The 25 Best Assassin's Creed Cosplays We've Ever Seen (Most Beautiful/Best Looking)

Image of many assassins seen through centuries
09 Mar 2022

Assassin's Creed has been a story spanning generations. From early American assassins to fake pirate assassins, to ancient Greek assassins, the only thing that stayed the same is our favorite eagle vision. even the story has been slowly moving away from templars after Black Flag. Of course with so many games and multiple generations,it only makes sense we have such a variety of assassins to play as both real-world and in-game. I'm sure to be as curious as you if we currently have any assassins today, but I've found 25 images of conclusive proof the fight between assassins and templars still rages today!


25)  Cosplay By: rbf-productions-nl

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A steampunk style assassin that is more advanced then current ones.

Jacob Frye Is one of the paired assassins. Convincing his sister, they left their previous assassin’s clan in order to take London back from the templars, even bringing up a clan known as the Rooks. While not as smooth and stealthy as his sister, Jacob is certainly more of a brawler able to take several larger men in a fight at the same time! Jacob definitely reflects my own playstyle in stealth games: no one can witness you killing if everyone is dead. A sound strategy and one Jacob has expertise in. When he and his sister get their hands on the zipline, he definitely acts the same way I did excited to play with the new toy. The zipline itself makes getting to points far faster than any normal channel, almost necessary with London’s towers, castles, and smokestacks which personally I’m glad I didn't have to climb


24) Cosplay By: FrodoSam4Ever

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Likely the most powerful assassins you hope you wont meet.

Interestingly enough, at the beginning of this game you choose a DNA strand that was muddled in the animus allowing you to choose to play as a male or Female. Alexios, also known as Demos, did not have it easy. Growing up he barely survived a massive fall which led to him being kidnaped by cultists. Being the grandson of king Leonidas and having great potential for the cult, they forced him to endure a torturous childhood where he was turned into a weapon and brainwashed to do as the cult wished. He ultimately met his demise realizing the things he had done and forcing his sister to kill him. Poor guy probably just needs a hug oop, stabbing him works as well.


23) Cosplay By: Leon Chiro

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Duel flintlock guns that can fire with wet gunpowder. They really were ahead of their time werent they?

Edward Kenway didn’t always look this good. Originally his clothes belonged to Duncan Walpole. An arrogant man who became an assassin due to his skills, but ultimately betrayed the assassins due to their stifling rules and lack of prominent figures. He eventually found his blade to another templar's throat who recruited Duncan in promise of fame and fortune. Duncan would help the templars capture a sage who could bring templars to an ancient weapon to subjugate the world. Unfortunately, he would end up meeting a pirate ship on his way back to meet the templars and wound up shipwrecked on an island with one Edward Kenway. These would be the final minutes of his life as Edward would kill him, steal his robes and identity. A blade to the back, and hidden in the brush? A traitor's end indeed.


22) Cosplay By: NEProject

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It's always impresive how assassins can climb with so much weight. Have you ever felt how heavy these swords and guns are?

With his stylish new outfit, Edward Kenway found a golden opportunity. He had a letter noting the promise of riches beyond imagination, and as lady luck had it the writer had never seen Duncan's face but would recognize him by clothing. having a prism worth a massive amount of money, what's a pirate to do but return this property to their rightful owner? He would also shortly happen upon a small ship being accosted by the British that could bring him back to the mainland! With this kind of luck, it’s a wonder he didn't spend more time playing games at taverns. Wielding dual Swords, his weaponry is certainly one of the more unique of stealthy assassins!


21) Cosplay By: leonchirocosplayart 

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Sometimes the constant parkour is unnecissary, but when it looks this good who cares?

Assassins are among the most stealthy individuals. Despite their clear clothing and insignias, very few people in the world actually know of their existence. The main reason for this is their skills at a travel style known as Parkour (not the one from the office).  Each movement is skillfully maneuvered and they can instantly make snap decisions in moments. They can scale the tallest of buildings in minutes, always finding the slightly loose brick or slight crack to maneuver themselves without fear of falling. Being incredibly skilled in this method of movement, they are able to stealthily infiltrate even the most secure buildings with ease. It should also be noted they occasionally can misjudge timing slightly and will spend minutes of time trying to jump up walls accidentally while running. *ahem*


20) Cosplay By: Kadart_Costumes

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We always praise the assassins practical skills, but considering how old the order is they also have incredible beard grooming methods!

Despite its odd appearance, assassins are always armored. They usually keep this armor fastened to themselves during all hours of the day so as to never become surprised attacked. While usually consisting of leather and metal in addition to the white hood, the assassins didn't keep a consistent appearance between them. The only thing that would change consistently is their belt. The belt fastened pouches where assassins would be able to pull most of their tricks including smoke bombs, throwing knives, and any odds or ends that could help them in combat. They also keep the assassin’s insignia fastened to the front as a badge of honor. Not my choice when being inconspicuous but I also haven't been trained in stealth science birth, so I prefer to think of it as them sticking out their tongues to templars saying: “Yeah we’ll out ourselves as assassins in broad daylight in the town square, what're ya gonna do about it?”


19) Cosplay By: EthlaineCosplay

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We don't see it often, but how cool would a trident be as a weapon?

Assassins have been known to wield a lot of different weapons. From their trademark blades, to swords, to pistols, and yes to both tridents and mega hammers. While not the stealthiest weapon, they are certainly unique. I’m sure if someone ran at you with either you'd be too confused before being 3 point shibob or flatter than a templar's heartbeat. Even hand to hand they are specialists in their own type of fighting style very similar to Krav Maga showing heavy emphasis on attacking the throat and eyes of their opponents. With most assassins training decades in the field against beasts, they don't really have an issue with any opponent they fight against. Effectively whether they cut your throat standing behind you, or they face you head-on, you don’t have a great chance at beating one without luck on your side and a lot of experience.


18) Cosplay By: julietheadventurer

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I wonder if the assassins trained animals to climb the same way they did, or did assassins train them in parkour?

Assassins are fairly good beast tamers. Although they rarely have to find an animal companion that isn't a bird, they have been known to work well with animals in nature. Even when an assassin kills an animal, they do it using the rules of the hunt making sure each part of the animal is used. Oftentimes the pelts are used for carrying cases or to better their armor, the bones are used for darts or as sharp weapons to be used some even turning it into jewelry, and their meat is eaten by them or sold off to the market to hunters who use it. In the aftermath of skinning an animal, only the animal's viscera remains to be quickly eaten by other natural predators. It is also worth noting that some specific animals were hunted only because they caused issues with native people and the animal population as a whole. I’m still waiting for the day we see an assassin riding a wooly mammoth they found frozen in ice and used a piece of Eden to revive. Make it happen!


17) Cosplay By: y.o.s.h.i.t.s.u.n.e

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For such an all powerful orb, it sure gets buried in the ground in a lot of random places.

A picture-perfect Apple of Eden. The main piece connects and shapes the entirety of humanity, in addition to spelling out the assassin's conflict. Originally one of many pieces built by the Isu in order to control humanity's thoughts and actions to force peace, two human Isu hybrids are known as Adam and Eve stole the Apple and began the human Isu war. During the war, a solar flare hit earth massively damaging both parties, but while the Isu slowly became extinct, humanity would only grow. Now Templars wish to act as the Isu, forcing peace among humanity and preventing conflict, while the assassins believe that free will is more important. It’s an interesting discussion that asks would you give up your free will to have global peace? Also, if the assassins want them never to be used, why not throw them into a volcano or something? Even if the apple lives, I don't think the templars are getting to it any time soon.


16) Cosplay By: Youdid_Cosplay

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I wonder if female pirates suffer from the same struggles as female workers in the 2000's?

During the 1700s, assassins weren’t all that different from pirates on a surface level. Of course, most pirates were in it for the money and adventure while assassins wanted to protect humanity, but they shared many of the same skill sets. During Edward keyways journey, we clearly saw that he held much of the expertise assassins did and he was a pirate captain when the story began. Every finger of his was like a fishhook, his stealth abilities were incredible even able to take on several assassins from the brotherhood. Even when he got his hands on a hidden blade, he mastered it fairly quickly. He even became a hero who managed to stop the templar's ultimate plan (although he also set the plan in motion so…?) Without a doubt true rags to riches story.


15) Shared by Assassinscreed_US

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Do you think any assassins owned slaves? With how they are about free will, I wonder if they were main contributers in the underground railroad?

Ratonhnhaké:ton, or Connor as I’ll call him for simplicity was made an assassin as a teenager. While young he was a native living off the land during the colonial period which did not bode well with Americans… expanding. He lost his mother and entire village due to colonial templars raiding it to find a sacred temple. Soon after, he sought teaching by an older assassin named Achilles Davenport who would end up training him for many years to become an assassin and gave him the pseudonym Connor. I’m sure it was no offense but Ratonhnhaké:ton doesn't really roll off the tongue. Eventually, he would find the apple of Eden in his possession seeing a vision of a tyrannical United States. The vision would eventually cause him to form the colonial assassins in the newly formed U.S and he quickly disposed of the apple by hiding it. His specialties always included stealth as a child as hunting was natural practice for natives in order to get food. It’s nice to see the assassins took in, trained, and allowed Connor to form a whole brotherhood during this era.


14) Cosplay By: Chibidudecosplay

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On the plus side, James Kidd never had to worry about societal beauty... wait when did that start?

James Kidd really does look good doesn’t he? I suppose they thought the name Mary Read was too feminine, but most of the early life, their mother did dress her up as a boy to pass them off as another person's child. Kidd became an assassin only shortly after having a position in the royal navy in their teenage years. Either they were desperate, or Kidd had the skills to match. After joining and marrying a man, she became content, until her husband died of ill-defined causes right after the wedding. After this, she continued to dress as a man and eventually met a man named Ah Tabai immediately trusting him due to wisdom in his eyes. It would be this man who trained her as a full-fledged pirate assassin who kept an eye on the unlawful side, matching or likely even surpassing the skills of Edward Kenway shortly after their meeting.


13) Cosplay By: FaroniCosplay

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The templars should just put a few turrets on the tallest structures around. I'm sure they'll knock off a few assassins that way.

Being as high as he was in the sky, this assassin was barely photographed before taking the assassin staples leap of faith. In this jump, an assassin would survey a large area at the highest point, and then dramatically leap off into a safe and soft landing to save time climbing down. A true staple of assassins and a direct proof that they hold no fear from heights unlike me. Additionally, they are noted to jump, do ¾ of a flip, and land all with their eyes closed trusting in their body and movements to make the correct decisions. Considering I cant move around my house with eyes closed before slamming into a wall, I’d have to say “Leap Of Faith” is a perfect description.


12) Photo By: TimeyWimey-007

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Nothing to see here, just a normal group of average people. 

Assassins have always been known as an organization rather than a few individuals with similar goals. Better known as the brotherhood of assassins, most are trained from birth to become an assassin and they have strict laws and punishments specific to their order. They all fight in order to keep humanity free with a will and mind that makes their own decisions originating back to ancient Egypt. While their main enemy is Templars, it is not exclusive as they are known to take action to free men and women from captivity whenever possible. They also believe in the Assassin's Creed (He said it!) which primarily restricted unnecessary slaughter of innocents, preserved the reputation of oneself and of the Order, and was meant to create peace not only within the world but within the individual. It was hoped that while few, these rules would be unbreakable and form a larger group willing to fight against the Templar's tyranny. I still want to know the secret handshake, but I have it on good authority that it involves losing your ring finger sooo…


11) Cosplay By: Kazeshini Cosplay

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What do assassins do in their free time? Do they have jobs? Do they have friends? Do a few have to choose between a promotion and the creed?

As is well known, most assassins did not look even remotely similar. While the traditional assassins are known to wear white garments, it was not required by any means. White did have a tendency to stick out in a crowd after all, so some would prefer darker colors. Of course, this armor is worn year-round so keeping it warm and cold is necessary when battling the elements. Most assassins have pelts or fur lining the interior or armor while keeping the armor made of the leather hide. These elements are easy to remove in a pinch all except the bare armor colored by preference. Most of the time, an assassin would simply use smoke bombs, but in last cases, being able to shed quickly would become necessary.


10) Cosplay By: KseniyaKanda

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I think the assassins have some kind of aviary that holds birds trained for assassin duties, and if thats the case, at least one trained assassin is on cleanup.

Eagle Vision is one of the assassin's most valuable powers. Eagle vision for humans is a result of cross-breeding between humans and Isu. The Isu was immediately able to harness this vision with what they called knowledge. Humans on the other hand all have the ability, but many have to train for years to access it. However, some rare humans are able to instantly tap into the ability due to life circumstances forcing them to learn it. The vision allows humans to see a type of aura that gives insight as to its properties according to the user. Red being an enemy, blue an ally, white a useful object, and gold are things of interest. Most notably, it appears it directly relates to how we perceive them as the auras have changed based on how the assassin knows them. This aura can be seen through walls and it can even be used to sense heartbeats or walking paths depending on the user. It’s an invaluable skill when it comes to the art of killing and I think it would make the real world a lot easier if I could just look for the golden light to victory.


9) Cosplay By: Kassandracosplay

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I feel like long hair would be a big hinderence in combat. Do even thieves adhere to the rules of honor?

The sister of Alexios, and daughter to King Leonidis, Kassandra. She by no means had an easy childhood, but she was better off in comparison to her brother. After preventing the sacrifice of her brother and being condemned by Sparta, she was forced off a cliff to what they thought would be her death. Worst Day Ever. Unfortunately for them, spartans are the toughest people around, and she survived enough to sail a boat away. She was then found by a man named Markos who raised her similar to a daughter, but they grew up more like friends, even having Kassandra bail him out of several situations despite the age gap. Again spartans don’t mess around. She then grew up to become Mistios and protector to those who ask. As a spartan, she is heavily trained in many types of weapons in addition to fighting styles. Eventually, she would become involved with cultists and traitors which she had to prevent from gaining power. As a historical figure, she is seen as a precursor to the assassin's brotherhood, but likely inspiration for its creation.


8) Cosplay By: Rick Boer

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A lot of assassins lost their ring fingers from the hidden blade, so what does that do to a marriage?

Viking assassin… Man, that's an awesome phrase. While not entirely like the traditional assassin, these Vikings were trained in stealth and combat through standard Viking nature. Hardened by tough lives, they would become more fighters upfront than those who hide behind, and with the build and clothing most had, it was far harder to hide. This made it, so those who could be vicious and likely feared for miles upon miles. Additionally, we are able to see the use of hidden blades dating back to these Norse legends. Although it is not hidden in a natural sense as early versions of the blade would be from a pulse in the wrist cutting off the wearer's ring finger. Instead, some chose to wear it on the outside as a type of intimidation tactic before battles.


7) Cosplay By: Shiva Abarai

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I wonder how the assassin order spread around the globe? did they just set sail in search of people? How did they stay in contact?

Eivor is one of few Viking assassins not belonging to the brotherhood. At an early age, her parents were murdered in front of her causing her to swear vengeance upon them and kill the man known as Kjotve. Only minutes after her parent's death, she was attacked by wolves and injured but survived with the name: Wolf kissed. I’m seeing a trend between rough childhoods and assassins. While stealthy in plans, she was also ruthlessly competent in combat, most notably being proficient in Viking weapons including dual axes. She would eventually avenge her family and live a life of honor at one point ending a cult seeking to replace Christianity and Norse faith with their own and participating in the second Viking siege of Paris. While she did lead an interesting life, I don’t think the Norse gods really helped as much as she believed they did. But each to their own, and I'm not arguing with a Viking anytime soon.


6) Cosplay By: Elanor Elwyn

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Besides the normal hidden blade, why didn't more assassins use other kinds of hidden weapons like Evie?

Evie Fryethe sister of the Frye twins and certainly more stealthy than her younger brother. While sharing a backstory many of their personal aspects differ. While Jacob preferred battered submission, Evie preferred blades, the most notable of which being her cane blade. Being the slightly more sensible twin, she handles most of the day-to-day affairs and talking side of things. The twins would become ensnared by a multitude of events, one of the most interesting being their meeting with Jack the Ripper. Realizing Jack the Ripper kidnapped Jacob, Evie manages to track the murderer down and kill him, fortunately finding Jacob alive if not slightly uncomfortable. We realize during the story that Jack had once been an assassin but disliked the way the brotherhood had been handling things. It’s a pretty good dark mirror of what could happen if Jacob or Evie continue to ignore their creed simply because it is simple. Ultimately, Jack, the ripper was incredible, if not disturbed, an assassin who was a good amount of fun!


5) Cosplay By: Leon Chiro & Cosplay Annart

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I wonder if there are earlier fights by assassins ageinst the templars we don't know about? Can we see a prehistoric assassin ride a mammoth in battle?

The name is not just for fanfare. Bayek could be seen as one of the original assassins that formed the brotherhood. Originally a Medjay, he lived a mostly peaceful life until an organization known as the order of the ancients killed his son because he refused to give them entry to the Siwa-Vault. The Order of the Ancients was seen as a prototype of the Templars, much like Bayek was a prototype for the assassins. Bayek would systematically kill every member aligned with this organization out of vengeance only to realize the 6 degrees of separation. Considering the massive amount of people involved, Bayek would not be able to complete his mission himself and found a greater evil within this organization that required its end. It was then that Bayek founded the Egyptian Brotherhood of Assassins recruiting people from anywhere he found talent. He also became the seed for the creed and its rules on never harming an innocent life.


4) Cosplay By: Grimwulfe

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Why wear 1 giant belt when you can wear 3 regular belts?

The hidden blades are a staple among assassins. No matter which assassin you meet, their background, walk of life, clothing, or values, not a single one will be without hidden blades. With the original design predating known recorded history at minimum having been used to kill Xerxes 1, the earliest designs triggered on a type of muscle pulse when you flex your arm and thus assassins would have to remove their ring fingers lest they become accidentally cut when activated. Newer designs however allowed the user to use the blade without issue originally designed through Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. I’m certain it really helped people with wedding rings and kept people less conspicuous. There have also been modifications to the blade by many others, one designed for afoot, or another for a trident, and the most recent adjustment being a shock blade. Without a doubt one of the most iconic and oldest weapons ever seen. Really glad they fixed the issue with flexing releasing the blade. Can you imagine shaking someone's hand, flexing a bit too hard, and whoops now you've disarmed them (Dishanded?)


3) Cosplay By: Forcebewitya

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I kind of want to know the assassins training program? If Edward Kenway can be an assassin, I have to have some kind of chance right?

While many believe that the assassins no longer exist, it’s simply not the case! While not clad as impressive armor like this, assassins are still fighting the templars using a new machine known as the animus. Originally designed by the templars, it allows someone to tap into their, or later versions grow others, DNA allowing them to live like their ancestors. This was of course used by templars in order to find the missing pieces of Eden using Desmond Miles to achieve this goal. It wasn’t too long after Desmond would be contacted by the brotherhood and eventually fight the templars somehow getting their hands on a more portable animus. Desmond then began to look for the pieces of Eden in hopes of sabotaging the current templars who grew to massive wealth and power due to connections through thousands of years.


2) Photo By: Greengreencat

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Assassins must have compatitions with one another. I would far rather watch the assassins games over the olympics any day of the week. (No offence)

Despite its massive age, or perhaps because of its age, the brotherhood doesn't have gender issues. One sex is never seen as lesser due to gender but only as experience. In fact, some of the oldest and most powerful, and influential assassins were women. Evie Frye, Kassandra, and Eivor all immediately jump to mind in this aspect. The assassins never played them up as special, or put them down in this case they weren't special as that would say they were an exception to the rule rather than the norm. All the assassins were simply assassins and nothing more. While there were a few who dressed as a male, James Kidd immediately comes to mind, it was a personal choice rather than a brotherhood choice. This marks the assassins as a highly unified group regardless of religion, age, race, or gender; they are all part of the Creed. I’m no skilled feminist writer, but I don’t suppose we can get some of that over here?


1)  Cosplay By: LeonChiroCosplayArt

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If normal people can become assassins, why don't they have assassins stationed in promising lines of work? Like on pirate ships or high guards?

My shot for the best is that of Edward Kenway. For some backstory, Edward was originally a pirate captain until a fateful crash with sir Duncan Walpole. Edward would end up impersonating Duncan in search of greed damn the consequences. Eventually, he rescues who would become his right-hand man as well as many others who he hired on as his crew aboard the nation of Jackdaw. While originally only seeking coins, after realizing the templar final plan, he personally chose to prevent them from doing so albeit to find it first and sell it for a mountain of treasure. Eventually, however, he ends up destroying the machine keeping it from the templars reaching all to protect humanity. He could have chosen countless riches and a spot among the most powerful in the world, but he sabotaged himself for the greater good. He became a full-fledged assassin and even married a woman and fathered a child. His story is unique because he was trained his whole life, hell he was an anti-law pirate the entire time, but when push came to shove he was a good man and eventually even became a master assassin, and then even Leader. Upon seeing others much like he used to be, he helps them simply out of instinct even when it would almost blow his cover. Edward Kenway was a pirate turned one of the most enjoyable and sideways friendly assassins you will ever meet. Just don't have too many valuables when talking to him, yeah?

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Skeptics question the existence of the ghosts, hauntings and the paranormal. Perhaps science does have an explanation for everything, and maybe ‘it’s all in the mind’, but the numerous claims and sightings of the paranormal by people cannot be brushed aside, besides, religion says if there is God, then there must be evil. Stories of haunted houses, the sightings of ghosts, the stench of rotting meat, objects levitating, noises and screams and sometimes just that feeling of being watched over by someone or something are sure to send chills down the spines, even for the nonbelievers. Here is a look at the list of 13 most haunted houses in America.13. 14th West 10th street, NYC’s House of DeathThis classic brownstone was constructed in the 19th century and is believed to be haunted by the 22 people who have died in the house. Located in New York City, this famous home is supposedly haunted by the most famous ghost of them all, Mark Twain, who briefly resided there. In the 1930s, a mother and daughter claimed to have encountered the author sitting near a window where he stated, “My name is Clemens and I has a problem here I gotta settle.” He disappeared moments later. There have also been apparitions of a lady in white, a young child, and a gray cat. This brownstone has an eerie rep for another reason: It’s where Joel Steinberg beat his six-year-old daughter Lisa to death in a second-floor apartment in 1987—one of the most shocking murders in the city’s history.12. Kreischer MansionLocated at Staten Isand, the Kreischer mansion is a large Victorian style mansion built by Balthasar Kreischer, who ran a successful brick business. He built two mansions beside each other for his 2 sons. However things went bad for the family, Kreischer died a year after the mansions were complete, and this was followed by the brick factory burning to the ground. Bad luck followed again when one of his sons committed suicide in the mansion that stands today. In 1998, Isaac Yomtovian bought the mansion with plans to renovate it and sell, but in 2008 the caretaker Joe Black was believed to be a hit man and was convicted of murder when he killed a man, dismembered the body and burned the remain in the basement furnace. There have been reports of paranormal activity in the house and one claim of an eerie ghost like figure peering out through the windows has been reported on occasions.11. Franklin CastleConsidered by many to be one of the most haunted houses in Ohio, Franklin castle has its share of stories, being built in 1881, at one point it was considered to be a Nazi compound conducting secret spy meetings. But the house had its dubious distinction as cursed from the time it was built, when the owner Tiedemann’s mother and daughter died within weeks of each other. When Teidemann’s wife passed away, it was attributed to the curse of the castle. The Death of Teidemann in 1908 left the no one to inherit the castle and his personal wealth. There were reporting’s of the house being used by the German Socialist party for conducting their Nazi meetings, but the house was mostly abandoned until 1968. Come 1968, the Romano family moves in, and almost immediately after start experiencing strange events.  The children would speak to their “new friend”, even ask for extra cookies for their “friend”. They would hear organ music from various parts of the house. The presence of Mrs Teidemann could be felt in the house by Mrs Romano, until 1974, when they decided to move out of the castle house. Ownership of the house changed hands over many years and today the castle stands waiting for brave souls to take shelter.10. S.K Pierce MansionLocated in Gardner, Massachusetts, entering this haunted house requires one to sign a waiver, because it is claimed that the spirits in the mansion can impose their will on the guests. This mansion was once a master piece of its time and was owned by wealthy businessman Sylvester Pierce. This palatial mansion has a guest list that includes President Calvin Coolidge, PT Barnum and was a well-known meeting place for the Freemason Society. Pierce’s wife passed away weeks after moving into the mansion. In 1888, Pierce passed away, and the estate was left to his youngest son Edward who then converted the mansion into a boarding home, and the once sprawling mansion became a haven for gamblers, prostitutes and drunks. Many murders were claimed to have taken place in the mansion. There were clams of a case of spontaneous combustion, when a Finnish traveller burned to death in the master bedroom, as there was very little damage to the surrounding parts of the room and only restricted itself to the bed. There is also a claim of a prostitute being strangled in the famous red bedroom. Guests have experienced objects moving, doors banging, footsteps climbing up and down stairs, some have felt the chill of a hand trying to exert pressure on them and push them down stairs and out of the third floor window. There have been apparitions of a woman and a boy in white clothes. It is also said that Edward has been seen wandering about the mansion, and voices shouting his name can be heard by many on some nights. Paranormal experts claim that these are the highest forms of paranormal entities witnessed, with ability to move large objects and impose their will on the guests.                                                                                                           09. Robinson Rose HouseBuilt in 1853, by then Lawyer James Robinson who then moved up his career to become a judge, this two story home is located in San Diego, California. Story goes that Judge Robinson was legally married to Edith Isdell and they had 3 children, whom he abandoned and left in financial crisis. He ran away and married an 18 year old Sarah, and on his death, left his all his estate to her, even leaving out his first family.In 1857, Sarah sold the hose to Louis Rose and in 1874 a fire burned the roof and soon after the house fell into ruins. Other abodes did come up over the foundation of the ruins from Robinsons original home, however there is no explanation of who is presently haunting the house. Perhaps it is the spirits of the various others who built over the foundation or maybe James and Sarah have taken shelter in their old home, only time will tell. There have been reports of entities who like to play with electricity, because lights are seen to go on and off and then there are the occasions of the empty elevator moving up and down. Footsteps can be heard of a large man moving and up and down the stairs. A playful figure has manifested itself tugging on the hair of women. And when the place is quiet with little or no guests, there is the apparition of a man dressed in a shirt of old times, going about his work – is this perhaps the spirit of the former Judge himself?08. Lizzie Borden houseLocated in Fall River, Massachusetts is famous for the murders of Andrew Borden and Lizzie Borden, also known as the ‘Axe murders’.  Abby and Andrew Borden were murdered at that house one August morning. Both were bludgeoned with an axe and Lizzie was the main accused in the crime. She was tried and although acquitted of all charges of murder, she was guilty in the court of public opinion. Abby was murdered in the bedroom and Andrew in the parlor. In fact, these two rooms are the most sought after tourist attractions for people visiting the Borden home. People visiting have never faced any violent apparitions, however there have been descriptions of hot or cold air, stagnant air; there have been apparitions in the bedroom of the house were the murder happened, where the pillow bore the impression of someone sleeping on it. In fact paranormal activists have reported EVP questions being answered by what apparently seems like Andrew Borden. There are also the apparitions of a cat. The spirits at this home however seem to go about their work and do not seem to bother anyone around.07. The Whaley HouseLocated in San Diego, California, this place is considered to be one of the most haunted houses in America. Built on the site a graveyard by Thomas Whaley, the house was used for commercial purpose as a Theatre, Courthouse and general store. This house was very important for San Diego but it came with its tragedies, especially for the Whaley family. Thomas and Anna Whaley had six children, Thomas Jr died from Scarlet fever at just 18 months of age. That same year, their store burned to the ground. Devastated, they moved to San Francisco, however later fixed up the old house and moved back to San Diego. In 1885, Violet Whaley, daughter of Thomas and Anna committed suicide by shooting herself in the chest, due to a failed marriage. As time moved on, the members of the Whaley family living in the house passed on. Historically, the Whaley house is also known to be one of the most haunted houses in America. Staff and guests would catch a glimpse of members of the Whaley family. There have been sounds of a baby crying and sensation of deep sorrow, especially in the part of the house Violet died. There are reports of the floating spirit of Anna Whaley in the house, and an apparition of a woman in long flowing dress walking about the house. There is also the entity of a dog with long flapping ears running about between rooms, turns out the Whaley’s did own a dog, a terrier! The Whaley house has been declared an official Haunted house by the United States Commerce department.06. The Octagon HouseLocated in Washington DC and built by Colonel John Taylor, this house despite its name, is a three storied brick house that is actually a hexagon, with the interior containing a large spiral staircase that also acts as corridor leading to each room. The house was occupied by President Madison for 6 months after the White House was burnt down by the British. John Taylor and his wife Anne stayed in the house until their death. After Anne’s death the children rented out the house. The Octagon is considered to be one of the most haunted houses in DC, The ghosts that are purported to haunt the house are that of Dolly Madison and the 2 Taylor daughters. Dolly Madison’s ghost can be sensed by the smell of flowers and a pleasant musical hum that can be heard probably a remnant of on the many parties she hosted. There are also the apparitions of the Taylor Daughters, both of whom, on different occasions fell their death, down the stairs on the second and third floor of the house respectively. Apparitions of candles and shrieks can be heard on the staircase, and a rustling of the carpet at the spot here one of the daughters died have also been seen. There is also the legend of the ringing of the servant bells that could be heard. It is claimed that the sounds of the bells were the spirits of the dead slaves announcing their presence. There are also reports of lights flickering on and off, sound of feet rapping the floor and the spirit of man who was killed there visiting the room on the third floor, apart from the occasional shrieks that can be heard.05. The Pirate HouseLocated in Savannah and dating back to 1753, this is considered to be one of the city’s oldest structures. The original plan for the plot was to build a Botanical garden, however a tavern and inn were constructed to cater to the sailors an traders travelling from abroad. There was a tunnel in the basement that leads to the sea and it was believed that many sailors and seafaring men would get others drunk and kidnap them to sea through this tunnel. It is possible that many sailors would have died from alcohol intoxication at the inn and also from the violence that followed the many sailors visiting. The upstairs is considered to be the main area where many apparitions and manifestations have been witnessed. Sounds of laughter and the apparition of a bearded man have been witnessed on the second floor.  Coffee pots thrown across the room, and fleeting figures moving across the room. The first floor also has witnesses reporting the presence of a man, walking through the kitchen and rooms, chairs being rearranged and objects moving. There have been reports of people feeling cold and nauseous after visiting the basement area.  The house is now a restaurant and serves customers, but beware the spirits of the dead still linger.04. Villisca Ax Murder HouseThe Moore residence, located in the town of Villisca, Iowa, was occupied by the Josiah and Sarah Moore and their four children, who were an affluent and respected family in the community. On June 9th, Sarah invited Ina Mae (8) and Lena Gertrude Stillinger (12) over to spend the night after the Childrens day program that was being celebrated at the church that evening. After the program, the Moores and the Silinger sisters walked home. The following morning, Moore’s neighbors, Mary Peckham, noticed that the house was awfully quiet and no one seemed to be doing any chores. After multiple attempts at trying call wake the Moore family, Ross Moore, Josiah’s brother arrived and opened the door with his keys. On entering, he found the family including the Stilinger sisters bludgeoned to death by an axe. In 1994, Darwin and Martha Linn renovated the house to closely resemble the home as it were in before the murders and opened the house to visitors who can stay overnight. There have been numerous reports of children laughing, talking.  Audios have been recorded, of children’s voices and strange noises when no one else was present in the house. Objects have been seen to move and psychics have claimed to have communicated with the spirits that still linger about the house, perhaps still looking for justice.03. Ann Starrett MansionLocated in Port Townend, Washington, this sprawling mansion was built in 1899 by George Starrett as a gift to his wife Ann, whom he loved and adored very dearly. The interior décor of the house truly shows the love he had for his wife. The mansion was truly a masterpiece of its time. George and Ann had one child Edward and they hired a nanny who looked after him. The lived a happy life in the mansion and is now converted into a bed and breakfast. There are however numerous accounts of paranormal activity in the house, of both male and female entities, thought to be Ann and George. They say that even death could not separate them; such was the depth of their love. The entities and apparitions felt and experience d by many are mostly welcoming and warm. The female entity considered to be Ann can be seen floating between rooms or admitting the solar calendar. There is also a male entity but is very peaceful and mellow and considered mostly to be with entity of Ann. However, there has been one more female entity that is seen to interact with guests and staff and is the most common apparition experienced in the house. She can be seen flipping the bible, turning the light on and off and clank glasses to make her presence felt. A word of caution, the entity is known to get upset if any negative remarks are passed on the services of the house or if any criticism or remarks are passed on the family, such as slamming pictures or visitors have felt a bump on their head or a bang in the furniture.02. 208 Meriden Avenue “The Haunting in Connecticut” houseThe Snedeker family moved into the house as the rent was cheap and it was close to the hospital where their son would go for treatment (he was apparently being treated for cancer). The home was a former funeral home where the morticians committed necromancy and necrophilia. There were numerous occasions of hauntings and apparitions experienced by member of the Snedeker family. After moving in, Carmen Reed was warned by her son that they ought to move out because the house was evil, but reed paid no attention to the warning. Reed also speaks of a force experienced by those living at home, like being slapped, groped and threatened. Reed’s son started seeing a figure with long dark hair that would stand and watch over him, threaten him and scare him by calling out his name. Reed also claims that because of this and the voices her son could hear, the doctors diagnosed him with schizophrenia, but all that stopped when she sent him away to live with relatives. Reed also claims that her niece would be groped and she could once see a hand moving in her shirt and feeling her back. That was when it dawned upon Reed that ther was some supernatural force that was haunting their home. One researcher of paranormal activity claims that a spirit descended the stairs and said to him “Do you know what they did to us?”. Two priests called upon to perform an exorcism on the house were too scared and left, a third performed an exorcism that took three hours to rid the home of the spirits.01.   112 Ocean Avenue ”The Amityville Horror” homeRonald, Sr. and Louise DeFeo lived with their five children at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York. The family were wealthy and well-mannered, however their eldest son, Ron, known around town as a troublemaker. An admitted drug user, a petty criminal and a heavy drinker and was often in trouble with the law. On November 13, 1974, Ronald DeFeo, Jr. shot and killed six members of his family. In November of 1975, he convicted of Second-degree murder and was sentenced to six consecutive 25-year prison terms. In late December of 1975, just barely one year after the murders, George and Kathy Lutz bought the house for a sum of $80,000. Much of the DeFeo family's furniture was still in the house, because it was included for $400 as part of the deal. A friend of George insisted on having the house blessed, due to its recent history. Father Pecararo the vice-officials of the diocesan office performed the blessing. During the blessing, Father Pecararo mentioned that one particular room "bothered" him so he recommended that the family not use this particular room as a bedroom. The strange occurrences start soon after. Their dog Harry, tried to jump a fence and almost hug itself till it was rescued just in time.  Strong putrid odors emanated throughout the home, green slime oozed through the walls and the toilets turned black. Large swarms of houseflies continued to pile up in the sewing room. Household appliances turned themselves on and off randomly and doors would strangely slam shut. The entire family noticed severe mood swings and personality changes amongst themselves. George found himself continually awakening at 3:15 in the morning with an uncontrollable urge to check the boathouse. The Lutz' were persuaded to recite The Lord's Prayer while walking throughout the house, and one particular recitation, a mysterious voice shouted, "will you please stop!". Shadows moved around the house and they would see eyes peering in at them from other rooms. On one occasion George noticed the temperature fluctuating rapidly and when he decided to leave, while running down the stairs, there was apparition standing there, staring and pointing a finger at him. George and Kathy Lutz, with their three children and their dog Harry, left 112 Ocean Avenue, leaving all of their possessions behind.The list here provides us a glimpse of the supernatural and lets just hope it restricts itself to those places. Remember, in life, if one door opens and another one closes, call the priest because your house is probably haunted.