[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Heroes For Legend Rank

best mobile legends heroes for legend rank, best legend heroes in mobile legends
24 Mar 2023

Who are the best heroes in the Legend rank?

Legend rank is the bridge between the Epic and Mythic ranks. That means that you are already in between being a beginner and an expert. That is why you will encounter various players in this tier who have already mastered the hero that they are using because chances are, they have been playing Mobile Legends for a certain amount of time already.
But wash away your worries because we can always do something about that. If you are scared of how to move out of this tier, we will give you a list of heroes that you can utilize in the Legend Rank.


15. Natalia

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Always be aware of your surroundings.

Natalia is an assassin that you can always rely on in the Legend rank. Always remember that she may lose her charm the longer the game is since enemy core heroes can already have the chance to equal or exceed the level of power she can give to the team. However, if you have really saved up enough gold in the early part of the game to sustain her, then she will become a beast in the late game.

What makes Natalia Great:

  • She peaks all the time, whether in the beginning, middle, or late part of the game.
  • She can kill almost anyone in a one-vs-one fight because of her strong damage.
  • She is the perfect hero if the enemy team consists of mage and marksman heroes.

14. Wanwan

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Once she's up, you can no longer stop her.

Wanwan has been a very famous marksman hero ever since she was released. It is because of her ultimate skill that can really kill any hero with weak HP. Although she is a damage dealer, Wanwan can only do so much in terms of defense. So she would really need the support and assistance from tanks or support allies in order to help her power up fast.

What makes Wanwan Great:

  • Her skills are the reason why she is tagged as the Comeback Queen since she can easily tilt the game with her ultimate skill.
  • She is great at poking, too, thanks to his first skill.
  • Even though she is a marksman, she has high movement speed because of her passive. This allows her to spam enemies with her skills and farm faster.

13. Benedetta

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She got what it takes to kill one.

You can only most likely see Benedetta in this rank. It is given already that she can be challenging to use, especially since her full damage does not immediately go off in just one full burst. It also does not consistently deal damage like what marksman heroes do. With Benedetta, you really have to prioritize defense items, too, since she may lack in this area.

What makes Benedetta Great:

  • Her first skill is already deadly because if he can hit a target with her shadow, she can multiply the damage she deals with.
  • She can escape and move around quickly because of her second skill, which allows her to move or blink in a designated area.
  • Her ultimate has a low cooldown, so she can always spam it. She can use this ultimate to chase enemies.

12. Granger 

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Burst damage? He has it.

Granger is a marksman hero that also excels in the Legend tier. Players have always been in love with his mobility and attacks that can destroy any enemy formation. Granger is also the hero that can offer the element of surprise to his enemies. So you can never go wrong with having Granger on your team.

What makes Granger Great:

  • He deals very massive burst damage, which he can use to attack enemies from afar.
  • His ultimate has the crowd control and area of effect damage.
  • He is a marksman that can pass off as an assassin because of his mobility and damage,

11. Pacquito

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Just one punch.

Pacquito is inspired by a well-known boxer in the Philippines. Because of this, you are very well aware by now that this hero is made for punching. With Pacquito, you just have to be quick and efficient in placing him. So he might be challenging to use, especially if you are not aware of the skills of your enemies,

What makes Pacquito Great:

  • His skills have a very short cooldown, so he can always spam it against enemies.
  • As a fighter, he has massive damage and varied attacks. He can always utilize various combos to attack enemies.
  • He has a very strong early-game advantage. So if you want to use him, you must make sure that you gain an immediate advantage in the early game.

10. Esmeralda

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Shield? She has plenty of that.

This Astrologer is one of the greatest in Mobile Legends. Esmeralda has long been a fascination, especially in her versatility in excelling no matter what the role is. It also helps that she deals mixed damage, as she can be a mage and a tank at the same time.

What makes Esmeralda Great:

  • She has a very strong and large shield output, thanks to her own passive. This makes Esmeralda a very bulk mage.
  • She can be used as the core damage dealer, too, showing how versatile she is.
  • She can sustain herself very well and no longer depends on other heroes. This is a very good trait, allowing your teammates to achieve bigger objectives other than just protecting you.

9. Valentina

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Do not be deceived.

Valentine has never left the popularity tier ever since she came to light. This mage may be weak in terms of her defense, but she is a beast due to her unique ability. Although other may say that this can also be a disadvantage, especially if Valentina relies only on the copied skills from enemies. Nonetheless, the player that can effectively use Valentina is only those who know very well the skills of most heroes in the game.

What makes Valentina Great:

  • Her core and main damage output is burst damage, so that tells a lot about how deadly and powerful Valentina can be.
  • She has crowd control effects that she can utilize to avoid preying assassins.
  • She can copy the looks and ultimate skill of her enemies, making the enemy team lose an advantage against your team.

8. Aamon

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Hello, said the Duke of Shards.

This Duke of Shards is indeed a very good assassin that you can utilize in the Legend Rank. With Aamon, he deals a considerable amount of damage to his targets, especially if he uses his active skills. It really helps that Aamon is a mixed-damage hero, allowing him to deal strong hits against enemies,

What makes Aamon Great:

  • He suits well with the majority of the heroes in Mobile Legends. So you do not have to worry if he can work perfectly with other heroes in the team.
  • He can be invisible, which he can use to trick enemies.
  • He deals mixed damage in his basic attack and skills, enabling him to become even more dangerous.

7. Chou

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Do not let him kick you.

Chou is a no-brainer on why he is listed here. Chou can be challenging to use, so it would require a lot of practice to master him. The Legend tier would already be enough for the average player to master him and maximize what he can offer to the team. With Chou, you would really need precision in terms of timing your attacks.

What makes Chou Great:

  • He is the King of Kicking and is very well known for restricting enemies from movies once he has already cast his skills.
  • He is very famous now since he was the MVP in the recently concluded M4 World Championships.
  • He is a fighter hero that anyone can use in various roles. You can utilize him as a tank also since his skills and passive allow him to be durable.

6. Selena

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Be careful with her traps.

Selena has been dubbed the Intro Queen. That is because of her enormous early-game damage that can really disrupt the farming of the enemy core hero. Because of this, you must keep in mind to be aggressive immediately in order to intimidate the enemies.

What makes Selena Great:

  • She is the hero with the longest stun effect because of her first skill.
  • She is very fast, allowing her to jump on enemies immediately.
  • She is versatile. Her skills allow her to shift between two kinds of skill sets that she can utilize with different types of enemies.

5. Khufra

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Beware of his presence.

Khufra is a popular hero still on this tier. What’s good with Khufra is that he is not that heavy to use since he is very mobile as a tank. It is also a plus factor in how he can trap enemies on one side and then immobilize them for seconds. If you have allies with area f effect damage, you can utilize his skills to aid them in hitting all enemy heroes at once.

What makes Khufra Great:

  • He is very fun to play, especially with the various combinations that you can maximize when casting his enormous amount of crowd control skills.
  • For a Tank, he has ranged abilities when it comes to trapping enemies.
  • All of his skills have crowd control effects, so you can always rely on him to manage the crowd.

4. Jawhead

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He may just bump you around.

Jawhead was supposedly out already on the list, especially with the entrance of the newest fighter heroes. However, due to some changes made to him, he recently captured the hearts of most players in the game. With Jawkead, you can always use him as a plain fighter or as the core damage dealer to the team.

What makes Jawhead Great:

  • He has a very good passive, which increases the damage that comes with his basic attacks.
  • He has a lot of crowd control abilities, allowing him to protect both himself and his allies.
  • He is known for being the initiator since he can throw away enemies or allies. He can use this in certain situations in order to ensure victory for the team.

3. Johnson

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Driver, anyone?

Johnson is a sight to see every time he is in the game. He is very durable, given that he can regenerate a shield to protect himself during team fights. Johnson is also a hero who can transform from time to time. Because of this, there are a lot of combinations that players use to utilize this unique ability.

What makes Johnson Great:

  • He has the longest stun duration for a tank. You can always use this to immobilize enemies for seconds.
  • He can carry allies with him. This is used in ganking or ambushing places with an ally who has an area of effect damage,
  • He can easily initiate and join team fights, thanks to his very fast mobility every time he transforms into a mobile.

2. Kaja

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Be mindful of his traps.

Kaja is already a household name in Mobile Legends. Although you may not see him that much in the lower ranks, he is frequent in this tier. With Kaja, it might be difficult to use him at first, especially since you will really need to master how to surprise enemies in order to utilize his skills. Kaja really requires precision and timing from the player. Without this, he would be deemed useless to the team.

What makes Kaja Great:

  • His first skill deal area-of-effect damage, which he can utilize to hit multiple enemies at once.
  • He is the best at ganking and ambushing enemies due to his ability to tie enemies and carry them along with him for a period of time.
  • He can instantly single out enemies because of his skills. This is why Kaja is the main pick for others in the Legend Tier since this is the tier when most enemies use assassin or assassin-like heroes, which are very agile.

1. Kagura

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Well, she really is relevant every day.

Kagura is a mage hero who is very agile. Since she is quick, there are a lot of things that you need to consider every time she is in the game. Because of this, some players would even say that Kagura is just like an assassin since she would also need fast and quick hands from the user so that she can effectively cast her skills.

What makes Kagura Great:

  • She is very flexible as a mage hero, to the point that some even use her as the core hero of the team.
  • Her mobility is insane because of the skills that allow her to move from one point to another,
  • She deals great burst damage. This makes Kagura a very effective mage hero since she can deal true damage while also having to ability to escape from approaching enemies.

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