reno Difficulty: 50/100


22. Motor Ball

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Can I catch my breath for one second?

Did you enjoy the first motorbike section? Well, if you did, let me present you with another, but this time you have to fight a boss. The boss in question is a huge robot on wheels. To beat it is rather simple: you break if it's going in for an attack, and if it launches electric bombs, you dodge them. The best way to defeat it is to attack its wheels to make it vulnerable, as it takes extra damage. This speedster will appear in Chapter 18. 

Motor Ball Difficulty: 52/100


21. Abzu

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A face only a mother could love.

This lizard thing is a boss fight that isn't that hard to beat. You’ll encounter this beast in Chapters 10 and 14. It has a fire weakness so use everything that has fire. It also stuns the creature for a while. One major attack it has is “Pounce,” so be sure to dodge it in time if you don't want to suffer major damage. 

Abzu Difficulty: 53/100


20. Rude 

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His bald head could blind people.

Now the partner in crime for Reno is Rude, and he is a bit tougher. You’ll meet him at the end of Chapter 8. Unlike Reno, Rude is weak against wind attacks, but he is still strong. You will be fighting 2v1 in this fight, as you'll have Aerith by your side. 

Make sure that she has healing spells and wind spells ready. The best way to fight him is by guarding and countering his attacks, which also fills his stagger meter gradually. Once he is staggered and down on the ground, be sure to attack him with wind spells.

Rude Difficulty: 55/100


19. Ghoul

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Why the hell can he go invisible?

This boss appears at the end of Chapter 10. This boss will change its appearance during the fight. If it's in its physical form which is indexed by being fully white, attack it with melee attacks, but if it’s red, attack it with magic, as that is its ghostly form. Be sure to use fire magic, as that is its weakness. The boss will also summon blue fires around the room and burn anything that comes in contact with them. 

Ghoul Difficulty: 59/100


18. Brainpod 

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This thing is just weird…

Here's a weird boss. He is quick and easy to defeat and can be found in Chapter 17. The boss unleashes a toxic aura, so make sure to have some poison resistance equipped. It's weak to lightning. Once the HP gets low enough, it will spawn clones of itself, so it's best to use Cloud to deal AoE damage.

Brainpod Difficulty: 60/100


17. Eligor

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I have no idea what this is…

Here's a boss that you can steal a weapon from, which is the bladed staff. This ghost appears at the end of Chapter 11. He is also a flying boss but occasionally comes down. If he is flying, be sure to use some wind magic to fill up the stagger meter quickly. 

He is also weak to ice, so casting it on him is a must, but only cast it when he stops moving so you don't miss him as it has a charge up. Another tip against Eligor is attacking his wheels when his HP drops to half, as when a wheel breaks, he will be staggered instantly.

Eligor Difficulty: 61/100


16. The Valkyrie

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Why does it have to be a flying boss?

The next boss on the list is the Valkyrie, a flying robot. It's a robot that's weak to wind and electric elements, so use those. It also has three phases. In the first phase, it will be flying around, so use Barret and magic attacks from others to damage it. 

Second phase, he will come down to do sweeping attacks so you can go into melee and damage it. As for the third phase, it does a deadly AoE attack so be sure to dodge it if you enjoy living. This robot appears at the end of Chapter 15.

The Valkyrie Difficulty: 62/100


15. Reno and Rude

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The duo is back at it again.

Did you enjoy battling these guys 1 on 1? Well, if you did, how about you face them both at the same time? At first, Reno will attack you alone. After Reno HP drops, he will call in backup, where Rude comes in with the helicopter and attacks your party. 

After you've lowered Reno's HP low enough and Rudes HP is at half, the fight will advance to the next stage. The next stage is facing them both in melee. You should focus on Reno, as his HP is lower, and then move on to Rude. Timing and countering is the key to this fight. You’ll have this fight by the end of Chapter 12.

Reno and Rude Difficulty: 63/100


14. Swordipede

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Oh, you hate centipedes? How about a huge one that’s a robot.

This is quite a long fight, as it has two phases. The first phase is fought with Cloud and Barret. The best way to fight it at this stage is from the side, as its face has a saw that cuts up everyone. 

The second phase is fought by Tifa, Aerith, and Red XIII. Focus to dodge sideways and attack it with magic attacks from Aerith. The key to this fight is dodging to the side and attacking it constantly. You’ll find him in Chapter 17.

Swordipede Difficulty: 64/100


13. Specimen H0512

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This abomination is a mix of 4 creatures or something.

This boss has two phases and some weak lackeys that follow him around. Be sure to take those out first before doing anything else. The boss has simple telegraphed attacks, so focus on dodging. You will encounter it in Chapter 16.

In the second phase, it will become faster, so your reaction time has to become faster too. Also, when it starts its move where it explodes, be sure to get as far away from the creature as possible, as that deals some insane damage.

Specimen H0512 Difficulty: 65/100


12. Air Burst

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At least you can weaken him before the fight.

Here's a difficult boss battle that's at the end of Chapter 7. But during the chapter, you can weaken it by moving parts away from its body. To do that, you need to collect cards that you can only use once during the chapter. So take out what you think will cause you a problem during the fight. 

The fight has three phases in total, and each phase has significantly different abilities, so be prepared to adapt quickly during the fight. The boss has a deadly laser attack called “Tankbuster,” so be sure to dodge it if you don't want to die. The boss also has a weakness for thunder, so use all of those on him.

Air Buster Difficulty: 67/100


11. Failed Experiment

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Why did this thing fail?

This fight is quite hard, as you have to focus on eliminating the unknown entities first, because if you don’t, they will charge the boss up, and he will unleash a powerful AoE attack. It also deals devastating thunder magic damage and has deadly physical attacks. 

It is weak to ice, so use it to your advantage. Also, when you deal enough damage to him, he will fall and that's an opening for you to deal some damage to it. At that point, use everything you have in your arsenal. You’ll find this thing at the end of Chapter 13.

Failed Experiment Difficulty: 70/100


10. Jenova Dreamwaver

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They like to dream.

This fight is something man and it’s another boss that appears in Chapter 17. You will need to focus on dealing as much damage as possible in a short time. In the first phase, it will have two tentacles and the boss itself will be stationary. 

In the second phase, it will start spawning multiple tentacles, so when they spawn, be sure to destroy them. The boss itself will be immune to damage until the tentacles get taken down. Don't get greedy while attacking, as it has a powerful AoE attack, and be sure to dodge quickly. 

Jenova Dreamweaver Difficulty: 72/100


9. Hell House

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It’s a freaking house on legs.

Here is an interesting boss fight. As the name implies, you'll be fighting a whole house by the end of Chapter 9. First things first, the boss is weak to magic, but the magic weaknesses change during the battle, so you'll need to have all spells ready. 

The boss also has a “God Mode” where it doesn't take much damage, so during that period, charge up the ATB meter of your party. The house isn't that hard to beat if you know what you're doing, but you need to use its weaknesses against it.

Hell House Difficulty: 75/100


8. Rufus and Darkstar

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Textbook definition of an anime villain.

Here's one of my favorite boss fights in the game. Cloud is battling against two bosses. You meet this duo in Chapter 17. They don't have any weaknesses, so you'll have to focus on countering attacks and going in melee range. 

You should focus on Darkstar first and eliminate him, as Rufus can easily dodge your attacks. Once you defeat Darkstar, Rufus will become more aggressive. Rufus also staggers instantly after you use Limit Break on him so use it as much as you can and attack him when he’s reloading. 

Rufus and Darkstar Difficulty: 79/100


7. Leviathan

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It’s a water dragon.

This dragon can be hard to beat, but not as hard as Bahamut. He is weak to thunder but has lesser resistance to ice and magic attacks. He has two stances, which are being low to the ground and flying. This boss fight will appear at Chadley’s VR Battles once you complete 14 Battle Intel Missions from Chadley.

He has some attacks that can easily be dodged, but there is one unavoidable attack that you need to brace your whole squad for. That attack is “Tidal Wave” and can deal from 2,800 to 3,000 damage to all characters so make sure that all of your characters have above that amount of HP.

Leviathan Difficulty: 84/100


6. The Arsenal 

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This is a walking tank.

While Cloud is fighting Rufus and Darkstar, other party members will be fighting this monstrosity. You will also meet him in Chapter 17. The key to this fight is taking cover behind pillars. It's also going to be long as hell because this boss is tanky and has a ton of HP. 

In the first phase, the boss will stand in one place, but in the second phase, it will start moving around. Be sure to target its weaknesses, as that is a must to deal some damage.

The Arsenal Difficulty: 80/100


5. Whisper Harbinger

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It’s five damn bosses in one.

Well, first things first, to even damage this boss, you have to kill Whisper Rubrum, Whisper Virdi, Whisper Croceo, and Whisper Bahamut, and after you have dealt with them, only then will Barret and Red XIII be able to attack Whisper Harbinger. 

This is five bosses in one. The best way to defeat them is to use your limit breaks whenever possible, be on the offensive, and constantly apply pressure. Also dodging a lot. And you’ll meet this monstrosity at the end of Chapter 18.

Whisper Harbinger Difficulty: 89/100


4. Type 0 Behemoth

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This is just an angry cat.

Oh boy, you have to destroy this boss in parts, and you’ll find him in Chapter 14 as a side quest. First, you have to destroy its upper and lower body as well as its horns to be able to whittle down its HP. 

The best way to attack it is from the side or from behind, as the front and its face are highly protected. The boss is extremely agile and can counter any magic cast at it by attacking you and your squad with an undodgeable attack. 

Type 0 Behemoth Difficulty: 90/100


3. Sephiroth

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Here he is the main guy of the series.

The final boss that was teased throughout the whole game is Sephiroth. He will battle you at the end of Chapter 18. He is also a fan favorite in the Final Fantasy 7 games. This guy has no weakness, has resistance to everything, and is pretty much immune to everything except your attacks. 

The key to defeating Sephiroth is dodging and countering his melee attacks with “Punisher Mode” in Phases 1 and 2, which are fought 1 on 1 with Cloud. In the later stages, other characters join the fight, such as Tifa and later Aerith. 

In the very last phase, Sephiroth will start summing a whole ass meteor, and you have to kill him quickly before he finishes counting. This is hands down one of the most badass fights in the whole game, and I can't wait for the sequel!

Sephiroth Difficulty: 95/100


2. Bahamut

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You need to have him in your arsenal.

This boss is the strongest materia out there, and he will appear in VR Missions once you complete 19 Battle Intel Reports for Chadley. Bahamut has a deadly attack that kills anyone in your party called “Megaflare,” and he will have a counter over his head. Once the counter reaches zero, it casts the ability. 

You can't dodge it; you either have to survive it with “Reprieve” or stun him in time, which resets the counter. The boss has a ton of attacks that are quick, and each is equally deadly. You need to have a healer in your party, or you won't succeed. The boss is hard, you will have to give it your all to defeat him. 

Bahamut Difficulty: 96/100


1. Pride and Joy Prototype

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Yeah, good luck with this thing.

For the hardest boss fight in the whole game, we have this thing. You need a full leveled-up to the max squad to defeat it and even then it will give you some issues. To unlock the boss fight, you have to complete the main story at least once, clear all Bradley Intel Reports, and clear all Shinra and Don Corneo battle challenges. 

Once you start the fight, you will also need to battle 4 other bosses before the main fight. The other four bosses are Shiva, Fat Chocobo, and Leviathan. Then Bahamut and Ifrit will spawn together, and when you defeat them, only then will Pride and Joy Prototype spawn. 

Now, the good thing about this boss is that he has a slow turning speed and is weak to thunder attacks, so save all your MP for heals and thunder spells. He also has 4 different parts you can destroy to stagger him, so once he is staggered, unleash everything. 

Pride and Joy Prototype Difficulty: 100/100


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