[Top 3] Mobile Legends Best Kimmy Builds That Win Games

best builds for kimmy, how to use kimmy
10 Sep 2023

What are the best builds for Kimmy?

Kimmy immediately gained popularity during her release due to her uniqueness and charm. Unlike other marksman heroes, she offers something new to the table that only a few can master.

This mixed-damage hero thrives in both mage and marksman items. It's just a matter of when and how to use them in different situations. Some say that she’s better off with main physical items. Others also say that she excels in mage items.

Nonetheless, let us check in this article how Kimmy performs when she takes on different roles in the game.

If you want to know more about how to use this very damaging hero, then check this article out

Kimmy Strengths

  • Strong early-game damage - Kimmy is very OP in the early game due to the fact that he can outplay other heroes.
  • Mobility - Kimmy has the ability the attack even while moving. This is her strength since she can easily escape threatening situations.
  • Wide attack range - Kimmy can attack strong from a distant with burst damage. This makes her very deadly when paired with the right equipment.

Kimmy Weaknesses 

  • Not beginner friendly - Using Kimmy requires practice because you need to be precise and exact when positioning her.
  • Fragile - Although she bears a great amount of damage, she is quite squishy. 
  • High accuracy - When you aim Kimmy’s attacks, you always need to be accurate in order to properly use her. Her attacks are flexible, so if you are against very agile heroes, you need to be wise in estimating their next movement.


3. Physical DPS 

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Kimmy can also be used with physical items. It's just about finding your own rhythm.

Physical DPS basically deals with basic physical attacks, skills, talents, and equipment. This triggers physical lifesteal, which is a deadly factor in winning the game. 

Use This Build If…

  • You are one of the damage dealers- Kimmy is practically a mixed hero. She is very flexible and can be used either as a mage or marksman. 
  • You are against squishy heroes - Physical DPS build is very good against squishy heroes. So if you are fighting against weak marksman or mage heroes, you can use this.
  • You are taking the jungler role- If you want to focus on building Kimmy with physical DPS items, choosing the jungler role will give you the power and advantage.


You can follow this leveling-up sequence to ensure that Kimmy gets to maximize this build:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Energy Transformation)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Chemical Refinement)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Energy Transformation)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Maximum Charge)


1. Berserker’s Fury (2250): Berserker’s Fury is a popular name for all physical heroes. If you are an offensive hero, this item will truly help you gain more damage and critical power.

2. Ice Hunter’s Arcane Boots (720): Some don’t even buy boots for Kimmy anymore because of her innate mobility. However, buying this item is still useful, especially in enhancing her abilities as the jungler.

3. Scarlet Phantom (2020): Scarlet Phantom is a good combination with the Berserker’s Fury. Use this, and you will be able to improve the critical and burst damage of Kimmy.

4. Blade of Despair (3010): Blade of Despair is the most powerful attack item out there and is also the most expensive. For Kimmy, she would need all benefits of this item. So if you already gain enough gold advantage to buy this one, do so immediately.

5. Concentrated Energy (2020): It was mentioned beforehand that Kimmy is a mixed hero. She thrives both in physical and magic items. This item will help Kimmy restore her HP and gain lifesteal during the game. 

6. Divine Glaive (1970): Divine Glaive is another mage item in this build. This item is a great source for Kimmy to have high defense abilities in the late game. Given that she is quite squishy, the defense from this item would be very crucial for her


The marksman emblem is suitable for Kimmy for this build. 

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of the opponent.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

Junglers are made for the Retribution spell. You can use this to farm faster or to slow down enemies.


2. Sustained DPS

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With a squishy Kimmy, the sustained DPS build will be your savior.

Sustained DPS is very useful if you want your hero to last long on the battlefield. Kimmy is a hero that does not possess that many defensive characteristics, so using a sustained DPS build will help you solve that problem.

Use This Build If…

  • You are a burst hero - This build works better if your hero has innate burst damage. The sustenance that you will gain will help you keep up during clash fights.
  • You want to be sustained until the latter part of the game - Again, sustained DPS means being able to deal as much damage per second. When you deal with much amount of power, you will be able to level with aggressive assassins.
  • You are against bulky heroes - This item is a counter against thick heroes, like tanks and fighters. The sustenance will help Kimmy penetrate their defense.


1.Genius Wand (2000): Genius Wand offers magic power and movement speed to Kimmy. This is powerful because it provides a mage factor to the burst damage of Kimmy.

2. Arcane Boots (720): Arcane boots are offered for heroes that use mage items. This will really boost Kimmy’s mobility. 

3. Ice Queen Wand (2240): This item is one of the top-tier mage items, giving enhanced HP, lifesteal, and power. By dealing damage to enemies, you will slow them down by a certain percentage.

4. Concentrated Energy (2020): Concentrated energy is another item that enhances the HP of Kimmy. Killing enemy heroes will also restore Kimmy’s health by 10%.

5. Holy Crystal (2180): Holy Crystal is another item that will contribute to the magic power of Kimmy. Its passive will increase the magic power of Kimmy up to 35%.

6. Blood Wings (3000): Blood Wings offer a shield to Kimmy, equalizing 200% magic power. This shield will go back every after 20 seconds and grants additional movement speed.


For sustained DPS build, you can follow this leveling up sequence:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Energy Transformation)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Chemical Refinement)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Energy Transformation)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Maximum Charge)


The Mage Emblem is useful for Kimmy when using this build. You may also utilize the following talent points below:

Mage Emblem

  • Energy - Increases mana
  • Vitality - Increases HP levels
  • Awaken - Enhances mana regeneration
  • Flow - Improves magic power
  • Desire - Offers cooldown reduction and increase in magical lifesteal
  • Observation - Enhances magic penetration

Battle Spells

You can utilize the purify battle spell in order to counter heroes with CC effects.


1. Burst- Jungle

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Yep, you can use Kimmy as the core hero, too.

Another way to personalize the items of a core hero is to use burst-focused items. This burst build is very powerful if you are aiming to make Kimmy a jungler. 

Use This Build If…

  • You are the jungler - Kimmy is indeed squishy. But with the right item, you will be able to maximize her. So use this build if you aim to use her in such a way that you get to carry your team.
  • You are a Kimmy-master already - Kimmy is not for beginners; that is a fact. So if you want to use her as the core, be sure that you already took a lot of practice with her skills and abilities. You also need to practice aiming her attacks since she works differently from other marksman heroes.
  • Your team does not have that much damage dealers - Being the core hero means being the main damage dealer of the team. If you aim to make Kimmy the core damage dealer, you may opt to use this burst build.


1. Ice Queen Wand (2240): From the name itself, this item will truly ice other players. Use this, and Kimmy will be able to slow down enemies. 

2. Ice Hunter’s Arcane Boots (720): These boots are tailored for mage heroes that take on the core role. You will be able to utilize the benefits from this when you are farming in the early part of the game.

3. Glowing Wand (2200): Glowing wand offers magic damage over time. Buying this will scorch your targets for a few seconds, dealing with 1% of the target’s maximum HP. This is best used by mage heroes that deal continuous damage.

4. Concentrated Energy (2020): Concentrated energy focus on the HP of Kimmy. Use this, and you will be able to benefit from killing enemies.

5. Divine Glaive (1970): Divine Glaive helps Kimmy fight against thick heroes. Since she is the core player, expect that fighters and tanks would easily target you. So you may use this item to solve that problem.

6. Blood Wings (3000): Blood Wings is considered to be the BOD, but for mage heroes. This will offer Kimmy the shield and power she needs in order to hold out until the very last minute of the game.


Most players basically follow the traditional leveling up sequence of Kimmy, regardless of the build:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Energy Transformation)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Chemical Refinement)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Energy Transformation)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Maximum Charge)


As a jungler, you may opt to use the assassin emblem or the mage emblem.

Assassin Emblem

  • Veteran Hunter - Additional gold when you eliminate jungle creeps.  Extra 50 Gold upon eliminating Jungle Creeps.
  • Wild Power - Additional gold upon killing an enemy affected by the Retribution spell, capped at 1100.
  • Demon Slayer - Damage received and dealt from and to Lords and Turtles decrease and increase by 20%
  • Iron - Damage received from monsters is reduced.
  • Knowledge - Cooldown reduction
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.

Mage Emblem

  • Energy - Increases mana
  • Vitality - Increases HP levels
  • Awaken - Enhances mana regeneration
  • Flow - Improves magic power
  • Desire - Offers cooldown reduction and increase in magical lifesteal
  • Observation - Enhances magic penetration

Battle Spells

The retribution spell is the battle spell to be used by core players by default. This will help Kimmy monopolize most of the jungle monsters and even utilize this to steal jungle monsters from enemy’s side.

Kimmy is very strong against other marksman and tank heroes, such as:

  • Minotaur
  • Valir
  • Vale
  • Hykis
  • Moskov

Kimmy is basically weak against heroes with extreme CC effects and has high shield output:

  • Gusion
  • Aldous
  • Lancelot
  • Lolita
  • Hayabusa
  • Johnson

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