Rekkles Wiki: 32 Most Interesting Facts About Him!

Rekkles Wiki
05 Sep 2018

Martin “Rekkles” Larsson is a professional LoL ADC currently playing for Fnatic.

Here are some things that you may not know about one of the world’s top ADCs, and current King of Europe.

1. Martin “Rekkles” Larson was born September 20th, 1996 in Älvängen, Sweden.

2. Rekkles has a pretty small family. Just an older sister and his parents, who sometimes come and watch his games.

3. Rekkles was a big soccer fan, and played until 14. He picked up League when recovering from a soccer injury. His favorite soccer team is IFK Göteborg, a Swedish club.

4. Rekkles favorite genre of music is EDM.

5. Rekkles actually prefers watching CSGO to watching League. He likes the fast paced games.

6. Rekkles loves to read. He says it helps him relax, and his favorite genres are Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

7. Rekkles  also likes Netflix and other streaming services. He watches Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad and loves watching reruns of Friends.

8. Rekkles is single! And he especially likes Asians. No word on whether he has a favorite eGirl though.

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Rekkles showing off his tats

9. Rekkles has tattoos on both his arms. He has a tattoo of a Chinese dragon and his ign Rekkles on one arm, and a Koi fish, with his full initials CMAEL (Carl Martin Erick Larsson) on the other.  The tattoos represent the ancient Chinese story of a koi that tries to swim up a waterfall one thousand times. After a thousand attempts, that koi turns into a dragon. Rekkles says the story represents his practice and drive to become the world’s best ADC.

10. Rekkles is a big fan of speedruns, and considers himself a fanboy of many Twitch speedrunners.

11. If he wasn’t playing League, Rekkles says he would probably be studying computer technology. He just loves computers, and would probably specialize in game design.

12. His ign Rekkles comes from the Swedish word Vårdslös, meaning careless or “reckless” in the face of pressure. He picked up the name from his friends before going pro. He met a lot of pros in soloqueue, and he always kept his cool.

13. Rekkles always eats a bowl of cereal before going on stage to play.

14. Rekkles started playing League back in Season 1. He started in the top lane with Vladimir, Akali and Jax.

15. Rekkles got his start as an ADC main on Vayne.

16. Rekkless began his competitive career in 2012, playing for the German team Playing Ducks, and subbing for Team Black and SK Gaming.

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Rekkles has been on Fnatic longer than any other player on their roster

17. In November of 2012, Rekkles joined Fnatic as their starting AD Carry at the age of 16, but didn’t start playing with them until he turned 18. This makes him one of the longest players in the EU LCS, despite not playing his first game with Fnatic until 2014.

18. Rekkles played with the Copenhagen Wolves until he was old enough to play with Fnatic.

19. Rekkles played his first international tournament with Fnatic before his first split, placing 2nd at the IEM Season 8 World Championship.

20. Rekkles played IEM San Jose and the 2015 Spring Split with former rival Alliance/Elements, before moving back to Fnatic for the 2015 Summer Split.

21. Rekkles had an incredible performance at the 2015 World Championship, dominating on ADC Kennen and helping propel his team to third place.This roster had one of the best Western showings at Worlds since the first worlds competition.

22. In 2017, Rekkles was the only player to remain on Fnatic’s roster after trades and retirements.
23. On June 15th, 2017 Rekkles became the first EU LCS player to pass 1,000 kills.

24. Rekkles has been the EU LCS MVP twice, in 2017 summer, and 2018 spring.

25. Rekkles led Europe in 5 different stats during his 2018 MVP season, including KDA, Damage %, and Damage per minute, while leading Fnatic to a Spring Split title.

26. Rekkles has won the EU LCS three times with Fnatic, in spring 2014, summer 2015, and spring 2018.

27. At Fnatic’s most recent international performance this 2018 MSI, Rekkles helped Fnatic defeat Doublelift and TL. Fnatic advanced to semi-finals over TL at MSI. With Rekkles defeat of Doublelift, his fans can claim that he is the best western ADC.

28. Rekkles’s two favorite champions to play are Ezreal and Vayne.

29. Rekkles League idol is Deft, the kT Rolster ADC. They are close friends and keep in touch, despite the language barrier.

30. His favorite support champion to have at his side is Thresh.

31. His favorite non-ADC to play is Lee Sin.

32. Rekkles heads into the 2018 Summer Split as the EULCS reigning champion.

How many of these facts did you know about Rekkles? Do you know any others? Is Rekkles officially the best western ADC?

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Top 3 Favorite Games:
League of Legends, Batman: Arkham City, Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition