[Top 3] Mobile Legends Best Wanwan Builds That Win Games

best builds for wanwan, how to use wanwan
23 Sep 2023

What are the best builds for Wanwan?

If you have ever seen that hero that suddenly flies up and attacks, then you have probably met Wanwan. Wanwan basically once ruled the marksman role. This hero is so unstoppable; nobody can tame her once she’s up there.

This time, let us try to dissect the power Wanwan has and what you can do to maximize her. Take note that Wanwan is not beginner-friendly. It takes a lot of practice before you get to use her to her fullest potential. So be sure to take note of all the essential information you will get here.

Wanwan Strengths

  • Can reverse the game - Because of Wanwan’s power in the late game, she has the highest potential to make epic comebacks. If you pair her with the right equipment, you will definitely see her shine in the latter part of the game.
  • Great at poking - Poking is the strength of Wanwan, especially with her first skill. You can maximize this in the earlier part of the game when Wanwan is still trying to get that gold advantage.
  • Mobility - Wanwan is a very agile marksman hero. In fact, fighters and assassins hate her because they just couldn’t seem to contain a very aggressive Wanwan.

Wanwan Weaknesses 

  • Late gamer - This is probably her strength, but this is also her weakness. Since Wanwan is a late gamer, she is weak in the early game. If your opponents decide to be aggressive early on, they might be able to outplay Wanwan.
  • Ultimate skill needs to reach a certain condition - The ultimate skill of Wanwan is what makes her different from others. However, in order to maximize this, she still needs to hit all 4 marks of passive on a target. This is quite challenging to achieve, which can be her weakness.
  • Not beginner-friendly - It was already mentioned that Wanwan takes a lot of time to master. That is true because Wanwan’s skills need precise positioning and timing in order to be executed perfectly.


3. Attack Speed

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Level up Wanwan's attack speed by buying these items.

Wanwan is a marksman hero. Thus, it is common knowledge that attack speed is very integral for her. This build will help Wanwan enhance the power of her attacks and allow her to deal more damage in a short amount of time.

Use This Build If…

  • You are taking the marksman role of the team - The attack speed build mainly focuses on enhancing the attack of a certain hero. It pays little to no attention at all in defense. 
  • You have a tank in the team - Marksman heroes are highly likely to take on the gold lane. In order to gain the gold advantage, you need to have a tank that can support you in saving up gold to buy items in this build.
  • You have an ally that can also contribute to damage - Although this build is already offensive-focused, it is not that effective alone. You really need to have another team member that can serve as the core, especially if you are fighting against assassins and fighters.


With this build, you can choose to focus more on giving Wanwan the offensive advantage in the early game by following this sequence of leveling her up.

  • Level One: First Skill - (Swallow’s Path)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Needles in Flowers)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Swallow’s Path)
  • Level Four: Ultimate SkIll - (Crossbow of Tang)


1. Corrosion Scythe (2050): Corrosion Scythe is basically a weapon used to increase the attack speed. However, another purpose of this item is to slow enemies down. This is very effective against heroes that rely on their mobility, like Selena, Claude, and Natalia, among others.

2. Swift Boots (710): Even if Wanwan is already very mobile, it does not hurt if you still buy her Swift Boots. That way, you can hype her up even more.

3. Demon Hunter Sword (2180): Demon Hunter Sword also increases the attack speed of Wanwan but with the addition of physical penetration. This is very useful if your opponents have strong front liners. 

4. Golden Staff (2000): Golden staff increases the attack speed, physical damage, and critical chance of Wanwan simultaneously. That is why this item is extremely useful if you want to focus on improving Wanwan’s attack speed since it also caters to other damage types.

5. Immortality  (2250): Immortality serves as the second life of Wanwan. The main purpose of this item is for Wanwan to be resurrected again after dying. Other than that, it does not contribute that much to the offense. 

6. Blade of Despair (3010): Blade of Despair is the most expensive attack item. Because of that, this serves as your finisher, especially if the game is extended to a late game. With Blade of Despair, Wanwan can gain enhancement in her physical attack and movement speed.


The marksman emblem is the most suitable emblem for Wanwan for this build. 

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of the opponent
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

Wanwan is good with the Inspire Spell, especially if you are using the Attack speed build.


2. Sustained DPS

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Wanwan's sustenance depends on these items.

Sustained DPS basically pertains to the continuous damage that one hero can offer in a second. With this kind of build, you need a hero that has innate burst damage so that you can quickly enhance her damage per second. 

Use This Build If…

  • You are a burst hero - Again, this build works well with burst-damage heroes. Not that you cannot use this with other heroes, but this is just more effective if you already have burst damage in your skills.
  • You are against mage and marksman - This build is dominant against weak and squishy opponents. If you are in the low tier, this is truly recommended since most opponents there use mage and marksman heroes.
  • You are against fighters and tanks - This is why sustained DPS becomes important because what burst damage lacks, DPS can provide. The power that one can gain in sustained DPS is more stable and consistent, which is why it is effective against tanks and fighters.


1. Corrosion Scythe (2050): Corrosion Scythe is extremely helpful for slowing them agile and annoying enemies. This item can help you control them and avoid getting preyed on instantly.

2. Swift Boots (710): Swift Boots are a very useful item for marksman heroes in order to keep up with their opponents.

3. Demon Hunter Sword (2180): The Demon Hunter Sword is the gateway for Wanwan to push through bulk tanks and fighters. With this item, she will be able to penetrate their defense and reach the backline heroes of the enemy team.

4. Windtalker (1820): What’s good about Windtalker is the fact that it enhances the critical chance and movement speed of Wanwan while also taking care of her Attack speed. This item is very good in the early game since it is cheap and can already provide offensive tendencies.

5. Immortality  (2250): Not all players use Immortality because they feel like the resurrection part is not that helpful, especially if you are resurrected right in front of the enemies. In that situation, you are most likely to just die again. However, with Wanwan, you can maximize this item, given that she is an already mobile hero with escape abilities.

6. Haas’s Claws  (1810): Haas’s Claws is not that expensive. However, it carries a very valuable benefit, which is the lifesteal abilities. With this item, every hit of Wanwan will allow her to regenerate her HP too.


For sustained DPS build, you can follow this leveling up sequence:

  • Level One: First Skill - (Swallow’s Path)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Needles in Flowers)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Swallow’s Path)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Crossbow of Tang)


Marksman Emblem is still pretty much useful for this kind of build. You can also utilize the following talent points for her:

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of the opponent.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

You can utilize the Inspire spell or the Aegis with the sustain DPS build.


1. Attack and Defend

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Ready to attack against enemies and defend yourself? Use this build.

From the name itself, you can already sense that this build enhances not just the attack but also the defense of Wanwan. This is really helpful if you are against assassins or very aggressive fighters.

Use This Build If…

  • Your enemies have a lot of CC effects - Crowd control skills are the weakness of Wanwan because that would mean you will be able to tame her. This build will help you have a solution to that problem.
  • You are against assassins - Even if you are not the core player, but since you are still a damage dealer, you can be the constant target of enemy assassins. The defense that you will gain from this build will help you counter that.
  • The enemy team has aggressive damage dealers - Damage dealers are extremely painful to your HP. Defending yourself from it will allow you to last longer in the field.


1. Corrosion Scythe (2050): Again, since you are fighting very aggressive opponents, buying this item will help you slow them down.

2. Swift Boots (710): Buying boots is useful to boost your mobility, even if Wanwan is already known to be a fas hero. 

3. Demon Hunter Sword (2180): The specialty of the Demon Hunter Sword is to be able to fight against extremely thick heroes, even if you are just a marksman. So this is really helpful, given that your teammates will definitely be needing support from Wanwan’s damage.

4. Wind of Nature (1910): Wind of Nature is good for players who are already familiar with how to play around with Wanwan. This item allows Wanwan to temporarily be free and gain immunity from all attacks that will be casted upon her.

5. Windtalker (1820): Windtalker takes care of the critical chance of Wanwan. Once you use this, you will gain additional power on your physical attack and an increase in your attack speed also.

6. Rose Gold Meteor (2120): Rose Gold Meteor is a good defensive item, given that it activates when the HP of Wanwan is at a critical level. When reaches a maximum low level, Wanwan will gain an additional shield.


Most players basically follow the traditional leveling up sequence of Wanwan, regardless of the build.

  • Level One: First Skill - (Swallow’s Path)
  • Level Two: Second Skill - (Needles in Flowers)
  • Level Three: First Skill - (Swallow’s Path)
  • Level Four: Ultimate Skill - (Crossbow of Tang)


As the main marksman hero, the Marksman emblem is what fits best for this build.

Marksman Emblem

  • Quantum Charge - Enhances Movement Speed and regenerates HP.
  • Weakness Finder - Decreases the movement and attack speed of the opponent.
  • Swift - Improves Attack Speed.
  • Agility - Enhances Movement Speed.
  • Greed - Adds Physical Life Steal.
  • Bravery - Increases Physical Attack damage

Battle Spells

The Inspire spell is used for this build, given that there are already items that can take care of the defense of Wanwan. So using the Inspire spell will highlight her offense as well.

Wanwan is great against mages, marksmen, and fighter heroes like:

  • Harley
  • Granger
  • Guinevere
  • Pharsa
  • Lesley

Wanwan is weak when put up against:

  • Gusion
  • Ling
  • Esmeralda
  • X.borg
  • Selena

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