Discover New Worlds In The Galactic Civilization Builder 'Earth From Another Sun'

Discover New Worlds In The Galactic Civilization Builder 'Earth From Another Sun'
06 Jun 2022

Is it possible to travel across the galaxy? Is it possible that other planets can support human life?

We may never know, but we can always imagine it! Imagine a world in which space travel is no less significant than taking a flight to another country? Or where living on another planet could be as mundane as living on another continent?

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Giant mech armies with tiny mech infantry. Image by 'Earth From Another Sun.'

‘Earth From Another Sun’ is a civilization-building RPG that spans an entire galaxy. The game is set in a galaxy belonging to another sun, not Earth’s sun, but one that is similar to the one we currently live in. The only difference is, that traveling across the galaxy is as easy as A, B, C!

The entire galaxy is waiting to be explored, filled with different planets with completely unique environments and thousands of fascinating creatures, places, and people! You are free to explore your galaxy by yourself, or, if you’re not the lone wolf type, you can explore it with your friends in co-op mode.

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Giant luminescent mushrooms growing on a forest floor. Image by 'Earth From Another Sun.'

This is a world where you can be whatever you dream of being! There are ancient ruins for you to explore, treasures for you to find, and people for you to meet. You could become a smuggler who smuggles contraband onto planets where they’re illegal for fat stacks of cash. Or, you could be the good guy who runs an honest business and works with law enforcement to catch the crooks.

You are able to build relationships with any of the hundreds of different rulers, space adventurers, and citizens of the galaxy.

The game boasts an incredible array of different weapons, equipment, gadgets, and vehicles for you to try out. As you progress you can build up an empire unlike your galaxy has ever seen, with wealth and fame to boot!

‘Earth From Another Sun’ is developed by ‘Multiverse,’ and will be released on Steam in 2022.

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