League of Legends: How To Appear Offline

17 Sep 2022

Unlike in other games, League of Legends does not allow players to appear invisible while playing the game or while in the client. There are times when your introverted side comes out, and you may not feel like announcing your presence or want to avoid socializing. If you’re trying to figure out how to appear offline in League, this mini guide will help you do so.


Method 1: Command Prompt

Step 1: Type cmd in the Windows search bar and open the command prompt as admin  by right-clicking and selecting “Run as Administrator.”

Step 2: Copy the text that corresponds to the region you are playing in.


For North America players (NA): 

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”lolchat” dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block


For Europe West players (EUW):

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”lolchat” dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block


Step 3: Hit enter


To appear online, copy and paste the following text to the command prompt.

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”lolchat” dir=out remoteip= protocol=TCP action=block


Step 4: To appear online again, type the following in the command prompt. This will delete the previously mentioned rule in Steps 2 or 3.

netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="lolchat"


Method 2: Using the 3rd party software “Deceive”

Step 1: Download the software from Github with this link: https://github.com/molenzwiebel/Deceive/releases

Step 2: Launch League of Legends using the Deceive client with Admin mode instead of the usual League client.


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