Top Ten Fairy Tail Moments

Fairy Tail bands together to save the day!
08 Oct 2020

Top Ten Fairy Tail Moments

10. Cana Uses Fairy Glitter At The Grand Magic Games

After being trapped on Tenrou Island for seven years, the Fairy Tail wizards up for their S Class Trials, and those who facilitated them have returned. However, the guild they once knew seems to be nonexistent. The guildhall is in shambles, and Fairy Tail’s reputation as the strongest guild in Fiore is destroyed, it’s rank now being the worst and a dark guild called Sabertooth having taken their place.

Fairy Tail is distraught by this, and see the Grand Magic Games as an opportunity to restore themselves to their former glory. The winning guild gains the title of the Strongest Guild in Fiore, along with a huge monetary prize that would help reduce Fairy Tail’s debt to the guild Twilight Ogre. Fairy Tail then splits up into the A Team and the B Team. This gives them a higher chance of victory in the games.

At a certain point, each wizard will have to test their magic power level on a type of scale, said scale letting them know what their level is at and which position on the team they should have. Cana Alberona, a Card mage from Fairy Tail, is the last to go. It seems like things will end badly, as she is hopelessly drunk and the Wizard Saint, Jura, went before her. However, Cana has a trick up her sleeve.

On Tenrou Island, Cana discovered the sacred Fairy Tail specific spell, Fairy Glitter. She is the only one in Fairy Tail with access to it, and uses it here. Her power score is then the highest over every single wizard present, making Fairy Tail look pretty impressive already.

Why It’s Awesome

  • Cana isn’t a particularly strong mage, and this was really emphasized in the previous Tenrou arc, as she had failed her S Class Trials four times already. She was very discouraged by this, and it seemed as if she might not come back from it. But not only did Cana gain the second most powerful Fairy Tail spell over many other wizards, she also used to prove Fairy Tail’s strength and how much of an asset she is to the guild. This scene shows her making a great character comeback, and if Cana is your favorite, you’ll definitely enjoy this scene.
  • Fairy Glitter is obviously a very powerful spell, but it is only used a few times in the show, this time being one of them. The last time we saw Fairy Glitter being used was in the Tenrou arc, which feels like an eternity to go with all the episodes that have passed. This instance is the only instance you’ll see Fairy Glitter used for awhile, so if this is your favorite spell, you’ll love this scene.
  • If you’ve been waiting for Fairy Tail to make that amazing comeback we all knew was coming, this was merely the start. Cana showing her strength with a guild specific spell already proves Fairy Tail’s worth and skill level, and it makes any Fairy Tail fan proud to see their favorite guild making such a strong entrance. If you want some warm, fuzzy feelings, this scene is definitely for you. 

9. Juvia vs. Meredy

This intense Fairy Tail battle is part of the Tenrou Island arc, and shouldn’t be underestimated. Tenrou Island is a sacred island only Fairy Tail members are meant to have knowledge of, as it’s a place for the wizards of Fairy Tail to complete their S Class Trials so they might become S Class wizards. However, these trials are interrupted when the dark guild, Grimoire Heart, and their Seven Kin of Purgatory show up. Now Fairy Tail is scrambling over the island, desperate to defeat Grimoire Heart and the Seven Kin.

After Erza subsequently beats up Yomazu, a member of the Seven Kin, she and Juvia set out to find the others and end this matter once and for all. However, they run into another of the Seven Kin, Meredy. Meredy has a ranking system in which all Fairy Tail members are destroyed, Juvia being number thirteen and Erza being number four. Meredy strikes Juvia first, getting the “trash” out of the way. It seems like Juvia is defeated, until Erza questions Meredy about her ranking system, Meredy revealing that her number one target is Gray Fullbuster, Juvia’s beloved.

Gray is to be killed because of what he had done to Ultear’s mother, Ur, but Juvia isn’t having it. When this fact is revealed to her, Juvia is given a new feeling of strength, and attacks Meredy without mercy, giving Erza the chance to find a different opponent. Despite Meredy binding Juvia and Gray with a Sensory Link, as well as herself, Juvia still comes out the victor due to her overwhelming love.

Why It's Awesome 

  • At the start of the S Class Trials, Juvia was made to go up against Erza to earn her S Class rank. During that battle, which Juvia lost with Lisanna, Erza shamed Juvia’s fighting skills, believing she was stronger. However, during the fight with Meredy, Erza is actually frightened and impressed by Juvia’s sudden strength. Juvia’s intensity in battle is equal to the intensity of her emotions, and she has finally proved her most extreme worth in battle since the Phantom Lord arc.
  • This battle is proof that the Fairy Tail is very intricate, and that the anime isn’t as surface level as some like to believe. Each character in this battle is connected somehow. Gray was trained and raised by Ur after his village was destroyed by the demon, Deliora. Gray wanted to prove that he could be stronger than Ur, and have his revenge, causing him to foolishly seek out Deliora for a fight. Ur saved him by turning her body into a shell of ice, trapping Deliora forever. However, Ultear, Ur’s daughter, was left without a mother and left to fend for herself. Ur later found Meredy as a child, raising her to where Meredy cared about her so deeply, she would gladly kill any soul to defend her. This is why Meredy wants to kill Gray, and of course Juvia, with her love for Gray, is connected as well. This battle is an example of how intricate and interesting the Fairy Tail world truly is.
  • For Gruvia (Gray x Juvia) shippers, this battle is a huge moment in the progression of their relationship. Meredy bound Juvia and Gray together with a Sensory Link so that they would both experience the pain that Meredy caused Juvia whenever she attacked her. A Sensory Link can only be created between two wizards if they both have strong feelings for each other, meaning that Gray at least has some feelings for Juvia. For Gruvia shippers, including myself, this is a huge step in their relationship.

8. Natsu and Lucy vs. Jacob Lessio

This battle takes place in the seventeenth and final Fairy Tail arc, the Alvarez Empire arc. Makarov has disbanded Fairy Tail a year ago, a mysterious mage named Mest Gryder bringing them back together. Erza is now the Seventh Guild Master of Fairy Tail when the Alvarez Empire from Alakitasia threatens war on Ishgar for Fairy Tail’s secret artifact, the Lumen Histoire.

To make matters worse, Zeref, the Black Wizard, is behind this operation with the Spriggan Twelve at his side for the dirty work. Jacob Lessio is one of the twelve, and he’s tasked with the same charge the other members are; find the artifact and destroy Fairy Heart. When Jacob arrives at the guild, he puts all of the members into a spacial pocket where they face death at any moment, giving Mavis the choice between saving her friends or giving up the location of the Lumen Historie and Fairy Heart.

Lucky for everyone, while Lucy, Natsu, and Happy were in the guild hall with the others, Lucy’s clock spirit Horologium saved them. Now Fairy Tail has a fighting chance, although it’s anything but an easy battle. Jacob has Stealth Magic, meaning that he can hide and attack from anywhere without being seen. This seems to be an impossible fight, but Lucy’s quick thinking and Celestial connections save the day, along with Natsu’s powerful Dragon Slayer Magic. While the war is far from over, the battle was won thanks to Lucy and Natsu.

Why It's Awesome 

  • If you’re interested in another Nalu (Natsu x Lucy) fight, definitely check this one out. Their battle with Jacob is another example of their chemistry and how in tune they are with each other’s emotions and reactions. Also, before the fight even started, Lucy was already sitting at Natsu’s bedside with Happy, hoping that his wounds would heal in time for them to fight soon. If that’s not a true Nalu moment, then I don’t know what is.
  • Next, for those of you have been tracking Lucy’s progress over the arcs, you’ll definitely be pleased with this fight. Lucy has grown so much since her original introduction, and is a much more powerful Celestial Mage. If anything, she did more work than Natsu during this fight. After all, it was Gemini that ended up defeating Jacob to the point where Natsu could finish him off. As an added note, if you love Lucy’s Star Dresses, this battle is a perfect opportunity to see at least three of them (Taurus, Leo, and Gemini).
  • Lastly, if you’re looking for a fight with some humor in it, you can’t go wrong with this one. Alvarez is a very angst heavy arc, and humorous moments seem few and far between. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Nalu fight if some humor wasn’t involved. When Jacob removed Lucy’s clothes to take down Natsu, only to find Natsu had zero reaction to that move, you can’t help but laugh to yourself. 

7. Lucy Uses Fairy Sphere

Fairy Sphere is one of the Three Great Fairy Magic’s, the other two being Fairy Glitter and Fairy Law. It converts the bonds and faith of the members of Fairy Tail into a Magic Power made sphere, creating power the magical world has never seen before. So far, only Mavis, the First Master has used it, but Lucy is about to as well. This is during the Alvarez Empire arc, an arc where it consistently seems Hope is lost only to be found again.

At this point, Wendy has channeled all six Dragon Slayers’ magic into Natsu, giving Lucy time to combine the guild’s power into one in order to form Fairy Sphere and finish off the Black Dragon Acnologia. Unfortunately, the power of one guild doesn’t seem to be enough against a dragon who possesses the power of a god. The spell fails, and Acnologia is able to crack the sphere.

However, Meredy shows up just in time. She has created a Sensory Link between every magic user in Ishgar to the members of Fairy Tail, making the spell ten times more powerful than it was before. Lucy uses it again, and this time it traps Acnologia and defeats him.

Why It's Awesome 

  • Once again, if you’re looking for a scene where Lucy is demonstrating her magic growth gained over the series, this is a perfect opportunity. Not even Erza, Gildarts, or Master Makarov have used this spell, putting Lucy in that special category with the First Master herself. It takes a lot of Magic Power and faith in the guild to enact that spell, and Lucy’s ability to cast it proves just how much she’s grown over time and just how much she cares for Fairy Tail. In fact, the entire plan to defeat Acnologia was her idea, meaning that she also saved the entirety of Ishgar.
  • If you want a moment full of classic Fairy Tail nostalgia, you’ve got it. As the spell is firing up for its second go round, we get to see all of the magic users Meredy linked to the Fairy Tail guild. This takes us all the way back to the very first arc with Bora, then leading up till the present. You’ll get to see characters you haven’t seen in seasons, and the Fairy Tail theme song might make you tear up a bit if you’ve been a devoted fan of the show over the years.
  • Finally, there’s nothing more satisfying than watching an obnoxious, cruel villain get what’s coming to them. Acnologia has been a thorn in everyone’s side for nearly four seasons, a dark cloud always looming over the horizon and ruining any chance most of the protagonists have at happiness. It’s a very satisfying moment to see him get what he deserves, especially via such an amazing spell cast with such pure and noble intentions. This scene is one not easily forgotten.

6. Gajeel professes his love to Levy

This moment takes place in the seventeenth and last arc of Fairy Tail, the Alvarez Empire arc. Like mentioned before, Makarov had disbanded the guild around a year ago, the unknown mage, Mest reuniting them. With Erza as its Seventh Guild Master, Fairy Tail faces a threat like never before. The Alvarez Empire from Alakitsia threatens war on Ishgar in order to obtain Fairy Tail’s mysterious artifact, the Lumen Historie, and the Fairy Heart. Before things can truly begin, however, the guild needs to be brought together again.

Since it was disbanded, Gajeel became a part of the Magic Council, Levy drifting around here and there again. When Fairy Tail is brought back together, they resume the partnership they had before everyone separated. Zeref, the Black Wizard, and his Spriggan Twelve have proved to be the biggest threat. Because of this, Fairy Tail split themselves into smaller groups to hopefully take out the Spriggan Twelve quicker.

Gajeel, Levy, and Lily, a team, then encounter Bloodman during a nighttime battle. Bloodman corners Gajeel, summoning a land of skulls that slowly destroys any and everything near it. Levy tries to come to his aid with a holy spell, despite Gajeel telling her to leave. But he won’t have it. He asks Lily to hold Levy back, stopping her from jumping into the fray and helping him as he deteriorates.

Gajeel then tells Levy that “even I had the ability to truly love another” and that he genuinely wanted a life and family with her. He says this as he gets sucked up into oblivion. Gajeel, of course, comes back, but it’s an emotional moment all the same.

Why Its Awesome 

  • Any Gale/Gajevy (Gajeel x Levy) fans will absolutely fall in love with this scene, pun intended. This is the confession everyone has been waiting for, although perhaps not in the way we wanted. It came at a surprising and intense time, and that made the battle with Bloodman and Gajeel’s sacrifice even more important to the story.
  • Anyone who’s a Gajeel fan can sit back and appreciate how much the Iron Dragon Slayer has grown since he was introduced in the Phantom Lord Arc. He went from only caring about himself in a dark guild to joining Fairy Tail and sacrificing himself for the woman he loves. Gajeel fans, and any Fairy Tail fan in general, can admire his character development over the series, and it helps that everything ends happily so that he can’t deny what he told her (not that he would).
  • This scene also truly demonstrates how much Levy has grown in battle. She can now write Solid Scripts not only with her hands, but her feet. She’s improved her battle skills immensely, and is even more of an asset in battle than she was before. This is especially apparent when she writes out Solid Script “Sword” with her feet to save Gajeel. While Gajeel stops her from doing it, she’s definitely proved herself as a Fairy Tail mage.

5. Ultear Uses The Third Origin Release

Just like in many of the moments above, this battle takes place during the Alvarez Empire arc, and is another battle with one of the Spriggan Twelve. Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel have joined the fight, determined to take back the port of Hargeon from Dimaria, Wall and Neinhart. The attempt lasts two whole days, Kagura of Mermaid Heel taking victory on the first day.

The second day, Wendy Marvell and Chelia Blendy face off against Dimaria. But just before the battle starts, Dimaria immobilizes everything, claiming she is the only person able to act out of anyone in the world. Her Age Seal gives her the power to halt time itself, and is set on killing Wendy until Wendy dodges the attack with Chelia, the two wizards being able to move in Dimaria’s world due to Ultear’s Arc Of Time Magic.

Dimaria then resorts to destroying her armor and letting herself be possessed by the god Chronos through the use of God Soul. When Chronos moves to attack Wendy, Carla blocks the attack just in time to save Wendy, but not herself. They believe her to be dead, but Ultear says that Carla is still living because the power used to keep her active was taken away. As Chelia and Wendy look at the battle before them, they realize they have almost no chance of winning.

However, Ultear reveals the existence of a spell called the Third Origin. The spell grants a wizard the power they have possessed over their entire lifetime to be released, but at the cost of losing their magic ability for the rest of their lives. Wendy and Chelia argue over who Ultear should use the spell on, and while Wendy believes she’s using it, Ultear spent the time she bought them to use the Third Origin spell on Chelia instead. Both Chelia and Ultear knew that Fairy Tail’s battle wouldn’t be over after this one fight, and that they would need Wendy. Plus, Chelia is a God Slayer, her magic more useful against a wizard possessed by a god.

Chelia ends up defeating Dimaria, with the help of Wendy’s enchantments, at the cost of her magic and the cost of Ultear’s young body. As time flows again, Wendy successfully heals Carla’s wounds, crying over the loss of Chelia’s magic. Chelia tells her not to worry, that she is okay with this, and that her inability to use magic will do nothing to destroy the love she has for her life. Meanwhile, in the distance, a much older Ultear smiles at the determination of the young girls she helped.

Why Its Awesome 

  • If you’re fans of the Wendy x Chelia ship, this is a perfect opportunity for you to embrace the emotions. Chelia didn’t only give up her magic for the sake of Ishgar, she gave it up for the sake of Wendy, too. And nearly all of her memories she had as she was using her Third Origin were of Wendy, showing that she loves Wendy more than anyone else.
  • If you’ve been following Ultear’s story arc and are enjoying her redemption, this is the perfect moment for you. Ultear sacrificed her youth and her powers to save Ishgar and Fairy Tail. She’s come such a long way from wanting to destroy Fairy Tail and Gray on Tenrou Island for revenge. She’s a real hero.
  • And finally, if you’ve been looking for a fight between a god, a God Slayer, and a Dragon Slayer, you’ve come to the right place. This is the only fight in the entire series where a battle such as this takes place, and it’s a sight to see. And when has it never not been satisfying to see a powerful Fairy Tail villain go down at the hands of two underdogs?

4. Erza vs. 100 Monsters

This battle takes place during the Grand Magic Games arc and is a part of the Grand Magic Games competition. Fairy Tail has just returned from being trapped on Tenrou Island for seven years, only to find that their guild is in ruin and that Fairy Tail has earned the name “worst guild in Fiore.” In order to put themselves back at number one and to repay their debt to Twilight Ogre, Fairy Tail enters the Grand Magic Games, a competition of guilds that was created while their main members were away. However, the competition is fierce, and Fairy Tail faces Magic they’ve never faced before.

Luckily, Erza has things covered. On this day of competition, the guilds are supposed to face Pandemonium, a castle-like building filled with one hundred dangerous monsters. Each member from each guild chooses a number of monsters to fight, and the number defeated is added to their score. Fairy Tail Team A goes first, but Erza is about to shock the crowd and her guild. She chooses to fight all one hundred monsters.

In a brave attempt to restore her guild’s former glory, she defeats all one hundred monsters by utilizing several of her armors at once, combining their effects. Erza successfully completes her task, not giving any of the other guilds a chance to step foot into Pandemonium. She gives hope to all of Fairy Tail that day, and raises their score exponentially, already putting what was the number one guild back on the map.

Why It's Awesome 

  • If you’re looking for another awesome Erza moment, look no further. Only Erza would take on one hundred monsters to defend her guild’s honor. None of the other guilds even had a shot, and seeing Erza being a powerful, strong woman being the cause of that is an even better reason to enjoy this scene.
  • If you enjoy seeing Erza’s various armors in action, this is the perfect opportunity to glimpse them at their strongest. Erza utilizes them all at once in order to create a more powerful effect against the monsters depending on their strengths and weaknesses. Only Erza would have an idea such as that.
  • And if you’ve been interested in watching Fairy Tail’s comeback since they arrived home from Tenrou, this is a great scene to watch. Erza defeating one hundred monsters and taking all of the points for Fairy Tail Team A in the Grand Magic Games is a great example of this. Her entire plan was based on getting Fairy Tail back on the map, and it definitely worked. 

3. Jellal vs. Acnologia

During the Alvarez arc, things consistently look bleak, and it’s hard to find hope. At this point, Irene Belserion, Erza’s mother and the Mother of Dragons, is dead. She couldn’t bring herself to kill Erza, sacrificing herself for her daughter instead. Acnologia, in his human form, has killed her, and is now defiling her dead body in front of Erza and Wendy. Acnologia then turns to attack Wendy and Erza, the two Fairy Tail wizards finding out that they can’t move.

However, just before they are hit, Jellal appears and forms a shield around them, blocking Acnologia’s attack. Jellal then proceeds to use his Heavenly Body Magic on the Black Dragon, hoping that he can do some damage to him. Unfortunately, Jellal’s hits only serve as a small inconvenience to Acnologia, barely leaving a scratch. In fact, Acnologia begins to eat Jellal’s magic as a normal Dragon Slayer would eat their element, claiming that he has no one element and cannot be defeated. For now, the fight is at a standstill.

Later, while Erza and the others are flying with Blue Pegasus on their airship, Christina, Acnologia shows up again. This time, he isn’t playing around, and is ready to destroy the airship with everyone on it. Seeing an opportunity to protect the others, especially Erza, Jellal uses himself as a distraction to give Acnologia something to do other than destroy Christina and the land around them. 

Jellal flies around in the sky, using his Heavenly Body Magic as a catalyst for transportation. He tries to force Aconologia into a space-time hole, but it doesn’t work. However, Acnologia is significantly dazed and injured by Jellal’s antics, adding that to the arm Igneel tore off in a completely different fight. While there was no clear winner, this fight still remains one of Fairy Tail’s best moments in existence.

Why It's Awesome 

  • Jellal may have done this for Ishgar, but he mostly did it for Erza. Erza was getting ready to be attacked by Aconologia when he jumped in to save her. Anyone who’s a Jerza fan, Jellal x Erza, will appreciate this scene. Jellal is clearly angry that Acnologia nearly killed the woman he loves, and he isn’t about to hold back this time. This scene is on a lot of top ten Jerza lists all over the internet. 
  • Anyone who enjoys seeing Jellal using his Heavenly Body Magic should definitely check out this moment. Jellal doesn’t use his Heavenly Body Magic much in the show, at least in a heroic manner, and this is one of those times. He also rarely uses it in this caliber, especially against the Dark Dragon Acnologia, which is an amazing sight to see.
  • And whoever enjoys Jellal’s redemption arc, which has basically spanned the entire series, should definitely watch this scene. This is one of the biggest sacrifices he’s ever made and one of the biggest battles he’s ever fought in a heroic way. Seeing your favorite blue haired wizard redeem himself is something you’ll enjoy.

2. Gray and Juvia vs. Invel, Winter General

This is another battle that serves as a huge turning point for Fairy Tail, as well as Gray and Juvia. Once again, we’re towards the end of the Alvarez Empire arc, a bloody arc that has seen no end. At this point, Gray’s group is tearing through the throng of enemy soldiers, taking them out one by one. But just as Natsu is about to use his Fire Dragon Roar, it freezes in midair. Natsu blames Gray, but it definitely wasn’t him.

Suddenly, the temperature of the area drops, and Gray’s team, including Lucy and Juvia, are freezing. Natsu tries to warm everyone up, but unexpectedly, the battlefield freezes over completely, as does everyone there except for Gray. While he wonders what happened, Invel Jura, the Winter General, appears and takes responsibility for the magic used before them. Invel is surprised that Gray withstood the cold, but that doesn’t stop him from attacking Gray head on.

However, as Gray gets ready to attack, he discovers that Invel’s ice magic is overtaking his body and that he actually feels cold for the first time since he was young. Invel claims that it’s because he doesn’t just use puny Ice Magic, he creates winter itself. Despite using powerful spells such Ice-Make Shield and Ice-Make Impact, Invel shatters both of them easily. Gray has no choice but to use his Ice Devil Slayer Magic, which surprises Invel, but takes up a lot of his energy and good soul. Invel sees this and chooses to take advantage of it.

Suddenly, Natsu’s fire is finally hot enough to break the ice around him, Lucy, and Juvia. But just as the Fairy Tail wizards start to come to Gray’s aid, Brandish, in her giantess form, takes Natsu and Lucy and leaves with them. Now Juvia and Gray are left to fight beside each other, although it won’t be that simple. Invel binds them both together with his Ice Lock Magic, controlling their minds and driving them to kill each other. Only when one kills the other will the spell go away. This is Invel’s attempt to have Gray’s inner darkness brought out, as he knew that Gray would beat Juvia in battle.

But Juvia loves Gray, and refuses to hurt him. She uses what little control she has to commit suicide so that Gray would live. Little did she know, Gray had the same idea with love in his heart, and they should both be dead. But Juvia uses her newly learned Water-Make Blood spell, giving up the last of her strength to help him survive. The anger and sorrow over her death causes Gray to find Invel and show no mercy, defeating one of the only Spriggan Twelve left in just a few moves.

Of course, Juvia survives, and Gray is filled with love and relief when he sees her. But it just goes to show what could happen with Gray’s emotions had Juvia not made it.

Why It's Awesome 

  • Gray and Juvia have fought many battles over the series, but this has to be one of the most intense ones. After all, they both sacrificed themselves for one another. Juvia was seen as annoying or overbearing by many fans, but no one could deny her growth as a character, strength, or good heart when she ultimately sacrificed her life for Gray.
  • If you’re ready to catch a glimpse of Gray becoming victorious with his Demon Slayer Magic, this is the perfect opportunity. He rarely uses it after that, as it messes with his soul and heart. It’s also nice to see Invel get what’s coming to him, as he was one of the last of the Spriggan Twelve to be defeated.
  • And finally, it’s nice to see Gray express his emotions for another human in a slightly more romantic way. His flashbacks of Juvia and the way he realizes that she means so much to him is most likely the most special, heartwarming, and emotional scenes of the fight.

Top Fairy Tail Moment: Erza vs. Azuma

The top moment on our list is definitely one for the history books, and it’s from the Tenrou Island arc. As was mentioned before, select Fairy Tail wizards have come to Tenrou Island to participate in their S Class Trials in hopes of becoming an S Class Wizard. Only members of Fairy Tail should have access to the island and have knowledge of its location, but Grimoire Heart and the Seven Kin have invaded it to attack Fairy Tail.

At this point in the arc, the Tenrou Tree has been destroyed, and the protection it gave to all Fairy Tail wizards is gone. Now the wizards of Fairy Tail have little to no Magic Power, and are in danger of being defeated by Grimoire Heart for good. However, one Fairy Tail Wizard still remains. Azuma, who now has control over the entire island, left Erza with her power so that she could have the chance to defeat him in battle.

Erza made the deal with Azuma that if she won the battle, Azuma would give the entire guild their powers back. The battle was difficult, and it took psychic words from Jellal and Erza’s realization that it was her friends protecting her, not the other way around, for her to secure her victory. Azuma admitted defeat and became part of the island, giving each Fairy Tail Wizard their magic back.

Erza helped Fairy Tail regain their powers and defeat Grimoire Heart, meaning that every success and love in the Fairy Tail guild since is a result of her courage and loyalty.

Why It's Awesome 

  • If anyone wants to glimpse the bonds between all Fairy Tail wizards and how they save the lives of others, this is a perfect scene. Only through her bond with the rest of the guild did Erza gain her victory over Azuma, and only through that bond did Fairy Tail gain their magic power back. Also, the famous Fairy Tail theme played, and if that doesn’t make your eyes water I don’t know what does. 
  • Another incredible Erza Scarlet moment here for you if you’re interested. She uses various armors in order to defeat Azuma, just like when she faces one hundred monsters. If anything, this battle is where she learned that skill from. It’s an amazing battle to watch, and is number one on the list for a reason.
  • Without Erza winning this fight, Fairy Tail would never have defeated Grimoire Heart and the Seven Kin, and Zeref would never have been defeated in the Alvarez arc. Many characters would never have fallen in love, and many characters would never have met at all. Once again, Erza is responsible for saving the entirety of Fairy Tail, making this scene the most awesome of them all.
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