Redout 2 Is A Spine-Chilling Marriage of Spaceships and Car Racing

Speed. Man's eternal downfall.
31 Mar 2022

Racing cars are fast. They can attain incredible speeds and are terrifying in the wrong hands. One mistake can be fatal. Spaceships, on the other hand, are not only fast, they can literally blast themselves out into space. Now imagine having small ships, or perhaps hover cars racing each other mere feet above the ground at spaceship speeds…

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Whizzing around the track. Image by 'Redout 2.'

‘Redout 2’ is described as “The fastest racing game in the universe.” This is literally the first line of its description by the devs. Why? Well because it’s mini ‘spaceships,’ or hovercars, racing each other mere feet above the ground at breakneck speed!

‘Redout 2’ is vaguely reminiscent of a book called ‘Hovercar Racer’ written by ‘Matthew Reilly,’ in 2004. It features similar themes to the science fiction novel. In fact, the ships in the game look remarkably similar to those on the cover of the book.

Perhaps, with a little bit of reading under the belt, players will feel the book come alive as they rocket around the track and struggle neck-and-neck against their opponents as they fight for the win they believe they deserve. Jason vs. the world… Maybe if their hovercar racing works out, they’ll get lucky in the love races too…

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Fighting for first place. Image by 'Redout 2.'

According to the developers, ‘Redout 2’ is all about speed and control. Players must maintain as much speed as possible, but not travel so fast that they are unable to control their ship in tight maneuvers and consequentially lose their lead as the result of an accident or loss of control.

The game features an “extensive” career mode, where players can race on tracks around the globe for wealth and glory. Vehicles are customizable and the game features a multiplayer mode for players to test their skills against the hovercar racers of the world and find out if they are truly as great as they believe themselves to be.

‘Redout 2’ is developed by ‘34BigThings srl’ and is scheduled for a 2022 release on Steam.

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