[Top 5] D&D Best Druid Builds That Are Fun To Play

04 May 2024

Secretive yet undeniable, primal magics run wild throughout the landscape, ready to be tapped by those capable of hearing its call.

Forgoing metal armor and sprouting healthy far beyond the confines of civilization some of the mightiest adventurers can be borne, just as untamable as the elements they command.

Breath of the Wild.

With the temper of a volcano, a leaf-clad shape shares its primeval wisdom to calm down the rumbling of the earth.

Allies to all things wild and masters of nature, the Druid is one of 5th edition Dungeon and Dragons’ iconic classes, these primal spell-casters shake down the earth with their ability to fit any situation they need.

Shielding the lands from all who would threaten them while making sure all the gardens in the kingdom have the right amount of water can be a daunting task.

After all, druids are all-rounders who can give as much as they take, but worry not, for today we pick the right mushrooms in our moonlit grove to unravel the mysteries of druidic power with some fun builds to come back with a bite!

These are by no means prescriptive builds, but rather guidelines that you can tweak and modify to fit all your role-playing needs. I’ll be using options from the Player’s Handbook (PHB), Xanathar’s Guide to Everything (XGtE), and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (TCoE).

1. The Wildkin.

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The Wildkin is a mix of tooth and claw that rips through its foes like an animal!

More comfortable in the skin of a beast than its own, our druid found its true calling amongst the denizens of the forest. They remember the person they once were, but civilization has long stopped being its home.

The “Wildkin” build focuses on making the most out of the wild shape feature with the Circle of the Moon from the Payer’s Handbook. Becoming a moon druid gives our wild shape a notable buff that keeps it competitive in all tiers of play.

Since you’re still a druid, you can bring the powers of the elements to bear with your spells whenever you’d like to step out of your animal skin.

What the Wildkin Excels in.

  • More powerful wild shapes: Circle forms let you transform into more dangerous animals. Thanks to 5th edition’s bound accuracy, you can turn from an inconspicuous bystander into a ferocious Dire Wolf!
  • Excellent durability: Because of 5th edition’s wild shape rules, if you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form, meaning you have several pools of hit points to burn through.
  • Maintaining concentration: Since beasts tend to have good constitution scores, you can cast a concentration spell before turning into a beast and rely on its superior resilience to keep your spell going.

Build Details.

  • Ability Scores: With the standard array we’ll get the following: 15 Wisdom, 14 Charisma, 13 Intelligence, 12 Constitution, 10 Dexterity, 8 Strength. Since we’ll spend most of our time in animal form, physical abilities are secondary for the Wildkin.
  • Race: Starting as Firbolg will bump your Wisdom to 16. Since you retain any features from your race while in wild shape, the Firbolg’s ability to turn invisible for one turn can prove invaluable.
  • Background: Choose one that fits your character concept or grants proficiencies that you want. Hermit or Outlander are pretty good choices.
  • Details: For this build, you’ll need only level up in the druid class.
  • At level 2, you’ll gain the wild shape feature and a druid circle. Choose the Circle of the moon. Now your circle grants you the ability to transform into higher CR beasts.
  • Additionally, your spell slots will serve as fuel to keep you going! Now you can spend them to recover Hit Points.
  • Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Wisdom by 2 until you reach a score of 20.  If your game uses feats, take Resilient (Constitution) if you had not already acquired it.
  • As your bond with nature strengthens and you grow in level, you will gain the following:
    • With tooth and claw! At 6th level your attacks in beast form count as magical.
    • Embody the power of the elements, now you can turn into an elemental with your Wild Shape feature.
    • Adaptable and deadly, you can now alter your shape at will!

Spell Selection.

Spellcasting is a central part of the druid class, however, Wildkin druids are at home when wild-shaped. Most of your spells in combat will be destined for self-healing.

Once you level up enough and find a concentration spell that you like, make sure to cast it before transforming so you can rip and tear it at ease.

Build Overview.

Ability Score Priority: Wisdom > Everything else is interchangeable.

Race: Firbolg.

Class: Druid (Circle of the Moon).

2. The Constellation.

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Clad in a mantle of stars, the Constellation serves as a beacon for their allies.

Once an astronomer, our druid found solace far beyond the sky’s rim. Now one with the starlit patterns that draw the universe, they harness the powers of the cosmos

The “Constellation” is a powerful all-rounder build that has both offense, defense, and support packed into a powerful spell-caster that dominates the battlefield with the Circle of Stars from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.

If you enjoy supporting your party and throwing spells left and right, the “Constellation” is the right build for you.

What the Constellation Excels in.

  • Extra Healing: By harnessing the power of a life-giving constellation, our healing spells can heal an extra target!
  • More Spells: Just by picking the circle of Stars, we get a powerful spellcasting focus that lets us cast Guiding Bolt without expending spell slots a couple of times before resting!

Build Details.

  • Ability Scores: Using the standard array, we’ll get the following: 15 Wisdom, 14 Dexterity, 13 Constitution, 12 Intelligence, 10 Charisma, 8 Strength.
  • Race: We’ll use the elf race and the wood elf subrace for this build. Their racial ability score bonuses increase Wisdom by 1 and Dexterity by 2, so our Druid will have 16’s in Wisdom and Dexterity at level 1.
  • Background: As long as it works with the backstory you want, any background works. Sage is a safe choice.
  • Details: For this build, you’ll need only level up in the druid class.
  • At level 2, choose the Circle of Stars. Now you’ll have a powerful spellcasting focus available and gain the ability to harness the power of the stars!
  • Also at level 2, your Starry Form lets you take one of three forms as a bonus action with your Wild Shape. Each of these focuses on different play styles. We recommend using the form of the Archer if you wish to blast your foes or the Chalice to support your party.
  • Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Wisdom by 2 until you reach a score of 20. Afterward, consider increasing your Constitution score. If your game uses feats, take War Caster or Resilient (Constitution) if you had not already acquired one or the other.
  • As you increase your druid levels, you will gain the following:
    • You can unravel the mysteries of fate to alter the outcome of some rolls.
    • Harness the power of the stars more efficiently as your starry form constellations grow in power.
    • Become part of the cosmos! Now you become partially incorporeal when you use your Starry Form.

Spell Selection.

As a spell-focused build, the “Constellation” has a vast array of tools at its disposal, so many that it can be daunting to choose. Here are our recommended spells to make the best out of this build:

  • Druid Cantrips: Shillelagh.
  • Druid 1st level spells: Healing Word.
  • Druid 2nd level spells: Dust Devil.
  • Druid 3rd level spells: Call Lightning.
  • Druid 4th level spells: Summon Elemental.
  • Druid 5th level spells: Cone of Cold.
  • Druid 6th level spells: Druid Grove.
  • Druid 7th level spells: Regenerate.
  • Druid 8th level spells: Control Weather.
  • Druid 9th level spells: Foresight.

Build Overview.

Ability Score Priority: Wisdom > Everything else is interchangeable.

Race: Elf (Wood).

Class: Druid (Circle of Stars).

3. The Lord of Beasts.

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Calling forth swarming hordes, the Lord of Beasts commands the wilds.

Traipsing through the forest with a troupe of animals in tow, our druid leads the denizens of the natural world in their quest to guard the primeval spirits of the land.

The “Lord of Beasts” is a fun build that makes the most of the Circle of the Shepherd from Xanathar's Guide to Everything to summon beasts and fey to swarm the field of battle.

This build focuses on controlling several summons while supporting the party, so make sure to come prepared before playing this battlefield controller.

What the Lord of Beasts Excels in.

  • Force Multiplier: Bringing forth the might of totem spirits, the Lord of Beasts supplies the party with buffs that push them past their normal limits.
  • Battlefield Monitor: Rather than a damage dealer, you’ll become a commander of beasts which leads summons to swarm your foes into submission.

Build Details.

  • Ability Scores: Using the standard array, we’ll get the following: 15 Wisdom, 14 Constitution, 13 Intelligence, 12 Charisma, 10 Strength, 8 Dexterity.
  • Race: Choosing Tortle will bump our Wisdom to 16 as well as give us an AC of 17 regardless of our Dexterity.
  • Background: Anything that channels the primal authority of your character will do. Outlander is a good choice.
  • Details: For this build, you’ll need only level up in the druid class.
  • At level 2, the Circle of the Shepherd will start you in the right direction. Our newly acquired spirit totems allow us to bolster our allies with the power of spirits, from temporary Hit Points to increasing the potency of our healing.
  • Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Wisdom by 2 until you reach a score of 20. Afterward, consider increasing your Constitution score. If your game uses feats, take War Caster or Resilient (Constitution) if you had not already acquired one or the other.
  • At level 6 is when this build truly shines with the Mighty Summoner feature, doing just that: Notably empowering our summoned creatures to overpower our foes.

Spell Selection.

Unlike other builds, the Lord of Beasts has a summon oriented spell list, you are free to swap these spells to satisfy your campaign’s needs, however, we recommend the following:

  • Druid Cantrips: Infestation.
  • Druid 1st level spells: Faerie Fire.
  • Druid 2nd level spells: Summon Beast.
  • Druid 3rd level spells: Conjure Animals.
  • Druid 4th level spells: Summon Elemental.
  • Druid 5th level spells: Conjure Elemental.
  • Druid 6th level spells: Conjure Fey.
  • Druid 7th level spells: Plane Shift.
  • Druid 8th level spells: Animal Shapes.
  • Druid 9th level spells: Shapechange.

Build Overview.

Ability Score Priority: Wisdom > Everything else is interchangeable.

Race: Tortle.

Class: Druid (Circle of the Shepherd).

4. The Host.

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Home to a living fungus, the Host finds beauty in the grand cycle of death.

Crawling from the deep mazes below the surface, our druid has built a symbiotic relationship with a fungal parasite that whispers the secrets of rot, decay, and…eternal life.

The “Host” adopts the Circle of Spores from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything to create a powerful frontline tank that sacrifices none of the druid’s spellcasting prowess.

What the Host Excels in.

  • Extra Spells: Unlike most circles, the Circle of Spores gives you extra spells that are always prepared and don’t count against the number of spells prepared.
  • Durability: Thanks to the parasitic fungi that nests within us, we can transform into a symbiotic creature that decays that who comes close.
  • Necromancer: When sufficiently powerful, things who die near us can be animated by our spores to fight after death!

Build Details.

  • Ability Scores: Using the standard array, we’ll get the following: 15 Wisdom, 14 Constitution, 13 Dexterity, 12 Intelligence, 10 Charisma, 8 Strength.
  • Race: Starting as Genasi and electing the water subrace will bump our Wisdom and Constitution scores to 16 each!
  • Background: As long as it plays out the image you have for your character; any background will work. Hermit is a good choice.
  • Details: For this build, you’ll need only level up in the druid class.
  • At level 2, choose the Circle of spores. This will let us become a symbiotic tank that tears through the battlefield with our Wild Shape feature and rot those who come close.
  • Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Wisdom by 2 until you reach a score of 20. Afterward, consider increasing your Constitution score. If your game uses feats, take War Caster or Magic Initiate if you had not already acquired one or the other.
    • With Magic initiate you can choose Sorcerer or Wizard to grab the Booming Blade cantrip, increasing your melee power.
  • As you grow in power, you’ll gain the following:
    • Reanimate the corpses of humanoids and beasts that die within 10 feet of you to fight for up to 1 hour!
    • Create a field of death by spreading your spores indiscriminately.
    • Become the ultimate tank, your symbiosis is so perfect that your parasite makes you incredibly difficult to take down.

Spell Selection.

The “Host” has a combat-oriented spell list. We’re going to entertain more melee-oriented spells that boost our defense since the vanguard is where we’ll shine the most.

  • Druid Cantrips: Shillelagh.
  • Druid 1st level spells: Absorb Elements.
  • Druid 2nd level spells: Flame Blade.
  • Druid 3rd level spells: Call Lightning.
  • Druid 4th level spells: Fire Shield.
  • Druid 5th level spells: Antilife Shell.
  • Druid 6th level spells: Investiture of Flame.
  • Druid 7th level spells: Draconic Transformation.
  • Druid 8th level spells: Feeblemind.
  • Druid 9th level spells: Foresight.

Build Overview

Ability Score Priority: Wisdom > Everything else is interchangeable.

Race: Genasi (Water).

Class: Druid (Circle of Spores).

5. The Fire Starter.

Body Image
New life sprouts from the ashes of the fallen, the Fire Starter makes sure of it.

Wreathed in flames, our druid has embraced the teachings of embers, manipulating the fiery elements to call forth rains of destruction upon its foes.

The “Fire Starter” is a fun damage build that makes the most of the Circle of Wildfire from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything to bring forth loads of mystical firepower into the equation as well as a burning companion.

What the Fire Starter Excels in.

  • Extra Spells: Like the Circle of Spores, the Circle of Wildfire gives you powerful spells that are always prepared and don’t count against the number of spells prepared.
  • Mobility: Thanks to our pet’s fiery teleportation, we can get out of hairy situations as a bonus action.
  • Firepower: Our extra spells as well as our features make us move artillery in the field of battle.

Build Details.

  • Ability Scores: Using the standard array, we’ll get the following: 15 Wisdom, 14 Constitution, 13 Dexterity, 12 Intelligence, 10 Charisma, 8 Strength.
  • Race: Choosing Aasimar and the Protector subrace raises our Wisdom to 16, but, more importantly, once we hit level 3 our damage output increases whenever we activate our Radiant Soul feature.
  • Background: Choose any background that helps you bring the pyromaniac that you can be. Outlander is a good choice.
  • Details: For this build, you’ll need only level up in the druid class.
  • At level 2, the Circle of Wildfire broadens our mystical arsenal as well as gives us a flaming pet that fits nicely in any party.
  • At level 3, Aasimars unlock the radiant soul feature. For 1 minute, our spells now burn deeper. You can add your level as radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell.
  • Every time you gain an Ability Score Increase, make sure to increase your Wisdom by 2 until you reach a score of 20. Afterward, consider increasing your Constitution score. If your game uses feats, take Elemental Adept (Fire) and Warcaster if you had not already acquired one or the other.
  • As you burn it all and grow in power, you’ll gain the following:
    • Your companion enhances your spells. Whenever you deal fire damage or restore hit points while your pet is summoned, you increase the number rolled by 1d8.
    • Burning the souls of the dead you can create an area of destruction or healing.
    • A saving bond. As long as you are within 120 feet of your summoned spirit, you can sacrifice it to cheat death!

Spell Selection.

As the designated tactical nuke, the “Firestarter” focuses on bringing forth large amounts of firepower fast into the field of battle. Here are our recommended spells.

  • Druid Cantrips: Create Bonfire.
  • Druid 1st level spells: Faerie Fire.
  • Druid 2nd level spells: Heat Metal.
  • Druid 3rd level spells: Call Lightning.
  • Druid 4th level spells: Elemental Bane.
  • Druid 5th level spells: Mass Cure Wounds.
  • Druid 6th level spells: Investiture of Flame.
  • Druid 7th level spells: Fire Storm.
  • Druid 8th level spells: Incendiary Cloud.
  • Druid 9th level spells: Storm of Vengeance.

Build Overview.

Ability Score Priority: Wisdom > Everything else is interchangeable.

Race: Aasimar (Protector)

Class: Druid (Circle of Wildfire).

The Groves’ treasures

Like all adventurers, druids are not unfamiliar with the staves and wands, scrolls, and robes that enhance their ability to take life as well as protect it.

If your game uses magic items, here are some worth keeping your eye out for so you can lead your echo-friendly crusade with enough magical items to finance a kingdom!

  • The Moon Sickle is a Druid and Ranger exclusive weapon. Wielding such an item grants you a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, as well as a bonus to your spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of your spells based on its rarity.
  • The Staff of the Woodlands has 10 charges that you can expend to cast several useful spells. It’s one of the few items to grant the ability to cast a level 6 and 5 spells.

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