[Top 10] Don't Starve Together Best Base Layout

Don't Starve Together Best Base Layout
07 May 2021


10. Boat Base

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This base is more of an “I’ve been playing Don’t Starve Together for half of my life now, I am bored” base. I thought I would include it in the list because I have seen a lot of players making this type of base. You build boats next to each other and put each category of things on a separate one. So, for example, you have your Chests on one Boat, your Drying Racks on the other, your Kitchen on the third, and so on.


  • Everything is well organized
  • It’s unusual
  • Gives a different kind of gameplay


  • You're always on the sea
  • Far from other biomes
  • It kind of doesn’t make sense but hey

9. Beginner Base

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Hey, you gotta start somewhere, right? For this type of base, you need a Fire Pit, Crock Pot, Ice Box, Alchemy Engine, Drying Rack, and a Tent. Additional things are, of course, some grass tufts, saplings, trees, and berry bushes. And if you plan on staying for a while, I recommend building a Bee box and a few farms, just so you can have a decent amount of food.


  • Good for the first 10-15 days of gameplay
  • Easy to build


  • Needs improvement daily
  • Doesn’t have everything you need while the game continues
  • Missing the Magic Tab

8. Next to the Portal

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For Cooperative Servers, making a base next to a Portal is ideal because the other players won’t spend forever in a search for the base. Here is the perfect layout. Put your main light sources, such as the Fire Pit, Endothermic Fire Pit, and the Scaled Furnace in the middle in front of the Portal. Your crafting station should be close to your light source in case you get an idea during the night and need to prototype something real quick. A “kitchen” should also be there with 5-6 crock pots and an Ice Box. Additionally, a few Drying racks and a Birdcage should be present, for Jerky and Eggs production. You need a storage area, with a bunch of Chests, as well as a resting station with 1 or a few tents. You must think of natural disasters, such as Lightning or Fire in general. That is why you have to put a few Lightning Rods and Ice Flingomatics to avoid your whole base catching on fire. Just make sure you put the Flingomatics away from your Fire Pits because it will extinguish those.


  • Easy to find
  • Shows teamwork
  • Working on it together will make the base bigger quickly


  • Is in the eyes of trolls who like to destroy everything

7. Next to a Wormhole

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This base is ideal for the summer when you don’t want to walk a long distance between biomes. The idea is to put everything around the Wormhole, leading to a very important biome, or even another, bigger base. 


  • Easy access to another biome
  • Ideal for Summer


  • None really, as you can develop your base eventually

6. “Circle” Base

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The idea is simple. Everything you need is inside the circle. On the entrance, you will put tooth traps, and the surrounding area will be stone walls. 


  • Easily bait enemies to the tooth traps
  • Everything is on the reach of your hand


  • Can be easily caught on fire if not taken care of

5. Oasis Base

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This is more of a good base location rather than a base layout. Simple, your center of the base will be the Oasis Lake and everything else will be built around it. This is good for summer because during other times of the year the Lake doesn’t have water in it. However, to be able to move in the Oasis desert during summer, you have to fish out the blueprint for the Desert Goggles. The reason why is because the Oasis desert is the only desert that has a sandstorm during the summer and therefore being an impossible one to walk through because of limited vision and movement. Wearing desert goggles cancels this out and you can see and walk normally.


  • Lake that you can use for fishing
  • Easily survive summer
  • Is located in one of the best biomes


  • Can't walk without the desert goggles
  • Might be away from other biomes

4. Cave Base

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Ideal base for summer as it is less hot, and to avoid hound waves completely. Good for farming Bunnymen, and if you find a place that can reach a few sun rays, you can also farm trees, grass, and twigs and live completely normal, just like you would on the ground, apart from annoying Hounds. Caves are a good source of mushrooms, monster meat, and nightmare fuels.


  • Less hot during summer
  • No Hound Waves


  • Might go to the ground occasionally for some other resources that are not available underground
  • Always living in the dark and therefore using light sources all the time

3. Aesthetic Base

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This is for those who want their base to look like a fairytale. They don’t care about anything but for their base to look good. In this base you will find a lot of different turfs, statues, maybe even a potted fern or succulent here and there.


  • You'll get tons of compliments on all the DST forums


  • If not planned correctly, it can lose its functionality over the aesthetics

2. Geometric Base

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The most practical base is the one where you use the Geometric Placement Mod. You can download it in the Steam Workshop. It shows a grid before placing an object and therefore making it look organized. 


  • Everything is well organized
  • Well planned
  • Easier to make


  • The only cons can be the fact that you need to download a mod for this to work, and if you are not a fan of those, this base doesn’t work for you

1. Mega Base

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Combining the Geometric Placement Mod with your imagination and a lot of work, you get a Mega Base. This is a base that takes away almost the whole map and it has everything you can think of. It takes a lot of days to make, even up to 1000. So basically, you can start with any base and gradually upgrade it until one day you have a megabase. As I said, this base consists of literally everything. From a simple crock pot and ice box area to various farms, such as Pig farm, Bunnymen farm, Grass Gekko Farm, Spider farm, and so on.


  • Everything in your base is well organized and has its place
  • It is huge and therefore many players can be there at once


  • Making this base is time-consuming
  • You need the Geometric Placement Mod


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