Take To The Skies and Battle Extraterrestrial Terrorists In the Universal Mayhem Of 'Squadron 51'

Take To The Skies and Battle Extraterrestrial Terrorists In the Universal Mayhem Of 'Squadron 51'
06 Jun 2022

UFOs and aliens have been a highly controversial topic throughout modern history. Whether extraterrestrials exist, and whether there is a threat of invasion or attack from them is something people simply cannot see eye to eye about!

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Taking flying saucers out of the sky in crashing balls of fire. Image by 'Squadron 51.'

Assume for a moment that Earth does get invaded or attacked by aliens? What then? The ensuing chaos and bloodshed would certainly be cataclysmic! ‘Squadron 51’ is a sci-fi combat game set in a universe where aliens from outer space have come to Earth, promising mutually beneficial cooperation.

However, not everything is as it seems… The ‘Vega Corporation,’ led by ‘Director Zarog,’ has proven to have been far more sinister than it seems. The aliens, through the corporation, are preying upon humanity, cruelly enslaving them.

The pilots of ‘Squadron 51,’ under your command, must fight back against the alien forces of oppression! You play as ‘Lieutenant Kaya,’ battling skies full of flying saucers, alien fighter craft, and horrific monsters that surpass any horror humanity could ever have imagined!

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Flying into battle, outnumbered and outgunned. Image by 'Squadron 51.'

The game features a black-and-white theme suitable to the 1950s, which is the time period in which the game is set. There are 11 levels for you to beat, with dynamic difficulty settings so that you can be the hero you’ve always dreamed of being, regardless of your experience level! 

If you’re feeling particularly competitive, you can choose to battle against other players in the online multiplayer to prove who the truly superior pilot is.

‘Squadron 51’ is developed by ‘Lumiarts,’ and ‘Ferohama Filmes.’ The game will be released on Steam in 2022.

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