[Top 15] Mobile Legends Best Heroes For Pro League

best heroes in mobile legends for pro league, strong heroes in pro league
24 Mar 2023

Who are the best heroes in the Pro League?

It is not a surprise that with the popularity of Mobile Legends, It has begun to garner thousands of fans around the world. With that being said, this popular mobile game created its international competition to gather the best teams worldwide annually.

Each year, teams compete in the professional league just to achieve the coveted title of being the Mobile Legends: Bang Bang World Champion. Every year, a hero also emerges as one of the strongest heroes in the meta.

In the professional league, the best players in the world will show off their skills and talents by using their favorite heroes. Most often than not, the pro league is where a new meta can be discovered. With that, you should also be knowledgeable on what hero is suitable to be used in the higher leagues. With such massive pressure on your shoulder, it is only reasonable that you are informed about the most common and vital heroes that other teams use in professional competitions.

If you are curious about who among the Mobile Legends heroes are popular for professional players and want to master them, read this article until the end.


15. Esmeralda

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Do not ever let her get near you.

First on the list is this Defense Goddess, Esmeralda, and that is no longer a surprise. In the recent meta, mage heroes continue to soar high, and Esmeralda is one of them. EXP players tend to rely on Esmeralda since she can sustain herself and is independent of the backup of others.

Esmeralda also has the ability to cut lanes in order to stop the push from enemies and can even zone team fights just to give core heroes the advantage.

What makes Esmeralda Great for Pro League: 

  • She can defend herself and has her own generating shield because of her first skill, which provides up to 650 points of shield to herself.
  • She is great when it comes to adding protection to the core players because of her passive skill that can ignore shield effects from enemy teams.
  • She has excellent scaling and synergy in the late because of her ultimate skill’s burst damage, which can be useful for games that last long.

14. Lancelot

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The king of clutch is back.

Who would forget that Lancelot became the face of Mobile Legends during the first M1 World Championship? In fact, Lancelot remains to be a strong and top pick in the professional league because of his agility and very mobile skills. 

For players, it is a must that their heroes are difficult to counter, especially in a game where everyone is well-rounded with the heroes. With Lancelot, players have the advantage because of his movement, allowing him to easily penetrate the enemy team composition.

What makes Lancelot Great for Pro League:

  • He can easily dominate the laning phase because of his huge early-game advantage that allows him to farm easily.
  • He has the highest potential to snowball, giving the team a huge advantage until the last part of the game. He can mobilize very well, enabling him to quickly steal jungle monsters and maximize his gold advantage.
  • He becomes stronger and gains more gold every time he kills a hero, especially if he uses the assassin emblem. This can make him buy equipment faster.

13. Yve

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She will always be relevant.

Yve has a mindblowing control that she can offer to the game. Other than her very high magic damage per second, she can also contribute during team fights and provide backup for her teammates. Because of her effect on the game, players try to secure her. However, most of the time. She gets banned, especially if the player is known for mastering Yve.

What makes Yve Great for Pro League:

  • She can enhance the damage of her ultimate, thanks to her passive skill that stacks every time she hits enemy heroes with her first and second skills. Each stack will allow Yve to have an additional attack when she casts her ultimate.
  • She has an ultimate with a very wide range, which is very useful in poking and reducing the HP of enemies simultaneously. When she casts it, it will show a box-type visual, and anyone inside it will get continuous hits from Yve.
  • She is known for kiting in order to intimidate enemies away. Her skills and ability allow her to move while casting her basic attacks, which is very helpful during team fights.

12. Chou

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I mean, can you even stop his kicks?

If you really want a strong roamer in the professional league, Chou is a top pick. Choi is actually the main hero of one of the players of the M4 World Champion team, ECHO. He has a very unique ability that allows him to sustain until the last part of the game.

What makes Chou Great for Pro League:

  • He is flexible since his skills can be used as a tank, fighter, or jungler.
  • He has good crowd control skills since he can block out movements with his ultimate skill.
  • Since he can easily block out the movements of other heroes, he can be a counter to multiple heroes, which is useful in the pro league.

11. Popol and Kupa

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Best friends for life.

Popol and Kupa is one of the most picked heroes in the professional league. In fact, it has been picked a total of 44 times just in the MPL PH alone! Despite a high pick rate, he still garnered a decent win rate, signifying his power in split pushing and attacking.

What makes Popol and Kupa Great for Pro League:

  • He is good at single-targeting a hero because of Kupa who helps him immobilize enemy heroes.
  • He is good in split pushing because of having good mobility and fast attack speed.
  • He deals burst damage, which is a very deadly thing to cast upon enemies. This allows him to maximize his passive skill and quickly knock up enemies.

10. Harith

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Can anyone even keep up with him?

Harith has always been a popular hero in Mobile Legends, especially with his wonderful and captivating blink skills. Because of this, Harith becomes a force to be reckoned with since it would require high precision in order to counter his skills. Out of all the pro league competitions that took place, Harith was picked in the majority of them.

What makes Chou Great for Pro League:

  • He has many blink skills, which is why he is difficult to catch.
  • His movements are unpredictable because of the agility he provides for the team.
  • He can easily lure enemies in and trap them with his ultimate skill, making him a very strong pick for competitions. 

9. Benedetta

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The Queen of Blinks is ready to fight.

When Benedetta was just newly released, she was already seen a lot of times in the professional league. Professional players also love playing her because of the diversity of her skills, which is a factor if you want to stand out in the game.

What makes Benedetta Great for Pro League:

  • She has incredible mobility because of her dash and blink skills, which are very tricky to play against.
  • She can easily escape and catch up because of her movement speed, which is useful in targeting core players.
  • She has a huge early-game advantage, which allows her to farm faster than others.

8. Khufra

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Ever heard of an offensive tank?

Khufra is a hero that you will really want to try if you want to succeed in the pro league. Khufra is a tank that can deliver a lot of crowd control skills, preventing enemies from attacking your teammates. He is one of the most picked tanks in the pro league, with a win rate of at least 64%

What makes Khufra Great for Pro League:

  • He is a tank with a good movement speed, which is not common for tank heroes.
  • He can pool enemies in one place, allowing the damage dealer to easily attack multiple enemies at once.
  • He is a good pick if your team composition is composed of a hero with burst damage and area of effect damage since he has a lot of abilities which comprise attacking enemies from behind and immobilizing them for seconds.

7. Barats

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Just at least move away from his mouth.

Barats is a pretty much-underrated hero in the mainstream. However, he is a constant pick in the pro league. Barats is a tank hero who is also popular because of his sustenance and durability. Thanks to this, he can support his teammates until the end and provide companionship when needed.

What makes Barats Great for Pro League:

  • He is basically the hero who can survive anything because of his thickness in terms of shield.
  • His durability allows him to perfectly protect core heroes, preventing them from getting mauled by preying enemy assassins or fighters.
  • He is very strong in the early game and can even swallow enemies to kill their momentum.

6. Julian

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Welcome the newest mage in town.

Julian is a no-brainer on this list. With the reputation that he has in the recently concluded M4 World Championships, you can really say that he deserves to be included here! In fact, Julian often gets banned in the pro league, especially if a player is popular for using him. This just shows how scary he can be, especially when maximized.

What makes Julian Great for Pro League:

  • He is a flexible pick, so whenever teams pick him, enemies have a hard time analyzing the role that he is set to play.
  • He is a perfect addition to stirring the confidence and analysis of the enemy team, especially with his diverse skill set.
  • His passive allows his basic attacks to be enhanced for a period of time, allowing him to pull enemies closer to him.

5. Beatrix

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She never goes out of style.

Beatrix has always been part of the meta. No wonder why she is also a constant pick in the pro league. Players love Beatrix because of his ability to counter whatever attack that is given to her. Because of this Mecha Genius, the team can have no worries if ever Beatrix is left all alone in the lane.

What makes Beatrix Great for Pro League:

  • She has long-range attacks because of his diverse skill set. This enables her to target core players positioning from behind.
  • She deals burst, short-range attacks. With these skills, Beatrix can kill a hero with just one bullet.
  • She has outstanding micro-skills, since she can choose out of her four guns. All of which cater to different kinds of attacks for her enemies.

4. Wanwan

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No matter how many times you nerf her, she will always be strong.

If you want to use marksman heroes in the pro league, you might as well choose this beast! Wanwan has always been associated with popular met plays since she can also pass off as an assassin. Overall, Wanwan has been instrumental in forming a core meta-team composition. When she gets her essential items, she is truly unstoppable!

What makes Wanwan Great for Pro League:

  • She is known for being a tank destroyer and can easily melt their HP bars, especially when she casts her ultimate.
  • She is a savage queen since her ultimate allows her to move on to the next hero whenever she kills one.
  • She is very agile for a marksman and can farm fast than others because of her early game advantage.


3. Ruby

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Who says she's weak?

If you want a lifestealer in the team, Ruby is the answer. She is a regular pick in most pro league competitions in the world. A good Ruby user will truly affect the way your team plays since she can serve as the additional damage dealer of the group. With Ruby, crowd control will never be a problem for the team.

What makes Ruby Great for Pro League:

  • She has high mobility because of her passive skill, which enables her to jump from one place to another. In doing so, she also increases her physical and magic defense.
  • She has an insane amount of innate lifesteal effects, especially when you pair it with Haas’ Claw or Endless Battle.
  • She can stun enemies and drag enemies toward her whenever she casts her second skill. Her ultimate is also a stunner since this can immobilize enemies for seconds.

2. Estes

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The underrated one.

Estes remains to be super popular in the professional league. This hero is actually underrated by common players. However, because of the popularization of the pro players who used him in the game, he became very famous, and people started rooting for him once again. This hero is a support who can literally bring back your HP to a full bar. What’s good about Estes is that his skills are not only for a single ally. He can cast his skills to all of his teammates at once.

What makes Estes Great for Pro League:

  • He can slow enemies with his second skill, refraining from catching up with his teammates.
  • He can heal himself, allowing him to last long during team fights.
  • His ultimate enables him to heal all teammates that are within his reach. So if all teammates are near him, he can basically heal them fast and return their HP back.

1.  Paquito

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Time for a punch.

Paquito is almost similar to Chou, only that it focuses more on punching rather than kicking. Same with Chou, this boxer hero is also an ultimate favorite by professional players since he is quick and very challenging to master. Known as the Kung Fu king, he is not easy to learn, but once you know his combinations, you will surely be carrying the play in no time.

What makes Paquito Great for Pro League:

  • He can act both as the tank and fighter of the team. His sustainability and damage allow him to do this.
  • He is a counter against most mages and assassins since he can easily catch up with them.
  • When he maximizes his passive, he enters into the Champ Stance and his next skill to attack will be enhanced with no cooldown.

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