Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
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About Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

Captain Blaskowicz and Richard Wesley are sent by the OSA to infiltrate and recover a file, containing the location of Deathshead’s Compound, to Castle Wolfenstein. They are captured and Wesley is killed by Rudi Jager. Blaskowicz escapes the castle and kills Jager, later on.

Meanwhile Helga Von Schabbs, the head of the archeological division of SS, unearths a crypt in Wulfberg. The crypt emits some sort of chemical which causes the dead to awaken. Helga unleashes a monster which had been a secret of King Otto for centuries.

Blaskowicz kills the monster and Helga and retrieves the file which contains the location of Deathshead’s Compound. The next set of events set up the story of Wolfenstein: The New Order. 


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