Sword Art Online Best Season Revealed- Which is Best?

23 Jan 2022

Season 3- Sword Art Online Alicization

Season 3- Sword Art Online Alicization takes on a slightly different format from the previous seasons we have seen. This world takes us back to when Kirito was a child and he spends his days with his best friends: Eugeo and Alice. Exploring like children tend to do, Alice, Kirito, and Eugeo get lost on the outer parts of the Human Territory. It is critical that the children do not go into the Dark Territory.

Life as the children know it comes to a screeching halt when Alice falls into the Dark Territory and is subsequently taken away. This season would go on to follow the adventure of Kirito and Eugeo, with their fight to get Alice back.

Why Season 3- Sword Art Online Alicization is the best season to watch:

  • You get a glimpse of main character Kirito as a child, along with his childhood friends Eugeo and Alice. As well as, the development of Kirito’s Savior Complex development.
  • This season takes on a different format from the rest, with an easy-to-follow story line along with the action and fighting of the original season. 
  • You see Kirito and Eugeo’s friendship develop after the Alice incident, over their assignment to chop down the Demon Tree. They were friends before, however they did lose their memories after Alice was taken away.
  • Kirito and Eugeo connect with Alice’s younger sister, Selka, who goes on their journey with them (in the beginning).
  • You see Eugeo and Kirito fight the goblins in the mountains- one of the best fights in SAO history.
  • Kirito trains Eugeo in swordsmanship skills.
  • Kirito and Eugeo become elite students of the academy. 
  • Kirito and Eugeo proceed on their journey to the Central Cathedral in order to try to find Alice, which they do when they discover she is now an Integrity Knight.
  • Alice does not remember her past life before she was an Integrity Knight, however Kirito and Eugeo do their best in order to get her memory back.
  • This season entails the perfect balance of easy-to-watch storyline of Eugeo and Kirito’s lives, but also has some amazing fights within the story, including the fight between Kirito and Integrity Knight Eugeo and Kirito’s fight against Lady Fanatio.
  • Eugeo is turned into a sword- the iconic Blue Rose Sword- after his demise.
  • And finally, we meet The Administrator, also known as Quinella.
  • Quinella is insanely powerful, highlighting how strong Kirito is when he defeats her.
  • This season is significantly longer than other seasons, giving viewers more time to enjoy the story.

Season Episodes:

(This season has 47 episodes so I will be listing the first 5.)

  • Episode 1- Underworld
  • Episode 2- The Demon Tree
  • Episode 3- The End Mountains
  • Episode 4- Departure
  • Episode 5- Ocean Turtle

Season Score: 90/100 (How Good the Season was on a Scale of 100).


2. Best Episode from the Season: 

Season 3 Episode 23: Administrator

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In this season, Eugeo turns into the Blue Rose Sword and Kirito defeats the Administrator. This season pulls on the heartstrings when viewers watch Eugeo pass away in Kirito’s arms. Eugeo uses his last little bit of life and blood to transform into the iconic Blue Rose Sword, made of crystal, which Kirito would later go on to use to defeat Quinella with. The fight between Kirito and Quinella was incredibly powerful and intense, pulling viewers in and having them on the edge of their seats the entire time. The fall of the Administrator is a turning point for the season, creating a whole new journey for Kirito, Alice, and the rest of the characters.

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