[Top 5] DbD Best Jill Valentine Builds That Are Pretty OP

25 Jun 2022

Jill Valentine came in the Resident Evil DLC (along with Leon S. Kennedy and Nemesis) and has been wildly used since then. Although survivors are just skins with unique perks, here are the best builds for Jill.



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This build is focused entirely on information if the killer is close, where your teammates are and what tools you can use to escape. This is useful to those who like having information on where people are within the game.



  • Windows of Opportunity (Kate Denson) allows you to see the auras of breakable walls, pallets, and vault locations within 24/28/32 meters. It is great to know where those types of things are especially within a chase, giving you the upper hand and telling you where you can go to make life easier throughout the chase.
  • Spine Chill (General Perk) activates when the killer is looking in your direction within 36 meters of you. This helps you determine how close they are to you and whether you should leave or not. When it activates it increases the chance of a skill check by 10%, decreases the skill check success zone by 10%, it also increases your action speed when repairing, healing, sabotaging, unhooking, vaulting, cleansing, unlocking, and opening by 2/4/6%.
  • Kindred (General Perk) activates when you or someone else is hooked showing you the auras of the other survivors and the killer within 8/12/16 meters and showing everyone where the other survivors are when you are hooked within the same space.
  • Bond (Dwight Fairfield) shows you the auras of survivors within 20/28/36 meters of you. This makes it easier to know where your teammates are so you can help them better.


  • Gives useful information
  • Helps you help others

4. The Engineer

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This build helps with generator progression and making sure that if you are taken off of the generator, the killer has some form of payback.


The Engineer details:

  • Prove Thy Self (Dwight Fairfield) increases your repair speed by 15% for each Survivor within a range of 4 meters, up to a maximum of 45%, and the effect applies to all other survivors in range. You also gain 50/75/100% bonus BloodPoints for co-operative actions.
  • Resilience (General Perk) increases all action speeds by 3/6/9% when you are in the injured state.
  • Blast Mine (Jill Valentine) becomes available when you repair generators for a total of 66%, then you can press the ability button to install a trap which will remain active for the next 35/40/45 seconds. Any trapped generators are revealed in a yellow aura to all survivors. When the killer attempts to damage a generator, the trap will detonate and the killer will instead be stunned and blinded.
  • Visionary (Felix Richter) shows you the auras of all generators within 32 meters. Every time a generator is completed Visionary is disabled for 20/18/16 seconds.

Why The Engineer is Great:

  • Great with protecting generators
  • Great for knowing where generators are
  • Great for repairing them at a faster rate.

3. The Phantom

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This build focuses on escaping from the killer and making sure that you stay as out of sight as possible and even if you are in a chase to easily escape if you find yourself in such a situation.


The Phantom’s details:

  • Iron Will (Jake Park) reduces the volume of grunts of pain while injured by 50/75/100%.
  • Quick and Quiet (Meg Thomas) prevents loud noise notifications and completely silences the sounds created by rushed actions. After activating, Quick and Quiet will incur a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.
  • Urban Evasion (Nea Karlson) increases your crouched movement speed by 90/95/100%.
  • Spine Chill (General Perk) activates when the killer looks in your direction within a range of 36 meters. When active, the chance of a skill check appearing is increased by 10%, and decreases the skill check success zone by 10%. All action speeds are increased by 2/4/6%.

Why The Phantom is Great:

  • Keeps you unseen for a longer time
  • Gives you a chance to escape without being seen
  • Do actions without alerting the killer
  • Allows you to evade the killer mostly undetected


2. POV: You’re Solo Queuing

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This build is great for those who find themselves in a solo queue quite often and is strong due to that face as it gives you the best opportunity you can for survival when you are unable to communicate effectively with your teammates.


POV: You’re Solo Queueing’s details:

  • Dead Hard (David King) is an exhaustion perk that becomes available while you are in the injured state. While sprinting, press the ability button to perform a quick dash forwards and temporarily become invulnerable to any damage. You will then receive the Exhausted status effect for the next 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Iron Will (Jake Park) reduces the volume of grunts of pain while injured by 50/75/100%.
  • Unbreakable (William “Bill” Overbeck) allows you to completely recover from the dying state once per trial, and your general recovery speed is increased by 25/30/35%.
  • Self-Care (Claudette Morel) allows you to heal yourself without needing a med-kit, at 50% of the normal healing speed and decreases the consumption rate of med-kits by 10/15/20%

Why POV: You’re Solo Queueing is Great:

  • When used properly it can help you escape and survive
  • Gives you the best chance at survival when playing by yourself

1. Meta 

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This build is filled with what is known as “meta” perks, basically meaning it is filled with really strong perks that when is combined with the others can cause a rather annoying game for the killer.


Meta’s Details:

  • Dead Hard (David King) is an exhaustion perk that becomes available while you are in the injured state. While sprinting, press the ability button to perform a quick dash forwards and temporarily become invulnerable to any damage. You will then receive the Exhausted status effect for the next 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Decisive Strike (Laurie Strode) is a perk that will allow you to immediately free yourself from the killer’s grasp once per trial. After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike becomes active for the next 40/50/60 seconds. When you are picked up by the Killer, a difficult skill check will appear, and if succeeded you will automatically escape from the killer’s grasp, and stun them for 5 seconds. After a successful Decisive Strike, the perk will be deactivated for the remainder of the trial. Additionally, you will also become the new Obsession. Decisive Strike can also be deactivated by performing actions such as repairing generators, healing yourself or others, cleansing or blessing totems, sabotaging hooks, and unhooking other survivors.
  • Borrowed Time (Bill Overbeck) is a perk for protecting survivors that you unhook. After unhooking a survivor, they will be granted with the endurance status effect for the next 8/10/12 seconds, meaning any damage that would be taken that would put the Survivor in the dying state is instead ignored and will give the Survivor the deep wound status effect. The survivor will need to mend the deep wound before the timer runs out otherwise they will be put into the dying state.
  • Iron Will (Jake Park) reduces the volume of grunts of pain while injured by 50/75/100%.

Why Meta is Great:

  • A generally balanced build, offering good survivability

These builds can be used on any survivor you want but work amazingly on Jill. Obviously, these are not important to have fun and you can put any builds you want on Jill or any other survivor.

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