[Top 3] Mobile Legends Best Claude Builds That Win Games

best builds for claude, how to use claude
06 Jun 2023

What are the best builds for Claude?

Claude is practically a hero to try out for! If you want to have a hero that can take on any role and is flexible, then you should definitely use him.

Claude is a popular marksman for beginners and even for professional players. His ability to deal a great amount of power to multiple enemies at once is still something that needs to be decoded.

If you want to know more about how to use this very damaging hero, then check this article out.

Claude Strengths

  • Can attack multiple enemies at once - As mentioned, Claude bears the power to deal damage to multiple enemies due to his area of effect damage.
  • Can farm fast - Claude’s skills and ability to attack are quite faster than other heroes. This makes him farm faster too.
  • Good escape skill - Claude has the skill to go into a designated position in less than a second. This makes him able to escape threatening situations.

Claude Weaknesses 

  • Challenging to master - Although he is popular for beginners, Claude is still quite challenging to master due to his skills that require good timing and perfect positioning.
  • Dependent on items - Claude is very dependent on attack items so that he can unleash his damage power. This is quite a setback, given that he really needs to farm fast in order to start dealing damage for the team.
  • Heroes with Crowd Control abilities - Since Claude is very agile, his weakness is enemies with CC effects. So you really need to be wise in choosing battle spells and items to counter this weakness.

3. Attack Speed


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Imagine how badass Claude would be with a very fast attack speed?

Claude works very well when his attack speed is maximized. Given that he has a great amount of area of effect damage, he can really match up against five enemies at once with a fast attack speed.

Use This Build If…

  • You are the main marksman - Given that attack speed items only function well with marksman heroes, this is a very useful build for Claude.
  • You are against agile enemies - Agile enemies are those that are very quick and mobile. So if you are fighting against them, you need to be able to deal as much damage in a few seconds.
  • You are taking on the gold lane - Goldlanes are for marksman heroes. If you are on the gold lane, the tank may not be able to be with you at all times, given that the core of the team also needs his support. So this build is good if you want to be able to protect yourself alone from enemies.


You can follow this leveling-up sequence to ensure that Claude gets to maximize this build:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Art of Thievery)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Battle Mirror Image)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Art of Thievery)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Blazing Duet)


1. Demon Hunter Sword (2180): Claude is very dependent on Demon Hunter Sword. Without this item, his attacks will not even bear damage at all. So at the start of the game, always ensure that you farm immediately to buy this item.

2. Warrior Boots (720): It is given that this item will give Claude a mobility boost. Other than that, this will also give  him additional physical defense

3. Golden Staff (2000): Golden Staff item enhances the physical, attack, and critical damage of Claude. With this item, he will be able to improve not just his attack speed but also other damage-inducing factors. 

4. Corrosion Scythe (2050): Corrosion Scythe takes care of the attack speed of Claude. But other than that, this item is also capable of slowing down enemies when hit by attacks. 

5. Rose Gold Meteor (2120): This item offers a slight defense against Claude. When his HP is at a critical level, this item will give him an additional shield. 

6. Malefic Roar (2060): Malefic Roar is extreme;y important for damage-dealing heroes because this will help them penetrate tanks and fighters. Use this for Claude if you are against very thick front liners. 


The marksman emblem is the most suitable emblem for Claude for this build. 

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of the opponent.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

Claude is good with the Purify Spell. This is helpful for him to negate attacks and CC effects of enemies.


2. Sustained DPS


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With sustained damage per second, Claude will last longer in the field.

Claude also works well with sustained DPS items. This is very powerful when used on him because Claude’s skills are built to be able to deal as much damage in a few seconds. So enhancing his ability to damage an opponent in a short amount of time will truly make him unstoppable.

Use This Build If…

  • You are a burst hero - Again, this build works well with burst-damage heroes. Not that you cannot use this with other heroes, but this is just more effective if you already have burst damage in your skills.
  • You are against mage and marksman - This build is dominant against weak and squishy opponents. If you are in the low tier, this is truly recommended since most opponents there use mage and marksman heroes.
  • You are against fighters and tanks - This is why sustained DPS becomes important because what burst damage lacks, DPS can provide. The power that one can gain in sustained DPS is more stable and consistent, which is why it is effective against tanks and fighters.


1.Demon Hunter Sword (2180): This item makes or breaks Claude. Without this, you will not be able to take Claude to his fullest potential, given that he will not be able to deal as much damage as you want. 

2. Warrior Boots (720): Buy this item so that Claude will have the needed mobility and additional defense to make him last longer in the field.

3. Golden Staff (2000): Golden Staff is very worth it, given that this not just improves the attack speed but also the physical and critical chance of Claude. So with the price, this is enough to give Claude the damage advantage at the early to mid part of the game. 

4. Haas’s Claws  (1810): Haas’s Claws is the lifeblood of sustained DPS build. This helps Claude gain the necessary lifesteal abilities to become explosive in the latter part of the game. 

5. Brute Force Breastplate (1870): This item is very useful for heroes that need durability and mobility. When bought, movement speed and defense of Claude will increase to certain percentages.

6. Immortality (2250): This defense item will allow Claude to be resurrected when he dies. Upon resurrecting, he will gain a shield and HP, just enough to help him escape from enemies.


For sustained DPS build, you can follow this leveling up sequence:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Art of Thievery)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Battle Mirror Image)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Art of Thievery)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Blazing Duet)


Marksman Emblem is still pretty much useful for this kind of build. You can also utilize the following talent points for him:

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of the opponent.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

With Claude, you can utilize the Aegis or Purify Spell. Both battle spells work as they provide a cushion for Claude to aggressively enter clashes.


1. Jungle


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If Claude is the jungler, use this build.

Jungler is probably the most crucial role in the team. With that, it is only understandable why heroes using this build are the most powerful team member in the team composition. Basically, the jungler will hold all the team members together. Without the jungler, the team will have a hard time defeating the enemy, given that they do not have enough offense.

Use This Build If…

  • You are ready to carry your tram - Being the jungler means you are the sole offense provider on the team. You should really have in your heart the ability to take them to victory.
  • You have already mastered Claude - Junglers have a lot of weight on their shoulders. With the responsibility that comes with it, you must be able to know how to use Claude so that you can defend your teammates better.
  • The enemy team does not have that many CC effects - CC effects are the weakness of Claude. If you are a jungler, be wise in picking because even if he is powerful, but if you choose him against the wrong opponent, you will still likely lose.


1. Demon Hunter Sword (2180): Demon Hunter Sword is the secret weapon of Claude. This allows him to gain offensive damage and to be able to dominate against thick heroes.

2. Flame Hunter Warrior Boots (720): This boot is pretty much the same as the usual Warrior Boots, only that this one is tailored for junglers.

3. Golden Staff (2000): Golden Staff is also another must-have item for Claude. This is one is very reliable, given that it improves the essential factors that will help Claude dominate in the early to mid game, such as the critical power and fast attack speed.

4. Wind of Nature (1910): Claude is a very aggressive player when used correctly. If you are already familiar with her skills, you must know that he has the ability to show up from one destination to another. This is very helpful, especially during crucial moments that will really tilt the game. Thus, the Wind of Nature gives him the safety net to do all these aggressive plays without worrying if the enemy will be able to catch him.

5. Immortality (2250): Another defense item is present on the list. Immortality adds up to the defense of Claude so that he will be able to survive throughout the team fights.

6. Malefic Roar (2060): This one is quite an underrated item, given that this is famous for basic marksman heroes like Layla. However, the Malefic Roar is actually useful to Claude, especially if you want to increase his physical penetration.


Most players basically follow the traditional leveling up sequence of Claude, regardless of the build:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Art of Thievery)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Battle Mirror Image)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Art of Thievery)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Blazing Duet)


As the jungler, it is only reasonable that Claude must use the Assassin Emblem. This helps him benefit from kills.

Assassin Emblem

  • Veteran Hunter - Additional gold when you eliminate jungle creeps.  Extra 50 Gold upon eliminating Jungle Creeps.
  • Wild Power - Additional gold upon killing an enemy affected by the Retribution spell, capped at 1100.
  • Demon Slayer - Damage received and dealt from and to Lords and Turtles decreases and increases by 20%
  • Iron - Damage received from monsters is reduced.
  • Knowledge - Cooldown reduction
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.

Battle Spells

By default, the Retribution spell is the battle spell for junglers like Claude. This will help him in farming and slowing down enemies when needed.

Claude is very strong against other marksman heroes, such as:

  • Lesley
  • Karrie
  • Miya
  • Akai
  • Hylos

Claude is basically weak against heroes with extreme CC effects and has high shield output:

  • Chou
  • Johnson
  • Selena
  • Fanny
  • Freya

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