[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Zoning Characters That Are Great

best zoners smash ultimate
08 Apr 2022

1. Snake

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Snake is not the easiest character to use, and it can take time to adjust to his weight, size, and unorthodox attacks, but when you do, you can just set up an impenetrable wall of projectiles and traps and still have great options to battle up close. If you want to pin down your enemies, snake is a solid option.

  • Grenades and up-smash are great zoning tools
  • Remote Missile helps you snipe enemies from afar
  • C4 allows you to control space at any time.

2. Min min

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ARMS. That's basically it, ridiculously long arms. Min min´s attacks consist of three long-range punches that all have different perks and uses. These different weapons let you choose and adapt to what you need in the match, from a fast and keep away game, to a devastating blow.

  • Different ARMS to rotate and keep your attacks fresh
  • Great recovery
  • Unique style of playing

3. Byleth

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This character screams“get away”. Byleth has a plethora of attacks that not only have a ton of range but reward you for hitting your opponent with the very last part of your attack. Not only that, but using their powerful bow, you can pressure your rivals from far away.

  • Rewards you if you play from afar
  • The bow is a powerful projectile
  • His recovery has great reach and a ton of offensive power

4. Villager


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I have a question for you. Have you hit your enemies with a tree? Do you want to? Villager let you do that, and that is just one of their tools, they also have a lot of decent long-range attacks to deal a ton of damage from afar. You can cover all the stage or even the recovery of your opponents, dropping a bowling ball in their head.

  • Can use your own projectiles against you
  • Limber and Forward-Smash can stuff out recoveries
  • Lloyd missile is a great distance creating tool

5. Simon/Richter

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The Belmonts have inherited most of the qualities of their moveset from their origin series, Castlevania. This means that you will not be fighting up close as most of your normal attacks have a decent range and while this is great, their specials are where they shine the most. While your enemies are composing themselves from getting hit by a projectile they've already been hit with another.

  • Can put difficult walls with a lot of great special attacks
  • Long reaching and powerful smash attacks
  • Tether recovery

6. Megaman

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Again, this is a beautifully adapted character, where they fit perfectly in smash while still keeping the characteristics of the games they come from. This reflects in Megaman with a great number of projectiles, some examples are its great charged shot smash, a throwable leaf shield, and its staple energy pellets that are weak but annoying.

  • Up-air can catch opponents by surprise
  • Pellets can stuff most attacks out
  • Great reaching forward-smash

7. Link

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Not only does Link's sword help you keep other players at bay, but its specials shine not only from their damage and range,  they´re versatile too, its boomerang can  help you break up combos and set up combos of your own. The bomb can be an additional projectile or a trap and the bow will allow you to snipe enemies offstage.

  • Bombs have a great hitbox and can be activated at all times
  • Boomerang can set up combos
  • Link´s bow can shoot 2  arrows at once

8. Pacman

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Let's get straight to the point: Pacman has a rotation of 8 different fruits to chuck at its enemies, each one of them with different attributes and damage outputs. So your imagination is the only thing stopping you from using its full moveset to the maximum.

  • The fire hydrant can create a lot of good situations for Pacman
  • A lot of different and useful projectiles
  • Long-range and long-lasting grab

9. Samus/Dark Samus

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Missiles and a charge shot, those two moves sum up the entirety of samus´ game plan, but hey “if it ain't broke don't fix it”. But what if my opponent is hiding behind its shield? Don't worry! You have a long-range tether grab that will keep them on their toes.

  • Tether Grab
  • Powerful projectile in charge shot
  • Missiles that add great pressure to your opponent

10. Rob

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The Famicom robot is a big target but with a big hurtbox come big hitboxes, Rob can stuff attacks with big powerful attacks like back air or neutral air, and also have a powerful laser beam and a gyro to control the space and cover all of their enemies options.

  • Big and powerful hitboxes
  • Gyro can create very powerful item play
  • Great projectile in Robo beam


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