[Top 10] ESO Best Houses That Are Awesome

ESO Best Houses, the best houses in elder scrolls online
05 Sep 2024

Property for sale

Looking for a place to call your home? Mayhaps you want your personal space to express your creativity, or maybe you’re just looking for a convenient place to dump your extra items while being near a convenient town? Whatever the reason, ESO got you covered with 80 houses! With that impressive roster, there's bound to be something especially for you. So come with me as your ESO real estate agent is here to bring you a short top 10 list of awesome ESO houses (separated in their respective price range ;)).

Inn Rooms

10. Golden Gryphon Garret Alinor

  • Location: Alinor
  • Cost: 3,000 g or free
  • Furnishing slots: 15 traditional, 1 special, 1 collectible, 1 special collectible

The Golden Gryphon Garret Alinor Inn Room is not much on its own and it's to be expected with its generous asking price of 3000 gold which you can also get for free upon completing the Room to Spare quest (assuming you haven’t taken other inn rooms yet). 

Do take note that inns are account bound, hence if you already have an inn room from this quest, you can always use another character to obtain this inn room! What it lacks for space and furnishing slots, it makes up for with convenience as it is situated in Alinor, the capital of the Summerset Isles. 

A thing to note about Alinor, it is one of the most convenient cities available for a player with all of the needed crafting stations and their corresponding daily writ all located in one area, dailies just a few steps away, and not to mention access to the city’s merchants and bankers. All of these taken together make the Alinor inn a good place to start in your housing journey.

Cheap and glamorous location, you should definitely try it out ;) 

What’s Awesome about Golden Gryphon Garret Alinor

  • Convenient access to the city’s traders, merchants, crafting stations, and other dailies
  • You can get all of these for free if you haven’t had a free inn yet



9. Flaming Nix Deluxe Garret

  • Location: Deshaan
  • Cost: 13,000g
  • Furnishing slots: 50 traditional, 1 special, 1 collectible, 1 special collectible

This is the most expensive apartment among the three that are available, but if you’re willing to save a bit more then I’d like to implore you to get this one as it provides the most bang of the buck. Being located in Mournhold, the capital of the Ebonheart pact, you’re bound to be at the heart of a major trading hub. 

Making it a convenient place for any adventurer with amenities including merchants, bankers, guild traders, and crafting stations. Furthermore, you also get access to your dailies such as the crafting writs and undaunted. Looking at the house itself, it offers your typical Dunmer aesthetic with it primarily being built on stones with carapaces being trickled here and there, making it an additional boon for all you dunmer funs out there.

A cozy abode

What’s Awesome about Flaming Nix Deluxe Garret

  • You get to be located in a major trading hub being that Mournhold is the capital of the Ebonheart Pact.
  • A lot of major amenities including guild traders, merchants, and crafting stations
  • A slightly better quality of life compared to inn rooms


Small Houses

8. Twin Arches

  • Location: Bangkorai
  • Costs: 73,000g
  • Furnishing slots: 100 traditional, 2 special, 5 collectibles, 2 special collectible

If you’re looking for a small house and you can save a bit more, then I’d recommend you to go for the Twin Arches, the most expensive small house in the game, but with good reason! Upon passing through the gates of this small house, you find yourself with a relatively big garden and an L-shaped interior (which is unusual in itself). 

Both of these are quite unusual for small houses which also contributes to the big canvas you can play with. I got to say though, it’s not located in the most convenient of cities given, but the space the house offers is enough for it to earn its spot in this list.

Twice the glamour

What's Awesome about the Twin Arches

  • A big interior and exterior for a small home especially considering its price range
  • Pretty big canvas for you to really show your creativity


7. Snugpod (small house)

  • Location: Grahtwood
  • Costs: 45,000g
  • Furnishing slots: 100 traditional, 2 special, 5 collectibles, 2 special collectible

The utility is this house’s most promising feature. The Snugpod is a cost-effective (very) small house located in the capital of the Aldmeri dominion offering a unique place for adventurers given its bosmer aesthetic. Being of bosmer origin, you instantly see how it is built/grown around nature (literally!). 

I’d like to imagine those bonsai shaping techniques amplified by 100-fold. Anyway, being located in the Aldmeri capital, you get access to a convenient stablemaster, outlaws' refuge, and the undaunted dailies just outside of your own house! Give a few minutes of walking and you get to find the crafting stations and the writs that you can take, making this location a very player-friendly home at a cost-effective price. Just keep in mind, there’s not much legroom in the house itself.

Welcome to my humble abode

What’s Awesome about Snugpod Elden Root House

  • Located in the capital of the Aldmeri dominion making the city’s amenities conveniently located outside of your own home
  • A good gold-item ratio makes it one of the most cost-effective homes in the game


Medium Houses

6. Grymharth's Woe

  • Location: Windlehelm
  • Cost: 280,000 g
  • Furnishing slots: 200 traditional, 3 special, 10 collectibles, 3 special collectible

One of the original homes available to the player character, Grymharth’s Woe is a good sweet spot as a medium home. It doesn’t have much of an exterior but the internal area of the home makes up for it with two floors primarily being built with stone and wood. This is your traditional Skyrim home with it being in Windlehelm. 

Grymharth’s home is the perfect home in the city in my opinion while also allowing you to be very creative in how you set up your home especially with the cozy stone and wood walls.

"You're finally awake"

What’s Awesome about Grymharth’s Woe

  • Very traditional feel harkening back Skyrim memories
  • A good sweet spot when talking about the gold-item ratio (especially when you compare the ones down the list)


5. House of Silent Magnifico (medium house)

  • Location: Sentinel
  • Cost: 320,000 (1600 gold/ Furnishing slot)
  • Furnishing slots: 200 traditional, 3 special, 10 collectibles, 3 special collectible

What can I say? The Alik’r knows how to build their houses. This Alik’r house leaves up to its name of “magnificence” with it situated up high on a cliff providing you with a beautiful view of Sentinel. The interiors are also filled with archways and pillars allowing you to make multiple rooms if you want to. 

It has some similar characteristics with Grymharth’s Woe particularly with it being located in a major city, which helps convenience with you having direct access to the city’s wayshrine, crafting station, traders, merchants, and bankers! Furthermore, the sentinel is a popular place to XP farm, so if ever you want to level an alt, know that this home is ready to wait for you.


What’s Awesome about House of Silent Magnifico

  • Medium level convenience with you being in Sentinel
  • Access to one of the most farmed zones in-game
  • Beautiful cliff view


4. Mournoth Keep (medium house)

  • Location: Bangkorai
  • Cost: 325,000 g
  • Furnishing slots: 200 traditional, 3 special, 10 collectibles, 3 special collectible

“This is a medium home?” was my first impression when I laid foot in this lot. Once you step inside this home, you’ll be surprised to see a very big exterior with a big garden and stairs that lead to a two-story orsimer home. This alone makes it rival some of the large houses in the game but once you’re in, you’re welcomed with two very spacious floors complete with a balcony on the second floor. 

Although unlike the trend in this list, this house is not located near a city, BUT there is a convenient wayshrine located directly in front of your gate making you have access to the whole game literally at your doorstep, so I’ll make an exception for this one.

This is a medium home?

What’s Awesome about Mournoth Keep

  • Not located in a city but is remedied by a conveniently located wayshrine at your doorstep
  • Very big interiors and exteriors that can probably rival some of the large houses.


Large Houses

3. Alinor Crest Townhouse

  • Location: Alinor
  • Cost: 1,025,000 g
  • Furnishing slots: 300 traditional, 4 special, 20 collectibles, 4 special collectible

Now onto the first of two large houses in this list, we have the grandiose Alinor Crest Townhouse, one of, if not the most prestigious looking homes in the games located in the summerset capital. Given its location, everything I said about the inn room in the tenth spot is also the same here in regards to convenience the most convenient places in the game. The prestigiousness of the home starts outside as you walk up the gorgeous stairways towards the home. Boasting a large and predominantly white aesthetic, this house will be sure to make you look up and witness its scale. 

Once inside, you’re confronted with beautiful white rooms separated by expensive-looking walls and archways as well as a magnificent curved staircase leading to the second floor where a door awaits so you can access the walkway outside which contains a fountain and spaces for you to make your garden while you relish the view of Alinor. For sure you get to boast about your social status while being in an aesthetic city with this home. 

So if you’re looking to be a noble, I’d highly recommend you to check this house out.

For the elegance maxima 

What’s Awesome about Alinor Crest Townhouse

  • One of the most beautiful and grandiose houses in the game makes you feel like a noble
  • Located in one of the most convenient cities with a crafting station and daily writs located in one place as well as banks, merchants, traders, and other daily quest givers all in one city 
  • Separate rooms are already present in the manor making saving you furnishing slots for making rooms as well as having a lot of preexisting aesthetic furnishings


2. Gardner House (large house)

  • Location: Wayrest
  • Cost: 1,015,000 g
  • Furnishing slots: 300 traditional, 4 special, 20 collectibles, 4 special collectible

The Gardner House is located in the major city of the Daggerfall Covenant, Wayrest, making it one of the most convenient houses in the game. For those not in the know, Wayrest has a lot of what the normal player may need such as crafting stations, bankers, merchants, guilt traders, outlaw refuge, and a bunch load of dailies including the undaunted and crafting. 

Starting from the outside, this home is protected by a gate connected to stoned walls leading to the exteriors, consisting of a garden that looks like a driveway. The house itself also offers a cozy feel from the get-go with its old English-inspired design with pleasing textures mainly consisting of stone and wood. 

And if that isn’t enough, the house also has a basement mainly being built up of stones and a second floor predominantly being made up of wood and white walls. All the floors in this house are spacious, allowing you to decorate it depending on the theme that you want. Overall, I’d say that this large house takes the cake for the perfect ESO home that you would want.

Absolutely love this house

What’s Awesome about the Gardner house

  • Very convenient location with it being in Wayrest allowing you direct access to crafting stations, bankers, merchants, and dailies such as undaunted and daily writs.
  • Old English and driveway design of garden fit well with the city
  • Three spacious floors await you in this large home



1. Serenity Falls Estate

  • Location: Reaper's March
  • Cost: 3,775,000 g
  • Furnishing slots: 350 traditional, 5 special, 40 collectibles, 5 special collectible

Money ain’t a problem, I see? Well among the seven-year-long available manors, I consider the Serenity Falls Estate the best. Manors can’t be judged by their convenience because they tend to be located far from cities to preserve their elegance. But unlike the other manors, this one has a wayshrine slightly in front of its front gate, making it more convenient compared to the rest. 

Furthermore, this manor has a HUGE exterior consisting of a waterfall allowing you to set up the scenery. There are two houses, one of which I can see being converted into a crafting station or something else and another being your main house. The size of the home itself is that of a large home by estimation, but I think that is more than enough to let out your creativity. 

The design itself is largely Khajit-based consistent with the Reaper’s March theme which serves a unique aesthetic niche. Overall, this place has the correct vibe going for that rich baron looking for a plot of land.

Top of the line

What’s Awesome about Serenity Falls Estate

  • Somewhat convenient with a wayshrine near it making it more practical than the other manors in this list while maintaining its elegance
  • Very huge exterior with unique assets in it not commonly found in other manors such as a waterfall 
  • Comes with two structures, a main large house and a smaller house that can function as a crafting home for those who wants to roleplay a rich baron

And there you have it!

The top 10 Awesome ESO homes with different price points. Hopefully, this guide was a good starting point for your housing journey. I would love to hear your thoughts though! Personally, I love the Riften-based Autumn's Gate, but I admit that these houses takes the cake. Got your own favorite home? Feel free to leave a comment below.


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