[Top 10] Sims Medieval Best Traits (Ranked)

Best Traits in Sims Medieval
27 Dec 2022

Sims Medieval is a quest-driven Sims game where the traits you choose can either help your hero sim or cause you to get fed to the pit monster. Out of 21 traits here are my top 10 best traits to play with.

These traits are ranked based on how useful they are, as well as what they add to the gameplay. Remember we are trying to keep our focus high so we can raise our quest performance but also have a little fun. While they don’t all earn buffs the traits on this list all have their share of benefits.


10. Haggler Trait

"Treat yoself" with the ultimate 20% off coupon.

Everyone needs to eat and before you can level up money is a little tight. The Haggler trait makes its way on the list because it literally can benefit any hero sim.

This trait gives you prices reduced by 20% which is especially helpful to the sims who cannot hunt and don’t want to eat gruel for every meal. This is especially useful for the Merchant, Bard, Physician or any sims that sell their wares for money. 

Haggler Trait Pros:

  • Prices reduced by 20%
  • Great for Merchant, Bard and Physician


9. Eloquent Trait

An extrovert's dream.

Second to last  is the Eloquent trait. This trait gives you three trait specific social interactions and is really useful for making friends and getting to know a lot of people.

If you are playing as a Merchant, a Monarch or any hero who needs to interact with people on a regular basis, this is the trait to have.

Eloquent Trait Pros:

  • 3 New social interactions
  • Great way to make friends easily
  • Especially useful for the Merchant, Bard and Physician


8. Excitable Trait

Here we see and excitable sim, just happy to be here. 

The excitable trait is just that, a sim high on life, excited to be alive and doing things they love. This trait makes them prone to random bouts of excitement which benefits them in the long run.

This can be triggered first thing in the morning by cooking but will also randomly appear throughout the day giving you the “Excited” Buff. This is a good trait to pair with others on the list for its ease in earning focus, plus every morning you can start the day off with a focus boost. 

Excitable Trait Pros:

  • “Excited” Buff, +15 Focus and lasts 4 hours.
  • Triggered by cooking, sword fights or anything your sim specifically enjoys
  • Great for any hero sim


7. Vain Trait

"You're so vain, you probably think this article is about you."

While not so much a quality character trait in friends and family but being vain is a benefit to your sim. Vain sims can quickly boost their focus by looking in a mirror.

When you “Gussy Up” you earn the “Attractive” Buff, if you can’t help but to look in the mirror again, you can earn the “I Am Beautiful” Buff. These buffs are stackable, easy to earn, and gain focus quickly.

Vain Trait Pros:

  • Earn focus by looking in the mirror
  • “Attractive” Buff, +10 Focus and lasts 5 hours
  • “I Am Beautiful” Buff, +10 Focus and lasts 6 hours


6. Earthy Trait

Even spies have to pick their own flowers.

The earthy trait is one of my favorites because I also enjoy being outdoors. And with this trait your sim earns a buff anytime they are outside. Seeing that you are always traveling outside it is the perfect addition for any hero.

It is especially beneficial if you are playing as a Wizard, Physician or Spy because you have a better chance at finding rarer herbs and collecting more everytime you look

Earthy Trait Pros:

  • Earn focus anytime you’re outside
  • “One With Nature” Buff, +20 Focus, this lasts indefinitely 
  • Chance to find more herbs and rare herbs


5. Solitary Trait

There tuly is nothing like some peace and quiet.

The Solitary trait makes you a loner but leaves you with multiple buffs that boost focus. Whenever you are alone you will always have the “Enjoying Solitude” Buff. There is also a chance after prolonged solitude of earning the “I Can Do It Alone” Buff while on a quest.

This trait is good for your Spies and your Wizards since they spend a lot of time alone. I would not recommend this for heroes that get random visitors like the Merchant, Physician or Bard unless you like a challenge. 

Solitary Trait Pros:

  • “Enjoying Solitude” Buff, +15 Focus, always present when alone
  • “I Can Do It On My Own” Buff, +10 Focus, Lasts while you are alone
  • Good for Spies and Wizards


4. Adventurous Trait

Bye, hopefully you don't get attacked by a pack of Dire chinchillas.

The Adventurous Trait adds a new interaction that allows you to go on an adventure at the forest and the docks. This trait also comes with two new social interactions that let you talk about these grand adventures.

 When you go on an adventure you earn the “What A Great Adventure” Buff that earns you focus. This trait is a fun one to have l but is especially useful to the sims who are limited to their interactions with the kingdom and want the chance to do more.

Adventurous Trait pros:

  • Adds the option to go on an adventure
  • “What A Great Adventure” Buff earned after going on an adventure
  • Buff earns +20 focus and lasts for 11 hours


3. Scholarly Trait

I would probably write more if I had a desk like this.

The scholarly trait is one of the best traits to have for its ease of earning focus. Plus, there are a few hero sims whose responsibilities revolve around research and writing, so it’s only right they enjoy it.

The Scholarly trait earns you focus by simply reading a book or examining items in your home and around the kingdom. Every time a buff wears off you can quickly earn it back with a non-time consuming activity.

Scholarly Trait Pros:

  • “Read a Good Book” Buff, +10 focus and lasts 12 hours
  • “Fascinated” Buff, comes from examining objects, +15 focus and lasts for 2 hours
  • Great for Monarchs, Priests and Physicians 


2. Dedicated Trait

This icon represents the dedicated trait. Only a workaholic would think about being dedicated 24/7.

The dedicated trait makes number 2 on the list because this is a quest-based game. When you are a dedicated hero, sometimes you take on more responsibilities for the day, but that’s what makes you happy.

You earn a buff after completing your responsibilities which means that you earn XP and focus. Completing your daily responsibilities is a huge part of quest performance so might as well take on more and earn Platinum on quests while leveling your hero up quickly.

Dedicated Trait Pros:

  • “A Job Well Done” Buff, earned after completing any of your daily responsibilities
  • Buff earns +20 focus for 7 hours
  • For every extra responsibility completed, +15 focus is added 
  • Great for any Hero Sim


1. Fun-Loving Trait

You will always find a fun-loving sims playing some kind of game, with or without you.

The Fun-Loving trait is number one on this list for its ease of earning focus and how it adds an enjoyable level to the game that isn’t quest centered. With this trait you can earn focus by doing the things your sim specifically enjoys.

The activities can include card games, chess, dueling and practicing military strategies. Literally the ways in which you can have fun are endless and the benefits from this trait easily beat all of the other traits. 

Fun-Loving Trait Pros:

  • Good for any Hero Sim
  • “Entertained” Buff, +-25 focus and lasts for 2 hours
  • If entertainment continues, “Having a Blast” Buff appears, +40 focus and lasts 3 hours
  • If you have the “Entertained” Buff and do a fun activity, “Life Is So Fun” Buff appears, +50 focus and can last up to 3 hours if you keep doing the activity


Let’s be honest, these rankings are a little biased BUT why would I steer you wrong? These are the top 10 traits for Sims Medieval, ranked. Most Heroes can benefit from any combination of these traits, try them out and see if you agree.


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