Top 3 Realm Of The Mad God Solo Classes

Realm Of The Mad God Best Solo Classes
30 Aug 2023

Top 3 Realm Of The Mad God Solo Classes

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Veteran player Anndreyrs attempting to solo the Advanced Kogbold Steamworks on his knight.

Realm Of The Mad God is a team game. A single realm can hold 85 people. Dungeons can hold up to 50. The game is balanced with multiplayer in mind.

Now, this makes sense. With all the different classes, each fills a role. It’s better to have a lot of different buffs and effects.

But maybe you’re different. You don’t need anyone else on your journey. You want to complete it all on your own.

We call this playing solo. This might seem strange to do in a team game. However it does serve a purpose.


Why Solo?

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One of the Moonlight Village's final attacks. The real bullet hell experience.

There’s a lot of reasons to go solo. Here are a few.

  • Guaranteed drops: When multiple players beat a boss, that boss only guarantees a certain amount of players will get a drop. You don’t have to worry about that when going alone.

  • Boss hp scaling: The more players in the dungeon, the higher the health. With only you, this could make the fight quicker if you know what you’re doing.

  • Self imposed challenge: Maybe you want to challenge yourself. Most of the time, you’ll take on a boss in a big group. Doing it alone can give you some extra satisfaction beating it.

  • No choice: You might not have a choice in going solo sometimes. You might be the only one to fight a certain boss. Or even the only one in the realm.

Whatever the reason, it’s good to know what you should do. What classes are the best? And what gear should I use?

All that and more will be covered here. Out of 18 classes, these three are the best for solo play.


Number 3: Warrior

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The Forgotten Kings chase phase. Many shots from the accursed skull and his eyes make it no walk in the park.

The warrior's high speed and damage make him great for rushing through dungeons and defeating enemies.

An amazing class for any situation. The warriors’ positives make it amazing for taking on dungeons and bosses alone.

Warrior has a high vitality stat. The higher the vitality, the faster you regain health. This is great for keeping yourself healed up.

Heavy armor increases his survivability. It gives him lots of defense to tank hits and stay fighting. This applies to both rushing and staying in to damage bosses.

He has a max attack stat to deal tons of damage. His ability also gives him the berserk buff. This increases his attack speed, meaning even more damage.

The helmet gives him a speedy buff, allowing him to run very fast. A great rushing tool, and useful for getting somewhere far. You can’t teleport across the map to allies if there’s no one with you after all.

Advice & Gear Recs

There’s a lot of great gear the warrior can use. For his sword, you want to have both the Sword of the Colossus, and Divinity. These are great for dealing with hordes, or single enemies.

You’ll want a high tier helmet to use. For swap outs, the Helm of the Juggernaut is good. While rare, it can give you the armored buff, increasing your defense by 50%.

The armor you want to aim for is the Gladiator Guard. It has good defense, and increases your attacking stats too. For a more defensive option, the Breastplate of New Life gives a whopping 160 extra hp.

For rings, you can’t go wrong with an HP ring. Though since the warrior can tank more hits, you can opt for rings that boost your stats. The Battalion Banner can give you a temporary damaging buff, boosting your high damage further.

The warrior excels in:

  • Close range combat 
  • Buffing himself to increase attack speed and damage
  • Rushing through dungeons and can quickly avoid enemy fire
  • Many gear options to increase attack or defense
  • High survivability to stay alive without support

Pick warrior if:

  • You can get close to a boss. With high attack, it can melt their health
  • You need to get to an area or through a dungeon fast
  • You’re gonna tank a lot of hits and want to stay alive

More information on warrior:


Number 2: Necromancer

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What was once the final boss, the Void Entity is shown in it's 4 copy phase. Spinning around the platform to attack.

The necromancer has good damage and range. It’s ability is great for healing and can keep you alive.

A great class in and out of groups. Though less tanky than the warrior, its long range gives you lots of time to dodge attacks.

The necromancer’s main weapon is its staff. Staves are very strong, dealing high damage. 

Its ability is its skull. This damages enemies and heals yourself. This is perfect for keeping your health high in long fights.

Necromancer has a high attack stat like the warrior. It also has a high maximum mana and wisdom stat. This lets you use your ability many times before having to recharge.

Advice & Gear Recs

While staves are strong, there aren’t many different options. The T14 Staff of the Fundamental Core is your best option. It has great range and damage with no gimmicks.

You can also bring along the Staff of Extreme Prejudice. This strange staff fires 10 shots in a circle around you. If you can stand on top of a boss safely, it can destroy them easily.

Lots of options for skulls. The Skullish Remains of Esben can slow enemies, and the Skull of Corrupted Souls can inflict curse. The Skull of Endless Torment can remove debuffs from yourself too.

You’ll want a robe for attacking, and a robe for defending. For attack, the Vesture of Duality can increase those stats. And for defense, the Soulless Robe’s bonus hp and high defenses are good.

Like the warrior, a health ring is your best bet. But since you can always heal yourself up, you can swap it for a ring with different bonuses. The Twilight Gemstone will decrease your mana usage by 30%, meaning more abilities.

The necromancer excels in:

  • Debuffing enemies 
  • Removing debuffs from yourself
  • Great range and good damage
  • Healing
  • Spamming abilities with high mana and wisdom

Pick necromancer if:

  • You need space from the boss. You can hit enemies from 8 tiles away.
  • You can’t dodge every attack and will need to keep yourself healed up
  • You need to inflict debuffs on your opponent to make it easier to beat them.

More information on necromancer:


Number 1: Rogue

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The Mad God's final form. A long fight with difficult shot patterns. Going invisible helps with some of the attacks.

The rogue has quick attack speed and great movement. His ability is perfect for playing on your own.

The solo class. Rogue benefits from playing alone more than any other class by a mile. This is all because of how his ability works.

The rogue's cloak turns him invisible. While invisible, many enemies will not target you. This comes with many positives.

You can get close to bosses you otherwise couldn’t to damage them. You can back off and heal up if you get hurt. And with less shots on the screen, you’ll take less damage overall.

It has the highest speed and dexterity stats in the game. This lets you zoom past enemies and kill them quickly.

Advice & Gear Recs

There are lots of great daggers to choose from. You can use the Dirk of Cronus for high single target damage. The Corruption Cutter is a great option too, doing high damage at close range.

You’ll want many different cloaks to swap between. A good tiered cloak for long invisibility, both versions of the Ghastly Drape to paralyze enemies and increase your speed. And of course, a Cloak of the Planewalker to let you teleport away from danger.

One of the best cloaks you can use is the Cloak of Refraction. This summons a decoy to distract enemies. Some bosses shoot even while you’re invisible, so make a decoy and fire at them as they shoot your copy.

Because you won’t be taking much fire, you can use the less defensive armors for rogue. The Hirejou Tenne gives a massive boost in attack and dexterity. 

There’s no better ring for rogue but the Collectors Monocle. Giving good health and attack, it sports an ability meant for the rogue. You get a temporary attack increase whenever you turn invisible.

The rogue excels in:

  • Sneaking past enemies to avoid fighting them
  • Sending out decoys to distract enemies and bosses
  • Rushing dungeons quickly with high speed and teleportation
  • Dealing high damage with it’s great attack speed and strong weapons
  • Running across the realm with it’s high speed

Pick rogue if:

  • You want to make boss fights easier. With less shots it’s easier to dodge.
  • You want to play a class with great mobility and utility
  • You need to deal high damage to beat bosses quickly

More information on rogue:


Solo play is inevitable in this game. Knowing what’s best to use for it is great to help you learn as a player.

And of course, you can play solo with any class. Some will just fare better than others. It just depends on how you play it.

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