[Top 5] FF14 Best Black Mage Food (And How To Get Them)

[Top 5] FF14 Best Black Mage Food (And How To Get Them)
16 Sep 2022

Hello ether addict class, Black Mages! Or at least those Thaumaturge guild leaders.

Do you know that you need more than ether so you can bring the best Black mages you can be! Black Mage relies most on your GCD. The shorter the GCD, the better, but always choose BiS that makes you most comfortable.

5. Coconut Cod Chowder (iLevel 545)

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A Near Eastern soup, brimming with shallows cod simmered in silky coconut milk.

Let’s start with the cheapest option. Coconut Cod Chowder is affordable and resembles the number one highest status for your BiS. If you are not running the highest content, this is your best bet! You can get it from the Market Board or by crafting.

The NQ status effects:

  • Determination +8% (Max 61)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 66)
  • Critical Hit +8% (Max 37)

The HQ status effects:

  • Determination +10% (Max 76)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 82)
  • Critical Hit +10% (Max 46)

Coconut Cod Chowder full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/ac97918bbd7/


4. Pumpkin Potage (iLevel 580)

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A creamy soup that highlights the rich and nutty flavor of the giant pumpkin.

Pumpkin Potage is for running the 6.0 contents; it is great but not currently the highest status bonus giver. It is a bit more expensive than Coconut Cod Chowder, but if you are running those contents, you may want to bring some. You can always get them from the Market Board or through Culinarians.

Pumpkin Potage full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/a1bd66cc8e5/

The NQ status effects:

  • Determination +8% (Max 72)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 74)
  • Critical Hit +8% (Max 43)

The HQ status effects:

  • Determination +10% (Max 90)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 93)
  • Critical Hit +10% (Max 54)

3. Garlean Pizza (iLevel 610)

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Heaped with Garlean cheese and baked to perfection, this flatbread may well rival certain soups in its ability to move partakers to tears.

This one is for 2.34 or 2.30 GCD BiS of Black Mages. Garlean Pizza will help you boost your Spell Speed more, but more importantly, your Critical Hit! You can always get them from the Market Board or cooked by Culinarians.

The NQ status effects:

  • Critical Hit +8% (Max 78)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 94)
  • Spell speed +8% (Max 46)

The HQ status effects:

  • Critical Hit +10% (Max 97)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 118)
  • Spell speed +10% (Max 58)
Garlean Pizza full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/19df6d85c6c/ 

2. Pleno Tomato Salad (iLevel 610)

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A bright tomato salad lightly tossed in perilla oil.

This one is for you if you wanna go fast with that Fire IV. With only 2.17 GCD BiS, you can do a lot of Fire IV! If you like to go fast, then this is the food for you; it also boosts your Direct Hit Rate, so it will also increase your damage! You can get it from Culinarians’ cook or the Market Board.

The NQ status effects:

  • Spell Speed +8% (Max 78)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 94)
  • Direct Hit Rate +8% (Max 46)

The HQ status effects:

  • Spell Speed +10% (Max 97)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 118)
  • Direct Hit Rate +10% (Max 58)

Pleno Tomato Salad full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/9da75e9280b/

1. Carrot Pudding (iLevel 610)

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To freeze, shred, steam, and bake carrots into this smooth pudding requires both time and skill, but the mouthwatering results are well worth the effort.

This one is for the 2.32 GCD; to compensate for a slower GCD, you will need more damage you can get. It is suitable for the latest contents, and you can get this simply by crafting with a Culinarian or the Market Board.

The NQ status effects:

  • Determination +8% (Max 78)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 94)
  • Critical Hit +8% (Max 46)

The HQ status effects:

  • Determination +10% (Max 97)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 118)
  • Critical Hit +10% (Max 58)
Carrot Pudding full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/d54ae9760e5/ 

Whichever BiS and GCD suit you most, remember to not stand in AOE, and you already do better than most Black Mages!

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