10 Reasons Why RDO Is Bad

08 Nov 2022

Red Dead Online is certainly an immersive multiplayer experience, but there are a few things about it that are simply not up to the mark

There are a lot of things for players to do in the rich world of Red Dead Online. The player can step into seemingly any role, make a name for themselves, and accumulate a vast fortune while having fun. Of course, they have to contend with other players trying to do the same, but that’s the fun of the game.

While the world is full of detail and various systems to mimic real life, there are some quirks to it. Some things are obviously the result of being a video game, but others seem odd in general. In fact, there are a number of things that make this game bad. Let’s get you to that.

10. Terrible Economy

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Unfortunately, many gamers are already upset about the massive grind it takes to earn money in the game. It seems obvious that the economy was designed around eventually selling players gold bars (the premium in-game currency) in order to get what they want in Red Dead Online without having to grind. It's the extent to which that grind-based economy was built and that's the problem.

If you're not up to it or simply don't have the ability to spend dozens of hours grinding to earn new outfits, horses, and weapons and simply maintain the camp, you'll be better off paying. Even with an economy fix in the works, it's likely still going to be a slog for non-paying players, especially at first when the whales are at their most vulnerable.

How could it be better

To keep an online game like this running, Rockstar certainly needs ongoing revenue streams. But they'll sink this game before it ever takes off if those revenue streams aren't built around fair, reasonable practices. Right now, that just isn't the case.

9. You Can Only Have One Character at a Time

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Unlike GTA Online, in Red Dead Online you can only have one character at a time. If you start out as an old grizzled white dude and then decide you want to play as a young black chick, well you'll need to delete your character and lose all your progress.

How could it be better

This is incredibly stingy, and I suspect that in a future update we'll be able to pay for a second (or more) character slot so that you can have different characters with different builds/loadouts/appearances and honour.

8. Some Players are Getting Randomly Kicked

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While I personally haven't encountered error 0x21002001, some players are reporting repeatedly being kicked from the game due to this mysterious error.

It's probably the kind of problem that will blow over quickly with a patch, but for those players constantly facing a random kick, it's about the most annoying thing you could encounter.

How could it be better

Maybe Rockstar should improve their servers and they could also release patches to avoid this random kicking!

7. Horses Can’t Die

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In the single-player version of the game, players must contend with the possibility that their horses could die. It could be from a gunfight, animal attack, or a mistake by the player. As a result, players tend to be more careful and treat the animal with respect.

In Red Dead Online, however, these animals are immortal. It doesn’t matter how much damage they suffer, they will not die. Sure they need a trip to the vet if it’s a serious enough injury, but the player can do this at their leisure with no risk to the horse.

How could it be better

Rather than having an insurance system, Rockstar could come up with a new system where players would have to put in more effort to keep their horses alive.

6. The Saddle Is Greater Than The Horse

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There are plenty of horses in the game. Each comes with its own strengths and weaknesses that make them suited to different roles. In theory, a plough horse would be slower than a racehorse and a warhorse would be less skittish than either.

Yet it seems that having the right horse matters a lot less than having the right saddle. Once the player has the Nacogdoches Saddle the horse doesn’t matter all that much. Why a saddle would suddenly make horses expend less stamina or have their health drain lowered makes no sense.

How could it be better

Horses should have more diverse stats than saddles.

5. Everyone’s Mute

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From the NPCs' perspective, the world can be separated into two groups; those who talk and those who don’t. Every player in the game is an absolute mute and will never utter a word under any circumstances.

Fortunately for the player NPCs are telepaths who can understand what they’re saying at any given time. The player could be covered in blood, have someone hogtied on the back of the horse, and approach an NPC in the middle of the night with a shotgun on their shoulder, and the NPC intuitively knows they just want to sell them some feathers.

How could it be better

Rockstar could add some dialogue for the players’ characters.

4. Occupations Mean Nothing

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The player can choose one of a variety of roles in the game to earn a fortune and leave their mark on the world. Players can be Naturalists who hunt wild game, Moonshiners who peddle swill or track down bad guys as Bounty Hunters.

Yet there isn’t a single person in the west who cares what the player is. You’d think certain NPCs would have issues speaking with Moonshiners or be nervous around a Bounty Hunter. But no one will comment on the player’s role and nothing changes regardless of what they do for a living.

How could it be better

There should be an option to choose between different roles rather than having them all.

3. Tank Builds

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In the world of Red Dead Online, there are individuals who are harder to kill than others. They are immune to certain attacks, take longer to die, and carry heftier penalties for the player who attacks them.

These individuals are Defensive Players. These players have special immunities and protection in exchange for being left alone more often. It’s a feature that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense in terms of realism and probably confuses many of the NPCs.

How could it be better

There should be specific weapons to take down players with a tank build.

2. Ability To Pay Off Bounties

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When a player has done enough bad deeds they can rack up quite the bounty on their heads. This causes them to be targeted in towns and can even draw the attention of other players. As a result, those with criminal leanings need to balance committing crimes and keeping their bounties low.

Fortunately for them, the game allows the player to pay off the bounty on themselves, meaning a person could rob a bank for thousands of dollars, walk into the Bounty Office, pay the hundred or so dollars, and keep the money they stole. It’s a very strange system of law and order that’s easily broken by players and makes no sense.

How could it be better

Rockstar could come up with a system that will have a lasting effect on gameplay rather than just a fine.

1. Buy Back Honor

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As confusing as the bounty system is, the honour system is even more absurd. Players who’ve generated a high level of infamy can wipe the slate clean by giving gold to Old Man Jones. This hermit in the middle of nowhere can remove a person’s honour instantaneously.

There’s no explanation for how this is done. Does Old Man Jones launch a PR campaign on behalf of the player to reset their honour? How would paying some old man alone in a camp in the wilderness enable a person to regain the trust and respect of everyone in the world? That just makes no sense at all!

How could it be better

Rockstar could just remove the whole system of buying back honour and that should be all.

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