WW2 Online: Chokepoint Resurrects the Real Horrors of World War 2

WW2 Online: Chokepoint Resurrects the Real Horrors of World War 2
06 May 2022

WW2 was the deadliest war in the history of the earth and humanity, at least as far as we know. The horrors of WW2, like any other war, were truly terrible. Thousands of books, movies, and video games have been released about WW2. 

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Moving along a hedgerow-lined farm track. Image by 'WWII Online: Chokepoint.'

‘WW2 Online: Chokepoint’ is a first-person online WW2 tactical shooter. The game focuses on teamwork, communication, and sound tactics. You and your teammates will jump into battle as Airborne forces, or as part of the Nazi Wehrmacht and battle it out on the battlefields of World War 2.

In ‘WW2 Online: Chokepoint’ you will play in teams of 36 players. Battles take place on historical WW2 battlefields across Europe. The maps have been developed to be historically authentic, while still allowing for good combat flow, close-quarter combat, and strategic tactical decision-making.

To add to the realism, there is no HUD. So you won’t know if your shots hit, how much ammo you have, or who is on your team. The only way to tell is the same as in real life, by using your eyes and brain in-game! 

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Defending a sandbagged position. Image by 'WWII Online: Chokepoint.'

Additionally, the game uses a damage system that is based on real-life situations. For instance, a shot in the hand won’t kill the player, it will simply prevent them from using their injured hand. So if you don’t wanna die, you’d better make those shots count…

Currently, the game only has 3 maps, but developers have promised over 6 more maps that will be released in future updates. Teams are comprised of squads of 4 players, with different class options being available, including snipers, machine gunners, and engineers, among others.

Remember to communicate effectively, hit your shots, and don’t die; then you might have a shot at victory!

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