[Top 3] Honkai: Star Rail Best Auto Teams

Honkai: Star Rail Best Auto Teams
05 Dec 2023

Have you ever been grateful for the option to automatically grind battles in video games? I have! It's such a handy tool and allows us to multitask while still enjoying the game. Today, I'm excited to share with you what I believe to be the best auto teams out there, and I'll do my best to be as objective as possible. 

Before we start, I want to clarify the criteria I used to compile this list. The teams are categorized based on their utility and synergy, not on their overall power or aesthetics. This means that some of your favorite characters or mine may not be included in this list. Any team is viable if you so wish - I use my boy band comprised of Luocha, Gepard/Dan Heng Inhibitor Lunae, Jing Yuan, and Welt. Is it optimal? Not particularly, but this is all the more reason not to get discouraged if you do not own some of the characters listed or their alternatives.

One last thing to keep in mind: it's important to consider the situation, purpose, and element of the character. To make it easier for you, I'll first suggest some characters that are easily accessible for Free-to-Play players, and then I'll present some more expensive options. 

3. Trailblazer/Main Character(Fire) + Natasha + Asta + Himeko

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One step closer to the stars.

This team may be a bit one-dimensional since we want to cover more than a single element in actual content, but I have chosen it for its utility and synergy. Besides this, it is pretty affordable to build this team since three of the characters are ones we get for free during story-based content, while Himeko may be acquired through the standard banner or by losing 50/50 on an event warp. I have gotten her twice in both instances, and she has been a pretty reliable team member - in particular situations.

As you may have guessed, this team’s central member is Himeko, who acts as the main DPS. Asta is the support, the  Fire Trailblazer is the tank, and Natasha is the healer.  

This team composition focuses on the synergy between the first three characters I mentioned - Himeko, Asta, and Fire Trailblazer. Asta helps improve the overall damage from both Himeko and the Fire Trailblazer while Natasha keeps them all alive. These wonderful women are best against enemies weak to fire and for destroying mobs.

I tested this team composition and it did pretty well when farming for experience materials - Himeko destroyed the enemies in less than a minute. Against stronger enemies such as the Echo of War bosses or the Cavern of Corrosion ones, it can take more than three minutes to win. That isn’t too bad either, considering our purpose.

Now, this isn’t the only team you could be building either. For example, you could make a hyper-carry team comprised of Himeko, Topaz, Tingyun, and a Tank/Healer flex if you can do so. 

Tingyun could be replaced by Asta as she can bring attack, speed, and fire damage buffs to the table. The latter functions better in auto mode, as Tingyun tends to forget to use her skill on Himeko/Topaz in this mode. If you struggle with survivability, you could also replace Tingyun with the Fire Trailblazer instead - at the cost of less damage.

If you have Pela, she can be a good option as she can reduce the enemy's defense, which increases the damage dealt by Himeko. Welt is another viable option as well, as he can slow down the enemy and his ultimate skill increases the damage taken by the enemy. 

Why Himeko’s Team is Great for Auto:

  • It demolishes enemies weak to the fire element. This makes it easy to clear specific content such as the experience materials Golden Calyx.
  • Himeko is pretty responsive in auto mode and she uses her skill consistently. Her follow-up attack and ultimate are also devastating, especially against enemies weak to fire. She is at least A-tier when it comes to auto mode and her element.
  • Asta buffs the damage Himeko can do even further, as well as the whole party’s speed. This reduces the enemies’ chance to attack and raises the team’s chances instead.
  • The Fire Trailblazer and Natasha make sure the team’s survivability is optimal. Himeko and Asta can be a bit squishy, so they are useful in that regard.
  • It is FTP(Free to Play) friendly. This may not be everyone’s concern, especially in late-game, but if you just started playing Honkai: Star Rail, they are the more viable options.
  • The team composition is versatile. You could also build one that covers Himeko’s lack of single-target damage with Topaz, Tingyun, and a healer/tank of your choice.

2. Asta + Dan Heng + Natasha + Kafka

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The human body is beautiful in its fragility.

This team is perfect for taking down enemies that are weak against lightning. Plus, it has a variety of elements to choose from, which the previous team lacked.  The best part about it is that it is also relatively easy to build, provided that you have Kafka. I don’t have her, but I enjoy borrowing her from kind strangers and seeing her spectacular “fireworks”.

It is pretty obvious at this point that Kafka is the central member of this team composition. The interesting part of this, though, is that Dan Heng is the Main DPS.  Here, Asta acts as a support while Natasha is the healer.

As I cannot test Kafka in the Simulated Universe or Forgotten Hall, my perspective does not encompass all the available content(this is why I have used outside resources for data as well). Still, after conducting my tests, I can confidently say that this Kafka-centric team is phenomenal at applying DoT and increasing her speed, which is her specialty. Why is Dan Heng the main DPS of this team, though? That’s because he can trigger Wind Shear(a nice DoT) when he breaks the enemies’ toughness and thus he slows them down. Asta is of course nice as a support because she provides the attack and speed that Kafka dearly needs plus the Burn DoT.

Speaking of DoT, there are awesome alternatives to the FTP characters we have. Luka and Sampo are great DoT DPS characters that Kafka can make use of. Whether you choose one or the other should depend on the enemies’ weaknesses or…on whether you have these particular men in your roster.

If you want to deal maximum damage in your team, it's better to have a character that can reduce the defense of enemies, rather than having three DPS characters. While Silver Wolf is a fantastic support character, and Luocha is great as a healer, there are other options available for both roles as well. 

Pela, for example, can be a good alternative to Silver Wolf as she reduces the enemies’ defense. Abundance or Preservation characters such as Natasha, Bailu, or Gepard are great alternatives to Luocha. Just experiment with different characters and see what works best for you!

Why Kafka’s Team is Great for Auto:

  • Kafka’s kit is hard to mess up on auto as long as your team generates enough skill points. This is the main reason I chose her as the star of the team.
  • As in Himeko’s Team case, Asta provides a speed and attack buff. Kafka profits even more from this since her kit focuses on these two stats more than critical rate/damage. The Burn DoT is also a nice bonus.
  • Dan Heng is also great for auto since the A.I. uses his skill often and his ultimate inflicts enemies with slow, boosting his damage. The Wind Shear DoT also synergizes pretty well with Kafka’s abilities.
  • Natasha is an all-around good healer if you don’t have Luocha or Bailu.
  • Team compositions can be versatile, though costly if you want to build the optimal DoT one. This is why I prefer to recommend the FTP party first and then the additional characters if you want/like them.

1. Asta + Dan Heng + Yukong + Fu Xuan

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Good fortune is bound to return.

The team in the first spot on my list is all about Fu Xuan. I haven't really used it much, as you can tell by Yukong's level. I also don't actually own Fu Xuan, but I've borrowed her a few times. 

I can still vouch for this team, though, because of what I have read on other resources. I have also seen Fu Xuan in action in a friend’s team. The way she squishes enemies into oblivion is very satisfying. 

In this F2P version of the team, Dan Heng is the DPS. Fu Xuan can decrease the damage taken and provide critical rate buffs to increase his chances of slowing down enemies. Asta and Yukong can also enhance the party through speed and more critical buffs respectively.

If you are a fan of seeing big numbers, there’s an even better team composition available to you: Fu Xuan, Seele, Bronya, and Tingyun. That is, provided you have all the characters at your disposal. I will name some alternatives after, so no worries.

The aforementioned team is especially good since Fu Xuan can be an effective Preservation character for any team and she is capable of protecting everyone by herself. Her role here is to provide both defensive utility and critical rate buffs from her skill. For the stronger enemies, you can replace Bronya or Tingyun with other characters such as Pela and Yukong.

For a less costly alternative DPS, Sushang is also great to use with Fu Xuan. Sushang’s high single-target damage can benefit from Fu Xuan’s critical rate buff. If you’re feeling fancier, Dan Heng Inhibitor Lunae is also a fantastic choice. He synergizes well with Fu Xuan because she doesn’t need to use her skill very often and as such, Inhibitor Lunae can use his skill points without compromising.

Why Fu Xuan’s Team is Great for Auto:

  • Fu Xuan is a SP positive character, which means that she won’t use her skills as much as other characters. Her normal attack also helps regain SP. The unfortunate part is that she can’t anticipate a debuff and precast her skill, which a player would do.
  • Same as in Kafka’s team, Dan Heng uses his skill often and ultimate, thus slowing down enemies. Profit guaranteed.
  • Asta is a pretty good character, as she can synergize with many teams and has great utility too. Who would say no to these juicy attack and speed buffs?
  • Yukong is great with an optimized team such as this; otherwise, she would be wasting skill points on auto.
  • Fu Xuan herself is a great utility character that can be used with strong characters such as Seele and Dan Heng Inhibitor Lunae. I mean, taking less damage and having a higher critical rate is quite…critical for these two. Yes, I know, bad joke.

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