[Top 10] Best Gohan Attacks

Best Gohan Attacks
11 Jul 2021

 [Top 10] Best Gohan Attacks (Ranked)

Wassup everybody! Your friendly neighbor hood Shounen Man here with another anime-based list for you to feed that burning anime fire within you. Today we are going back to my favorite anime, DragonBall Z! All Dragon ball fans know about the wasted potential that is Gohan. When he was younger, up until the Buu saga, it seemed as though Gohan would surpass all the other Z-fighters. He had inside him a hidden power that got released with rage. This ability increases his power immeasurably and allowing him to fight people way stronger than him. These moments have left Gohan with some pretty intense attack scenes. Even when he’s not raging he is still a powerful warrior who always puts up a fight. Let’s go together and check out the top 10 best Gohan attacks(Ranked).


10. Special Beam Cannon

Coming in at number 10 we have special beam cannon! After the battle with the Saiyans, our heroes were shaken up. They lost half of their team in the fight and with the death of Piccolo, they couldn’t wish anybody back. They found out that there are dragonballs on planet Namek though so they decided to go there to make their wishes. With Goku completely out of commission due to Vegeta breaking most of his bones the only ones left to go on the mission were Gohan and Krillin. They traveled through space towards their destination and began image training, where they fight each other in their minds. During this battle, Krillin was throwing lots of moves at Gohan overwhelming him until Gohan launched a very sloppy but cool to see special beam cannon that he must have picked up from Piccolo.


9. Golden Dome Attack

Coming in at number 9 we have the Golden Dome Attack! Now you would think if a little kid defeated you in the past you would do everything in your power to make sure that same child didn’t stop you again. Well, that’s not what Garlic Jr did, he underestimated Gohan in his first attempt to take over the world and then repeated that process in his second. Garlic Jr had not only transformed into his super form but he also had the Makyo star giving him considerably more power than before. With Piccolo and Krillin barely able to hold out while distracting the immortal villain Gihan charged up a brilliant golden dome of energy around himself. As soon as Piccolo Gave the ordered Gohan fired his huge energy dome as a ball destroying the Makyo Star and defeating Garlic Jr for good.


8. Hidden Potential

Coming in at number 8 we have Hidden Potential! During the battle with Raditz to save Gohan, Goku lost his life. He had to sacrifice himself to allow his villainous big brother to be defeated. Just when everything seemed okay Raditz misinformed our heroes that two more even stronger Saiyans were on their way to earth. With no guarantee that Goku would be wished back in time Piccolo decided to take Gohan and attempt to train him to control his immense hidden power. With no one to stop him, he easily flies off with the young Saiyan taking him to a remote part of the world. There he decided to show Gohan his power by throwing him headfirst at a mountain. Seeing no other way out, Gohan’s inner power released in a powerful beam that blew up the mountain and everything behind it for miles.


7. Masenko

Coming in at number 7 we have Masenko! All the characters in Dragonball Z have signature moves that they might just bust out at any time. Goku has his Kamehameha, Tien has his Tri-Beam, even Krillin has the Destructo-Disc. Gohan is no exception to this rule and has one of his own. Learned directly from his trainer, and let’s face it, second father Piccolo he is liable to place both of his hands on his forehead before yelling Masenko and releasing a very powerful yellow blast. Gohan has used this move against many foes including the tyrant Frieza who was far more powerful than him at the time. This move has Gohan’s name on it and is synonymous with him.


6. Gekiretsu Madan

Coming in at number 6 we have Gekiretsu Madan! During the battle with Frieza, our heroes had to face all kinds of challenges as the evil tyrant pulled out trick on top of trick out of his non-existent sleeve. When he went to his second transformation Krillin ended up on the wrong end of his horns. Frieza crashed into him impaling him on one of his horns before torturing the long-time Z-Warrior by bouncing him up and down and causing him to scream out in pain. Gohan seeing his friend tortured and believing him to be dead lost control to his trademark rage and attacked Frieza with everything he had. He comes in punching and kicking Frieza around sending him flying down into an island before unleashing a huge barrage of energy blasts that seemed like they would never end. He finished this attack with a powerful Masenko causing a huge explosion that actually hurt Frieza.


5. Family Kamehameha

Coming in at number 5 we have Family Kamehameha! The movie world of DragonBall Z tends to be a little wild. Most of them aren’t canon and leave room for some of the most interesting scenes in the series. During Broly’s Revenge, Goten, Trunks, and Gohan end up in a fight with Broly. He comes for Goku but finds his children and attacks them due to Goten looking just like Goku. This fight, unlike most of Broly’s fights, starts off quite comedic with the two young Saiyans throwing everything they have at the monster with no luck and spending the whole fight dodging him. There is even a moment where Trunks pulls his pants down and shows Broly his ass in order to distract him and another where he literally pees on Broly’s head. Eventually, Gohan shows up, and together with their father, Gohan and Goten let loose the family Kamehameha blowing away Broly with their combined might.


4. Quiet Rage

Coming in at number 4 we have Quiet Rage! During the Cell Games, Goku did something that fans of the series all the way back to DragonBall would never have thought they would see. Goku gives up in his fight with Cell shocking everyone including the villain himself. Goku admits that he gave Cell all he had and couldn’t defeat him. He however does tell Cell that his son Gohan will be fighting him because the young Saiyans power far outmatched Goku’s. Gohan explained to Cell that his rage is what releases his power and hearing this Cell decided to release a bunch of smaller versions of himself to beat on all the Z-fighters. This on top of seeing 16 get his head smashed in caused Gohan to lose it and power up. He then kills the Cell Jr’s one-by-one using one blow each time. He uses intimidation to make them let go of his friends and attacks mercilessly until there are none left.


3. Leave My Daddy Alone

Coming in at number 3 we have, Leave My Daddy Alone! The Saiyan Saga was the action-packed explosive beginning to the amazing show that is DragonBall Z. During this saga, Raditz, Goku’s brother kidnapped Gohan. He locked him inside his spaceship before Goku and Piccolo showed up to rescue him. In the battle between our heroes and the new villain Raditz, Goku and Piccolo were completely outmatched. It seemed like no matter what they tried to do Raditz was just faster and stronger. Piccolo had his arm completely blown off and Goku was beaten to the point of not being able to stand. Raditz began to torture Goku by stomping on his wounds, causing him to scream out in pain. Gohan could hear his dad yelling out in agony and couldn’t take it. It’s in this moment that we get the first scene showing Gohan’s rage power-up. Raditz notices a huge power level popping up right before Gohan explodes out of the ship destroying it. He stands before a stunned Raditz breathing heavily before screaming,” Leave My Daddy Alone”!!!! He then launches forward toward the evil Saiyan slamming into him and cracking his armor. This scene was so amazing to watch as the possibilities of Gohan’s future exploded into our minds.


2. Father-Son Kamehameha

Coming in at number 2 we have the Father-Son Kamehameha! Here we have a real fan favorite. This moment was something fans of the series had waited on for a long time. This battle was the culmination of all the moments where we got little hints of Gohan’s hidden rage. The moment Cell stomped on 16’s head killing him and causing Gohan’s transformation to his true power was one of the most goose-bump-inducing scenes in the entire series. During his fight with Cell, Gohan who is still getting used to his power falls prey to the same thing that gets most Saiyan’s, his pride. He plays with his opponent, beating him around a lot before hitting him so hard that he spits out android 18. After this, Cell decided to blow himself up and take the planet with him causing Goku to teleport him away to explode harmlessly. Unfortunately, Cell regrows himself and comes back even stronger due to his Saiyan Cells. Gohan and he end up in a beam struggle that Gohan quickly begins losing until Goku’s image appears behind him with words of encouragement, support and power to give. With this the FAhrter-Son Kamehameha was born and Cell shot off into the sun.


1. One-Handed Kamehameha

Coming in at number 1 we have the One-Handed Kamehameha! This right here is one of my favorites, not only in Gohan’s move set but in the entire show. During the Future Trunks Saga, we get to see what a Gohan grown-up in war looks like. In this timeline, Gohan grew up battling against the androids as they destroyed the world. Most of the Z-fighters died off as the Androids destroyed every human they came across, even Goku lost his life to a virus. This Gohan was very brooding due to him growing up with all this pain and death and as such had a very cool batman like vibe to him. In his battles with the androids, he loses his left arm protecting a young Trunks. After he recuperates he goes off on his own to fight them once again and unfortunately for the last time. During this awesome battle, we get to see how much better at combat he actually is than the androids. He is able to hold them both off even though they are more powerful than him. In the middle of this Gohan charges up and then blasts a One-Handed Kamehameha that the androids hit with their own beam but in one of his coolest moments Future Gohan outpowers them both with just one arm sending them flying back.

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