[Top 7] My Time at Portia Best Fishing Spots

My Time at Portia Best Fishing Spots
04 Aug 2021

Want to get rich in Portia? Go fish!

Fishing has been gaining popularity in the world of Portia. When I first started the game, I wasn’t much inclined to fish though I would check out the fishing spots occasionally. The revelation came when I was short on Gols. It’s such a pain when you have got all the materials for an upgrade and you realize there just isn’t enough Gols to pay for it.

Your answer to the financial conundrum, lovely people, is fishing! In My Time at Portia, the bigger and rarer your catch, the more money you can sell them for. Or even better, you can build some fish tanks and breed these fishes, so you don’t need to keep fishing. Although this method might take a bit more time investment to fish and put them in the tank, it is the most effective and lucrative business one can indulge in as a Portian. 

Each fishing spot will have 2-3 species of fishes to offer which will vary between normal, emperor, and king fishes. King fishes are super hard to catch but worth more than the others to breed and sell.

Pro Tip: Going fishing on ‘Fishing Day’ is recommended. The player can find rare catches on this day and earn relationship points with other residents of Portia who participate in the event!

If you want to be rich in Portia, I am here to help with this glorious list of the seven best fishing spots out of a total of ten:

7. Portia River Fishing Spot

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The Portia River Fishing Spot is the closest fishing spot to the player’s workshop. It also has easier catches, namely, catfishes and frog fishes. They can be caught and cooked or sold. If the player is lucky, there is a 1.02% chance of catching King variety of these species which could be bred and sold for 5000 Gols!

What is great about Portia River Fishing Spot?

  • Easy catches
  • Very near to the workshop

Fishes found/probability:

  • Catfish – 40.80%
  • Frog Fish – 40.80%
  • Emperor Catfish – 4.08% 
  • Emperor Frog Fish – 4.08% 
  • Catfish King – 1.02%
  • Frog Fish King – 1.02%

6. Starlight Island Fishing Spot

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The Starlight Island Fishing Spot is quite far from the player’s workshop. It requires the player to take a boat to the starlight island from the Portia harbor. Although the spot is quite far away, the place makes up for it by providing some unique fish. The Gladiator Fish is especially common in this spot and quite profitable.

What is great about Starlight Island Fishing Spot?

  • Starlight Island is beautiful to visit
  • Unique Fishes!
  • Let’s player explore more of Portia

Fishes found/probability:

  • Gladiator Fish – 40.89%
  • Koi Fish – 40.89%
  • Emperor Gladiator Fish – 4.09%
  • Emperor Koi Fish – 4.09%
  • Gladiator Fish King – 1.02% 
  • Koi King – 1.02%

5. Western Beach Fishing Spot

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The Western beach Fishing Spot is west of Portia Harbor. The fishing spot has some rare and valuable catch which is bound to offer some level of difficulty when fishing. It is a very profitable spot but takes quite a long time to reach by walking. Otherwise, it is an ideal fishing spot that has three species of rare fishes.

What is great about Western Beach Fishing Spot?

  • Opportunity to catch rare fishes!

Fishes found/probability:

  • Banner Fish – 27.22%
  • Lantern Fish – 27.22%
  • Firefish – 27.22%
  • Emperor Banner Fish – 2.72%
  • Emperor Lantern Fish – 2.72%
  • Emperor Firefish – 2.72%
  • Banner Fish King – 0.68%
  • Lantern Fish King – 0.68%
  • Firefish King – 0.68%

4. Amber Island Fishing Spot

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The Amber Island Fishing Spot can be reached after completing Bridge to Amber Island mission. The player can find this spot near the area where the ‘Doodling’ activity icon is visible during a date. The Amber island has a lot to offer along with this sweet fishing spot, especially coriander for gathering. There is a cave on this island that was turned into a ‘Haunted Cave’ attraction. It is a nice place to visit.

What is great about Amber Island Fishing spot?

  • Opportunity to explore Amber Island and the cave
  • Rare fishes

Fishes found/probability:

  • Banner Fish – 27.22%
  • Koi Fish – 27.22%
  • Blue Mackerel – 27.22%
  • Emperor Banner Fish – 2.72%
  • Emperor Koi Fish – 2.72%
  • Emperor Blue Mackerel – 2.72%
  • Banner Fish King – 0.68%
  • Koi King – 0.68%
  • Blue Mackerel King – 0.68%

3. Portia Harbor Fishing Spot

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Portia Harbor Fishing Spot is perhaps the most profitable spot close to the player’s workshop. It’s a Win-Win. Sometimes Wuwa can be seen fishing at this spot. The player can find some valuable fishes here albeit more difficult to catch. But it’s worth it if you love earning Gols. I once caught a super rare Bubblefish king in this spot!

What is great about Portia Harbour Fishing Spot?

  • Close to the workshop
  • Valuable fishes can be found here!

Fishes found/probability:

  • Golden Salmon – 40.80%
  • Bubblefish – 40.80% 
  • Emperor Golden Salmon – 4.02%
  • Emperor Bubblefish – 4.02% 
  • Golden Salmon King – 1.02%
  • Bubblefish King – 1.02%

2. Bassanio Falls Fishing Spot

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The Bassanio Falls Fishing Spot is quite literally at the base of the waterfall between Portia and Eufaula Desert. It usually has a lot of Golden Salmons which are very easy to catch and can be cooked in various ways. But it also has more difficult-to-catch fishes like the Goliath which can be pretty valuable and fetches a fair amount of Gols when sold.

What is great about Bassanio Falls Fishing Spot?

  • Valuable/common fishes found
  • Nice, quiet place near the waterfall
  • Close to the workshop

Fishes found/probability:

  • Golden Salmon – 40.80%
  • Goliath – 40.80%
  • Emperor Golden Salmon – 4.08% 
  • Emperor Goliath – 4.08%
  • Golden Salmon King – 1.02%
  • Goliath King – 1.02%

1. Eufaula Desert Oasis Fishing Spot

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More like a money oasis! The fishes are easier to catch at this spot and they are pretty pricey too. So, if you want easy fishing and quick Gols, this should perhaps be the spot where you spend your whole day fishing. Besides, you can always explore the desert around it and slay monsters to take home some loot!

What is great about Eufaula Desert Oasis?

  • Easy catches
  • Valuable fishes!
  • Opportunity to explore the surrounding desert

Fishes found/probability:

  • Golden Salmon – 27.22%
  • Wise Fish – 27.22%
  • Gladiator Fish – 27.22%
  • Emperor Golden Salmon – 2.72%
  • Emperor Wise Fish – 2.72%
  • Emperor Gladiator Fish – 2.72%
  • Golden Salmon King – 0.68%
  • Wiser Fish – 0.68%
  • Gladiator Fish King – 0.68%


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