[Top 10] Coolest Ships Built By Starfield Players (Best Starfield Ship Designs)

01 Dec 2023

10. The Razor Crest

There are so many iconic ships in this amazing list.

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The Razor Crest is from Star Wars The Mandalorian. This build was pretty simple and straightforward in its construction. There are places to mount your weapons which is an integral part of the Mandalorian religion. The engine is a Nova 1050 engine which is the top of the line Class B engine.

The Mandalorian is one of my favorite series in the Star Wars universe. When I saw this ship it had to be on my list of top builds. Starfield is such a fun game and the customization options are endless. You can build almost any ship you want which is what makes it one of the best released games this year.


9. Planet Express

There are so many amazing builds in Starfield.

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This iconic ship is from the show Futurama. It is a very large ship which contains tons of cargo space. It also has 5 pieces of Nova Galactic landing gear. There is no shortage of internal space with weapons being mounted on the side. The look of this build is spot on to the animated creation.


8. Enterprise D

Star Trek vessels blend in seamlessly within the Starfield universe.

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This fine vessel is from the Star Trek Next Generation series.It contains maximum dimensions on all aspects except for the width.There are a lot of different areas on board but the coolest one would have to be the science lab. Aworkshop is also available next to the entrance.

Star Trek is a great show. The spaceships we see on that show are what dreams are made of.. I love that there are people turning childhood memories into something almost tangible.


7. TIE Interceptor/ Kylo Ren’s Interceptor

Another Star Wars ship has landed itself on this list.

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Wow, this is a really amazing ship. It is very smooth in combat and fast. A lot of the pieces used to assemble it are decorative. The parts used in this build are either bought from a store or scattered about. I am very impressed by this accurate work of art. 

Star Wars is iconic and it takes a lot of attention to detail to get the look right. This person definitely nailed that. This is one of the best ships that I have seen so far.


6. The Magic School Bus

Nostalgia takes center stage when it comes to this next ship.

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This build looks identical to  the iconic bus from my childhood. A user on Reddit by the name of SP7R  has created many iconic ships and this is just one example. This is a real treat and very nostalgic to see recreated in game. It is a smaller ship with only 5 crew members. My mind is blown after seeing this awesome yellow bus


5. Imperial Star Destroyer

The Imperial Star Destoryer is a fan favorite.

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This build is one the best star destroyers I have seen created yet. It is very accurate to the movie adaptation. It was created by mods on the PC and is not available on console. It is strikingly beautiful and well crafted.

This is another one of my favorite builds.The attention to detail is impressive. People are so creative and I am totally here for it.


4. Batman 2330

A list of the coolest ships would not be complete without Batman 2330.

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This Batwing inspired ship is my absolute favorite. It boasts a crew of 8 and is very fast. I can only imagine seeing this daunting vessel in the dark voids of space. It is so iconic and took so much time and attention to craft.


3. Titanic

This looming vessel can now haunt the skies as well as the dark depths of the ocean floor

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This ship is incredible. Imagine seeing this massive vessel  pass you by. I am not even sure if anyone would want to board this behemoth with its reputation on land. While there aren't huge icebergs in space, there are a lot of space debris flying around and that could cause a repeat of history.

One thing is certain, this ship is legendary. It is wonderfully large and just awe inspiring. This build certainly is impressive and it had to make the top 3.


2. Naboo N1 Starfighter

 There are so many creative and dedicated players putting their talents to use in Starfield.

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This ship is from the Phantom Menace. It has pretty good stats with a solid appearance. The ship is pretty flat so it was easy enough to build. The landing gear is on the side and the front is all structural.

I fell in love with the design as soon as I saw it. This is the best ship from the Phantom Menace. The construction is so detailed and true to the original design. I cannot say enough good things about this particular vessel. It is a true work of art.


1. Millennium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon is the coolest ship in Star Wars.

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The Millennium Falcon is one of the best creations. This ship is built with such accuracy it looks as though it came straight out of the films. There is a build guide available so that players can recreate it. I think it is wonderful that someone took the time to share a guide so that others can have their own iconic ship in their fleets.

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