[Top 10] Mobile Legends Best Team Setups That Wreck Hard!

team setups, mobile legends, mobile legends:bang bang, team composition
13 Jan 2022

Looking for the perfect hero combination? Then you are on the right track!

The Land of Dawn is indeed a jungle of different heroes. One look, and it won’t be easy to know which works best for the other. Thankfully, MLBB teams are here to demonstrate what team composition works well.

Here is the list of the best Mobile Legends Team Setups.


10. Eudora + Akai + Pacquito + Barats

This might be the most unforgettable play from team NXPE because they turned the game 180 degrees by using these heroes!

 The set-up is at a disadvantage during the early game, but has an edge in the late game.

As expected, the NXPE’s opponent had an early advantage and dealt damages to the team. As a response, NXPE did not contest and focused more on defensive playsto stretch the game.

Barats is Pacquito’s best partner. NXPE made a wise choice in securing it to fully maximize Pacquito during the game. Also, Akai has always been a defensive hero, shielding their damage dealers. For burst, NXPE chose Eudora.

Despite an early setback, the defensive play was effective as NXPE won the match with a split push style.

Nexplay EVOS is great for:

  • Having huge fan support
  •  Defensive plays
  • Marksman heroes


9. Kaja + Rafaela + Harley + Saber

This setup worked well for RSG PH as a counterattack to Beatrix and Ling combo. The said heroes might be challenging to corner but still not invincible.

Rafaela’s Light of Retribution and Holy Healing can aid Kaja in executing Divine Judgment. After dragging the enemy hero with him and reducing their magic defense, Saber can then Triple Sweep for a sweet kill. Harley’s Deadly Magic can also be utilized in order to injure these quick-to-escape heroes.

The plan indeed worked as RSG PH was able to silence the rival’s core. Kaja’s pure magic damage build was also effective on the sideline, leading to 16 assists.

RSG PH is great for:

  • Counter strategies.
  • Mage heroes


8. Benedetta + Chou + Mathilda + Claude

The composition is favorable for a 1-3-1 rotation. This setup by BREN Esports was truly commendable after they shut off the opponent’s Wanwan and Akai formula.

These heroes are very frisky, which is the goal of BREN to answer the enemies’ strategy. Wanwan cannot execute its ultimate skill without stacking damage first. And since BREN’s picks have a lot of escape points, Wanwan can only rely on Akai’s successful Hurricane Dance before attacking.

However, the Crossbow of Tang was far from lethal during this game as BREN’s setup was effective in lessening the momentum. Not only did they mute the ultimate of Wanwan, but they also snatched the majority of its crab attempts. Thanks to Chou!

BREN Esports is the unforgettable MSC 2018 Champion and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang M2 World Champion.

BREN Esports’ is great for:

  • Having an aggressive objective
  • Long gameplays
  • Assassin heroes


7. Balmond + Ruby + Esmeralda + Kadita

A promising line-up to counter ultimate skills of damage dealers.

RSG SG used this set-up to counter their opponent with late-game potentials. If executed perfectly, they can end the game in less than 15 minutes!

Balmond offers an early advantage. It can bully opponents and leave room for the core to farm. In team fights, Ruby also has a crucial role. Its ultimate skill will pool all heroes together, just in time for Kadita or Esmeralda to enter the team fight. A full-build Rough Waves or Failing Starmoon will definitely go for a one-shot kill!

Unfortunately, the RSG SG team lost their dominance and was  forced to a late game. Since their set-up was ideal for early aggression, their advantage turned into a disadvantage. The combination requires the proper targeting and objective to outplay your rival, which RSG SG failed to do at the time.

RSG SG is the veteran two-time champs for MPL MYSG seasons 1 and 5. They continue to be a fan-favorite and the leading Singaporean esports organization.

RSG SG is great for:

  • Offlane heroes
  • Tank heroes
  • Having a veteran lineup


6. Popol and Kupa + Yi Sun-shin + Selena

Also called as the vision set-up. This is effective in locating your opponents to  easily derive tactics for the next move. This can really give the team great advantages and an edge against enemies.

Team ECHO attempted this strategy against the Kaja-Beatrix-Benedetta lineup. Popol and Kupa can set a trap on a zone, immobilizing any hero who steps on it. Selena also provides vision by its Abyssal Trap, dealing great damage to enemies in the early game. Yi Sun-shin also releases Mountain Shocker, which offers physical damage to all enemy heroes on the map.

The setup is admirable as it initially deals with two objectives: vision and damage.

For it to be successful, communication and reflexes must be possessed by the rest of the team so that the visions will not be put to waste.

ECHO, formerly AURA PH, is great for:

  • For-vision heroes
  • Feeding technique


5. Yu Zhong + Lancelot + Kagura + Rafaela + Kimmy

The set-up is already great at first glance because of Yu Zhong. ONIC PH utilized these offensive and defensive heroes to counter the  Natan-Selena-Khufra combo.

Just so you know, Yu Zhong is actually a counter to any backliner heroes. Its Black Dragon Form can reach the damage dealers at the back, crippling the opponent team. While Kagura is there as a match for Selena since its 2nd skill is an escape for the Abyssal Trap.

Lancelot is the heart of the team here. Since he moves around from time to time, Rafaela is picked to guide and support Kimmy.

Because their heroes were more on counter-picks, they needed to execute correct targeting and positioning. With that, they easily dominated the game. 

Basically, the set-up was really aligned to perfectly counter all the opponent’s heroes. This gave ONIC PH an edge and won the match.

ONIC PH is the Philippines Mobile Legends Team of ONIC Esports, an organization based in Indonesia. They recently made noise in social media as the first runner up of the M3 World Championship.

ONIC PH is great for:

  • Jungle roles
  • Assassin heroes


4. Yi Sun-shin + Esmeralda + Mathilda + Lunox + Pharsa

The heroes that will make you answer the question, “How to break the code?”

BloodThirstyKings from North America used this set-up when they made the current M3 World Champion, Blacklist International, taste some mud.

As you can see, these heroes aim for a long match. Yi Sun-shin gets dangerous the longer the game is. The rest of the line-up will help sustain the group from early to mid-game until the core hero is fully built.

BTK was indeed successful in breaking the code as they put a stain on BLCK’s record. BloodThirstyKings was prominent for being the group who has no coach, no manager, and no analyst during M3 World Championship. Still, they were able to prove that they are the 2nd best region in the MLBB community.

BloodThirstyKings is great for:

  • Team Analysis
  • Marksman heroes
  • Fighter heroes


3.  Yi Sun-shin + Claude + Jawhead + Lunox

I will always be amazed by this hero set by Burmese Ghouls during the M2 World Championships Grand Finals Game 4.

They know that Yi Sun-shin and Claude are the top core heroes at the time and so when they saw a chance to pick both, they grabbed it! Isn’t that a shock if you were the opponent?

Burmese Ghouls also know that they lack magic damage. And what is the most effective magic damage dealer? Lunox! This set-up is really promising, especially if you want to counter Pharsa’s Feathered Air Strike and Lancelot’s damage.

This indeed helped them secure a win against BREN Esports. Their marksman heroes  were just deadly in the long run, and their opponent was not able to suppress that. Addition to that is the vision of Yi Sun-shin, which is already a plus one against their enemy.

See what happens when teams take risks and really understand the current meta? BG just showed you how it’s done!

Sad to say, the Burmese Ghouls already disbanded this year due to political reasons. The team  used to have a huge fan base and was always one of the most popular MLBB teams in the world.

Burmese Ghouls is great for:

  • Risky picks
  • Mage heroes
  • Support heroes


2. Yve + Mathilda + Yu Zhong + Roger

It’s RRQ time! This play was the key for RRQ Roshi to dominate against RSG SG. Their rotation and effective positioning helped them achieve their offensive objectives.

Yu Zhong is a perfect match against any core heroes as it can avoid the defense of the frontline. Roger is also deadly the moment it outfarms the enemy. Mathilda and Yve are the magic damage for RRQ. Yve’s Real World Manipulation paired with Mathilda’s Circling Eagle is already a catastrophe—damaging multiple heroes at once!

RRQ Roshi gained attention as it was born by combining the best Indonesian Dota players. Their list of achievements since 2013 showcases that they are indeed Rex Regum Qeon, King of Kings.

Or are they still?

RRQ Roshi is great for:

  • Jungler roles
  • Marksman heroes


1.  Estes + Alice + Aldous + Chou

Has the code been broken? Well, the answer is: NO.

This is probably the trademark that Blacklist International left in the pro scene. The setup just made Estes one of the top banned heroes!

No marksman is a common sight in an ML tournament. Blacklist International only needed to drag the game for this kind of setup while making sure that they were not far behind in farming. They could only rely on Alice and Aldous’ damage. So sustenance from Estes is really the secret ingredient here.

Blacklist knew that their heroes were ineffective in a one-on-one battle. So they were very consistent in staying together.

No one moved alone on its own because one loss would easily tip the boat for Blacklist International.

Truly, the UBE (Ultimate Bonding Experience) Strat is still good as it continues to leave wonders for other MLBB teams. No one still has an answer to it.

Blacklist International is considered to be the best MLBB team at the moment. They won back-to-back championships in MPL-PH seasons 7 and 8. And currently, Blacklist International is  the M3 World Championship titleholder.

Blacklist International is great for:

  • Support heroes
  • Mage heroes
  • Jungler roles


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