[Top 10] Minecraft Best Sword Enchantments (Ranked)

Minecraft Best Sword Enchantments
30 Oct 2023

Hey there, fellow adventurer! We're about to dive into the top Minecraft sword enchantments, ranked from 10 to 1. Let's get started!


10. Curse of Vanishing

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Vanished Player

The Curse of Vanishing may not be for everyone, but it adds a unique element to your sword. If you meet an untimely end, your enchanted sword will vanish along with you. But, it ensures your enemy won't acquire your weapon upon your defeat. It's a risk-reward choice that adds a twist to your gameplay.

When To Use Curse of Vanishing:

  • Adds an element of risk and thrill to your adventures.
  • It's a bold statement that your enemy won't gain the spoils of victory.

Curse of Vanishing Details:

Makes the enchanted item disappear upon death.

Stats: There's only one level for Curse of Vanishing.


9. Bane of Arthropods

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Trapped Spider

The Bane of Arthropods enchantment specializes in dispatching insects efficiently. It's particularly effective against cave spiders and silverfish. In multiplayer, it gives you the upper hand in enclosed spaces where these creatures lurk.

When To Use Bane of Arthropods:

  • Highly effective against spiders, silverfish, and other arthropod mobs.
  • Ideal for exploring mineshafts and strongholds where such mobs are prevalent.

Bane of Arthropods Details:

Increases damage dealt to arthropods.


  • Bane of Arthropods I: +2.5 damage
  • Bane of Arthropods II: +5 damage
  • Bane of Arthropods III: +7.5 damage
  • Bane of Arthropods IV: +10 damage
  • Bane of Arthropods V: +12.5 damage

8. Knockback

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Damaged Creeper

Knockback is a game-changer in combat. It gives your sword an extra punch, sending mobs flying, and creates crucial breathing room in overwhelming situations. In multiplayer, it disrupts your opponents' strategies, inciting chaos on the battlefield.

When To Use Knockback:

  • Useful for creating space and planning your moves in solo play.
  • Highly effective for crowd control in multiplayer battles.

Knockback Details:

Increases the knockback dealt by attacks.


  • Knockback I: Moderate knockback effect
  • Knockback II: Stronger knockback effect

7. Smite

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Horde of Zombies

The Smite enchantment is tailor-made for vanquishing undead foes with unparalleled effectiveness. In singleplayer, it's your trusty companion in Minecraft's dark caverns. In multiplayer, it's the key to securing the upper hand in battles against the undead.

When To Use Smite:

  • Highly potent against zombies, skeletons, and wither skeletons, making it crucial for exploring dungeons and the Nether.
  • Provides a significant edge in battles against the undead, allowing for swift elimination.

Smite Details:

Increases damage dealt to undead mobs.


  • Smite I: +2.5 damage
  • Smite II: +5 damage
  • Smite III: +7.5 damage
  • Smite IV: +10 damage
  • Smite V: +12.5 damage

6. Fire Aspect

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Fire Lit Zombie

The Fire Aspect enchantment ignites your foes, adding an element of ongoing damage to your attacks. It's a powerful tool for weakening formidable foes and disrupting your opponents' strategies.

When To Use Fire Aspect:

  • Sets targets ablaze, inflicting additional fire damage over time.
  • Highly effective against mobs vulnerable to fire, creating a strategic advantage.

Fire Aspect Details:

Sets targets on fire, dealing damage over time.


  • Fire Aspect I: +4 fire damage over 5 seconds
  • Fire Aspect II: +7 fire damage over 7 seconds

5. Looting

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Spider Drop

The Looting enchantment increases your chances of obtaining rare drops from defeated foes. It's a boon for resource gathering, especially when seeking valuable drops like Ender Pearls and Wither Skulls. In multiplayer, it cements your position as the team's treasure hunter.

When To Use Looting:

  • When you're after those sweet, rare drops like Ender Pearls and Wither Skulls, Looting is your best friend.
  • For adventurers aiming to maximize their loot haul from mob hunting, this enchantment is a game-changer.

Looting Details:

Increases the chances of rare item drops.


  • Looting I: +33% chance
  • Looting II: +66% chance
  • Looting III: +100% chance

4. Sweeping Edge

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Damaged Creepers

The Sweeping Edge enchantment enhances the effectiveness of sweep attacks, allowing you to deal with groups of enemies more efficiently. In singleplayer, it's a game-changer when facing hordes of mobs. In multiplayer, it can be the difference between victory and defeat in large-scale battles.

When To Use Sweeping Edge:

  • Ideal for facing hordes of mobs, reducing the time it takes to clear them out.
  • Crucial for crowd control in confined spaces, such as dungeons and caves.

Sweeping Edge Details:

Increases sweep attack damage.


  • Sweeping Edge I: +50% sweep attack damage
  • Sweeping Edge II: +66% sweep attack damage
  • Sweeping Edge III: +75% sweep attack damage

3. Unbreaking

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Diamond Ore

Unbreaking fortifies your sword, granting it a chance to not consume durability with each use. In solo play, it's your insurance policy for extended adventures. In multiplayer, it can be the difference between victory and defeat in prolonged battles.

When To Use Unbreaking:

  • Prolongs the lifespan of your sword, reducing the frequency of repairs or replacements.
  • Ideal for long-term exploration, ensuring your weapon remains effective over extended periods.

Unbreaking Details:

Gives a chance to not use durability.


  • Unbreaking I: 50% chance to not use durability
  • Unbreaking II: 66% chance to not use durability
  • Unbreaking III: 75% chance to not use durability

2. Mending

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Anvil Enchanting

Mending harnesses the power of experience orbs to automatically repair your sword's durability. It ensures your sword remains in pristine condition as long as you accumulate experience, and is a testament to the resourcefulness of a seasoned warrior.

When To Use Mending:

  • Ensures your sword remains in pristine condition as long as you collect experience.
  • Perfect for long-term sustainability, minimizing the need for manual repairs.

Mending Details:

Uses experience to mend your tools, weapons, and armor.

Stats: Provides automatic repairs as long as you collect experience.


1. Sharpness

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Wither Boss

Sharpness is the cornerstone of sword enchantments, enhancing your weapon's overall damage output. In singleplayer, it's your trusted companion against all manner of foes. In multiplayer, it's the key to asserting dominance in PvP battles.

When To Use Sharpness:

  • Boosts damage against all types of mobs, making it essential for general combat.
  • Provides an advantage in PvP scenarios, allowing you to out damage opponents.
  • Synergizes well with other enchantments, optimizing their effectiveness.

Sharpness Details:

Increases damage dealt by the sword.


  • Sharpness I: +1.25 damage
  • Sharpness II: +2.5 damage
  • Sharpness III: +3.75 damage
  • Sharpness IV: +5 damage
  • Sharpness V: +6.25 damage
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