25 Best Rocket League Video Settings That Give You An Advantage

20 Sep 2022

I believe everyone should play like a winner, and the best ways to do it are practice and the way you set up your settings. 

Settings can actually give you more advantages than you think and make the game easier for you to master, which is why I wanted to give you the 25 best rocket league video settings that will give you an advantage. 


25. Switch off Camera Shake

The default camera setting is actually quite disadvantageous in a competitive setting. When you are trying to line up a nice shot in the air and your camera begins to shake and what was an easy goal you were trying to hit, is no longer easy at all.

How it solves the problem?

It prevents the camera from shaking during the gameplay

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Click on the Camera tab
  • Deselect “Camera Shake


24) Increase your Field of View (FOV)

The default FOV doesn’t give you the maximum view of the field

How to solve the problem?

The higher the FOV, the greater the view of the field. Most pro players use a complete 110 FOV, giving them the maximum view and an advantage over their opponents who may not be using the full view in their settings.

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Go to the Camera tab
  • Move the Field of View all the way to the right to make it 110


23) Distance of the Camera

A lot of people don’t have their distance (between the camera and the car) set right, which causes misjudgements.

How to solve the problem?

The preferred distance differs from person to person but usually a distance in the range of 260 to 280 is considered ideal.

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Camera tab
  • Move the Distance to the range you would like


22) Height of the camera

When players have their height setting wrongly adjusted, they may face trouble aligning the car with the ball when going for aerial shots.

How to solve the problem?

The best range for adjusting the height is between 100 and 110, with 110 being the favorite among pro players.

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Camera tab
  • Move the Height adjuster accordingly

21) Angle of the camera

If your angle setting is too low then you will look like you are looking at your car from a bird’s eye view and having it too high, the angle will be much too flat.

How to solve the problem?

Having the right angle will allow you to have a better overview of the pitch in front of you. The best number to have a well aligned angle is -5.00.

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Camera tab
  • Move the Angle adjuster to -5.00

20) Camera Stiffness

Camera stiffness is how loose the camera is when it follows your car. If the camera's stiffness setting is on high, the camera will follow your car very rigidly, while if set on low, camera will zoom out very far when you are on a high speed.

How to solve the problem?

To make your camera follow your car without being wobbly, The best setting for this will be 0.45.

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Camera tab
  • Move the Angle adjuster to 0.45 


19) Swivel Speed

Swivel speed is the measure of the sensitivity of the camera. A lower swivel speed would limit your ability to see the action as it happens.

How to solve the problem?

Max out the swivel speed to 10.0

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Camera tab
  • Move the Swivel Speed all the way to the right to 10.0

18) Vibration 

Honestly, computer vibration can be a distraction in competitive games.

How to solve the problem?

Since vibration doesn’t offer any benefit to your gameplay, I recommend keeping it off.

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Controls tab
  • Click on the controller vibration setting and select disabled.

17) Deadzone setting

If the deadzone setting is low, the joystick will be extra sensitive to movement and vice-versa

How to solve the problem?

The ideal deadzone setting is at 0.05 to be able to move your car comfortably everywhere.

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Controls tab
  • Move the controller deadzone over to 0.05


16) Steering Sensitivity

Having a low steering sensitivity will make it hard for you to turn around the pitch.

How to solve this problem?

The ideal steering sensitivity is 1.30 to be able to smoothly turn around the pitch, gaining a momentum against your opponents

How to apply this solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Controls tab
  • Move the steering sensitivity to 1.30


15) Aerial Sensitivity 

Aerial sensitivity like steering sensitivity allows you to steer the vehicle but when the car is in the air. If the aerial sensitivity is low, it can make it hard for you to turn your vehicle.

How to solve this problem?

The ideal aerial sensitivity is 1.30 to be able to steer your vehicle mid air and gaining better flexibility to hit the balls from better angles.

How to apply this solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Controls tab
  • Move the aerial sensitivity to 1.30

14) Transition Speed 

If this setting is slow, you might not be able to toggle back and forth between the car and ball cam quickly. This might make you react slower and lose the momentum. However, if it is too fast, you might lose track of the game.

How to solve this problem?

The best speed to set this is at 1.20

How to apply this solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Camera tab
  • Move the transition speed to 1.20


13) Ball Camera Mode

This setting controls whether your transition from ball cam to car cam is either toggled by clicking the button or holding down the button. Holding it down will keep you in the ball cam until you release it. If you don’t have this on toggle, you will lose the ability to do any kind of complex manoeuvres on the pitch.

How to solve this problem?

Have the setting on toggle to be able to perform tricky maneuvers and transition quickly.

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Controls tab
  • Click on ball camera mode and make sure you have toggle selected

12) Display Mode

(This setting only applies to PC players but if you are on PC, it is important)

If on PC, you don’t keep your display mode on Fullscreen, you are likely to experience an input lag.

How to solve this problem

Keep the display mode on Fullscreen to avoid the lag and have a better view of the field.

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Video tab
  • Select display mode and make sure it is set to Fullscreen.

11) World Detail 

World detail is the setting that affects how much you can see around you in the field. Honestly, this setting isn’t required because it can create more distractions within your game and make the pitch look more cluttered.

How to solve the Problem?

You should switch it to performance mode to ensure you have fewer distractions on the pitch

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Video tab
  • Select the world detail setting and select Performance


10) Resolution

If the screen resolution is changed from its default, it may result in a frame rate loss.

How to solve the problem?

It is considered best to keep the resolution to the default. The game performs equally well on all resolutions.

How to apply this solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Video tab
  • Select the Resolution tab and apply the setting which is native to your screen.

9) Vertical Sync

Vertical Sync synchronizes your gameplay with the refresh rate of your monitor. Actually turning it on is seriously not advised in any competitive setting, because it limits your monitor’s speed and creates a lag.

How to solve this problem?

Turning this off will not reduce your ability to play the game and will avoid the lag.

How to apply this solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Video tab
  • Be sure to have Vertical Sync not checked off.


8) Text Chat

Sometimes text messages can be very distracting, especially those of toxic opponents.

How to solve this problem?

Set the text chat box to ‘team only’ to avoid getting distracted.

How to apply this solution

  •  First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Gameplay tab
  • Select the text chat option and set this to Team Only.    

7) Game Stat Display Level

This setting shows you the different notifications throughout the game such as targets, shots, demolitions etc. They might end up distracting you.

How to solve the problem?

Having only the important stats will avoid crowding up your screen and create minimal distractions.

How to apply this solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Gameplay tab
  • Select the Game Chat Display Level option and set it to Main Stats Only.

6) Powerslide Key Blind

Not having a suitable powerslide will make the flow of the game less smooth. 

How to solve the problem?

Change the powerslide to have a huge advantage in the game.

How to apply this solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Controls tab
  • Scroll down till you find the powerslide key
  • Click to clear your keybinding
  • Then press L1 if on Playstation or Lb on Xbox

5) Air Roll Key Bind

A lot of beginners do not change the air roll key binding, disabling them to move on to a next level gameplay.

How to solve this problem?

Change your air roll key binding to move your call freely in the game and learn more complex game plays to improve your level.

How to apply this solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Controls tab
  • Scroll down till you find the Air Roll key
  • Click to clear your keybinding
  • Then press L1 if on Playstation or Lb on Xbox

4) Air Roll Right or Left Bind Key Bind

Not clearing your air roll key binding will give you a lesser angle to toggle around while moving your car during air rolls.

How to solve this problem?

You can enhance your game play and air movements by clearing this key binding and make your aerial plays better.

How to apply this solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Controls tab
  • Scroll down till you find the Air Roll Left/Right key
  • Click to clear your keybinding
  • Then press Square if on Playstation or X on Xbox

3) Boost Key Bind

While some players use this setting, it has been observed that clearing this setting makes you reach faster for the ball.

How to solve this problem?

Clear this key binding and set it to R1 on your PC (or Rb on Xbox) and you shall have an advantage over your opponents.

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Controls tab
  • Scroll down till you find the Boost key
  • Click to clear your keybinding
  • Then press R1 if on Playstation or Rb on Xbox


2) Interface Scale

This setting changes the size of every element on your screen. If it is set too high, your screen will be cramped up with info and obviously obstruct your game.

How to solve this problem?

To avoid losing focus while playing, lower this setting around to 75-80%.

How to apply this setting

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Interface tab
  • Find the Interface Scale setting and move the bar down to 75% or 80%


1) Ambient Audio Settings

Some people choose to play with the audio settings on but it actually reduces their focus 

How to solve the problem?

By turning your audio settings off, you can hear only the sounds of the cars and gameplay around you. This is really handy when you want to listen to the sound of your opponent’s car approaching. Turning the audio setting to 0% is desirable.

How to apply the solution

  • First go to the options screen from either the main menu or the pause menu during a game.
  • Open the Audio tab
  • Find the Ambient setting
  • Turn the setting all the way down to 0%

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