Top Ten Fairy Tail Best Characters

Fairy Tail is a family that sticks together, and Fairy Tail’s most powerful team definitely does!
08 Oct 2020

Top Ten Fairy Tail Best Characters 

10. Jellal Fernandes

Jellal Fernandes was a major antagonist turned supporting protagonist. He’s a childhood friend of Erza Scarlet, another main protagonist, and grew up with her as slaves working to build the ill fated Tower Of Heaven, a tower being built to resurrect the Dark Lord Zeref. After this failed, he lost his memory, afterwards becoming a dark mage possessed by the spirit of Zeref through the R-System. After being defeated by Erza and Fairy Tail trying to rebuild the tower amongst other things, Jellal became the founder/guild master of the independent guild Crime Sorciére, a guild devoted to ultimately destroying the dark wizard Zeref.

What Makes Jellal Awesome 

  • Despite all that has happened, Jellal is still kind and cares deeply for his friends. Jellal would never hesitate to defend them, and would willingly lay down his own life for each one. He may have a bit of a self-sacrificing streak but he would always put his life out there for someone he cared about.
  • Jellal is one of the few characters in the show/manga that can use Heavenly Body Magic. Heavenly Body Magic is an extreme type of magic that is based around astronomical objects, such as stars and black holes. Jellal can manipulate these properties from his body and use them against any enemy. He even used it to distract the Black Dragon Acnologia during the Alvarez Empire Arc, making it ten times more awesome.
  • His special kindness towards Erza despite his somewhat closed off nature is a characteristic that makes him especially likable towards female fans and even fans in general, as their relationship has seen to be a bit more romantic in general. Jellal’s willingness to give up anything for her makes him especially popular. 

9. Gajeel Redfox

When Gajeel is first introduced, he is an S-Class mage for the former dark guild Phantom Lord, as well as the Iron Dragon Slayer. He is sent by their master, Jose, to send Fairy Tail a message after refusing to return Lucy when her father demanded that Phantom Lord bring her back. He ended up crucifying Levy McGarden and the rest of Team Shadow Gear to a tree as a warning of what would happen if things didn’t go their way. After Phantom Lord’s defeat, Gajeel joins Fairy Tail with former fellow guild member Juvia Lockser. He follows Fairy Tail on all of their adventures, stepping up when things get rough. When Fairy Tail disbanded, Gajeel joined the Magic Council and became captain of the Custody Enforcement Unit. But after Avatar is officially defeated, he returns to Fairy Tail.

What Makes Gajeel Awesome

  • While Natsu serves as some of Fairy Tail’s infamous iconic comedic relief, Gajeel is not to be ignored. His terrible singing, relationship with his Exceed, Pantherlily, and his constant spitting back and forth with Natsu make for a good laugh. His humor is less obvious or out there, and that makes him one of the funniest characters.
  • Gajeel used to be a cruel, stone cold fox, but after joining Fairy Tail, his sense of friendship and comradeship increased. He always says he doesn’t want to make friends, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. His tenacious personality and gruff comedic ways make him oddly likeable. 
  • And finally, his relationship with Levy McGarden really puts him on the map as a big softie who genuinely cares for the woman he loves. It shows that Gajeel has a soft side under his hard, prickly exterior, and everyone loves to see that. It’s also canon that he is going to have a child with Levy, making him one of the only Fairy Tail couples at the moment to have a separate family besides Bisca and Alzac. 

8. Levy McGarden

Besides being a part of Fairy Tail since she was eleven years old, not much is known about Levy’s general history. However, it’s common knowledge that her Team Shadow Gear teammates, Jet and Droy, have asked her out on multiple occasions. Of course they were rejected, several times in fact. She welcomed all of the Strauss siblings into the guild, and is known as a friendly, hardworking Solid Script Mage. If you need any type of brainpower or bookish advice, Levy is your mage. 

What Makes Levy Awesome

  • Levy’s Magic is Solid Script, a type of letter magic. It lets her create words and phrases in the air and make them solid, letting her throw them at enemies with different effects. Later on, as she became more advanced, she gained the ability of being able to create scripts with her feet. She is one of the only Solid Script Mages in the Fairy Tail universe, making her especially unique. 
  • Levy is definite proof that just because you’re smaller in stature doesn’t mean you’re any less powerful. She’s an inspirational character for anyone who feels weak in life due to their size or general inability to do something. Levy is a character known for proving the world wrong in terms of strength, making her the poster mage for the phrase “strength comes in all shapes and sizes.”
  • And of course, who can forget her relationship with Gajeel? Their unconventional relationship started out with Gajeel crucifying her and her teammates to a tree, and ended with them making sacrifice after sacrifice for each other out of love. Their pairing isn’t without its comedic moments, and it’s refreshing to see a relationship that can be funny beyond Juvia being a stalker or Natsu being just plain annoying. Levy’s relationship with Gajeel is also one of Fairy Tail’s biggest displays of commitment and love, considering that they will soon have a child together. 

7. Wendy Marvell

Wendy is one of the only female Dragon Slayers, and is a Sky Dragon Slayer. Formerly of the Cait Shelter Guild, she joined Fairy Tail after the incidents with Nirvana took place and it was discovered Cait Shelter was a guild of ghosts and nothing more. Unlike the other Dragon Slayers, Wendy would rather avoid fighting at all if possible. However, when it comes to her friends, she would gladly lay her life on the line for any of them in a heartbeat. She was still determined to avoid fighting if possible until Doranbolt saved her and Carla from dying with the destruction of Face. Afterwards, she cut her hair and promised she wouldn’t cry anymore. She has a close relationship with her Exceed partner, Carla, and is always willing to make close friends wherever she can. 

What Makes Wendy Awesome

  • Obviously, any Dragon Slayer is amazing, and Wendy is one of them. Wendy’s Sky Dragon Magic can heal people with the most serious of injuries, even injuries made by dragons themselves. Her skills in healing are so strong that even one kiss can heal whoever she chooses to. Wendy’s Sky Dragon Magic also has support spells, meaning that she can increase another guild member’s attack power and speed. She can even consume the air around her as energy, although polluted air is out of the question.
  • Wendy is adorable and often is a reminder that Fairy Tail does have it’s softer aspects. Among all of the fighters and older characters, there is a child who can heal and can make another person smile with ease. While she doesn’t have a particular love interest like most characters do, the fandom primarily focuses on the adorable brother/sister relationship she has with Natsu.
  • With Wendy also came the introduction of Carla, Wendy’s Exceed meant to look after her. Carla is often seen as a small mother figure to Wendy, at least before she joined Fairy Tail. Their relationship truly demonstrates how powerful the connection between a Dragon Slayer and their Exceed is. This was apparent already with Happy and Natsu, but with the introduction of Carla and Wendy, it became implied that this type of powerful relationship was a universal thing and not limited to just Natsu.

6. Happy

Often considered the mascot of Fairy Tail, Happy is a blue Exceed from the land of Extalia, serving as Natsu’s sidekick and a full fledged member of Fairy Tail. Happy is very loyal to his teammates and guild, and sometimes knows more about the magical world than even they do. He’s known usually as quick-witted and sarcastic, especially to Lucy, and even Erza if he manages to catch her off guard. He offers plenty of comedic relief with things such as his love for fish, his catchphrase “Aye!” or “Aye Sir!” and his sometimes silly devotion to Wendy’s Exceed Carla, who won’t give him the time of day. While not having much magic power himself, he always serves as Natsu’s best buddy.

What Makes Happy Awesome

  • Happy has a surprising amount of durability to him. Despite seeming tiny and frail, Happy has survived a city wide explosion caused by Jackal, one of the Nine Demon Gates, the near destruction of Extalia, and Erza’s wrath on multiple occasions (a feat in and of itself). He’s a tough little cat, and is known for sticking it out to the end.
  • Sometimes Happy will develop random attacks at any moment that are only used in a specific situation, said situation usually being extremely funny. Moves such as Lucy Fire and Catmander’s Roar are just a few moments that let Happy give off comedic relief in the midst of a tough battle.
  • His skills of levitation and the ability to fly Natsu around wherever he needs to go also make him quite the iconic character in battle and appearance. Happy has the ability to sprout angelic wings that let him carry objects or people (mostly Natsu) for a specific period of time. This time period is unknown, but is varied depending on who or what he’s carrying.  

5. Natsu Dragneel

Natsu is Fairy Tail’s resident Fire Dragon Slayer, and a member of Team Natsu. He is the younger brother of Zeref Dragneel, having died around 400 years ago and being revived as his brother’s most powerful enemy. Natsu is also sent to the future with the other Dragon Slayers, all of them being called upon to defeat the Dark Dragon Acnologia. Generally, Natsu is rather carefree and reckless, always looking for some type of fight. Despite this, he is fiercely loyal and protective over his guildmates, especially Lucy. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for them. Even when completely disrespected or talked down to, Natsu hardly ever feels the same way, forgoing grudges for a good one-on-one fight. Excluding Erza, of course.

What Makes Natsu Awesome 

  • As a Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu can consume fire for energy and bend it to his will. It’s heat is dependent on Natsu’s current emotional state, meaning that it’s usually some of the hottest flames on earth. This is what the show/manga dubs as “The Flame of Emotion.” Another cool tidbit about this is that Natsu’s ability to release fire isn’t just limited to his hands, but can be released from other parts of his body in battle.
  • Out of any of the Fairy Tail characters, excluding Erza, Natsu has the greatest amount of combinations/battle moves in general that are available for him to use. Moves that allow him to act beyond being a simple Fire Dragon Slayer have been given to him in times of great peril, and some of these moves he ends up keeping.
  • Natsu is part of the glue that holds the entirety of Fairy Tail together. Without his consistent determination and courage, Fairy Tail might not exist today. Sometimes even Erza can’t manage to rally the troops, and Natsu has to be the one to give a rousing speech to save the day.

4. Lucy Heartfilia

Despite sometimes adopting a superficial attitude concerning her looks, Lucy is clever, kind, and a genuinely caring person. She has an extensive love for literature and is currently writing about her own adventures in Fairy Tail, although this is generally private information. As a member of the Heartfilia family, she should be one of the wealthiest and most influential debutantes in Fiore. However, due to a rough relationship with her father, Lucy decided to go her own way, leading her to Fairy Tail. Lucy is a Celestial Wizard and can summon spirits from the spirit world to fight for her.

What Makes Lucy Awesome

  • Ironically, Lucy is the definition of the phrase “don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” She may look delicate, and look as if she has zero skill or fighting experience, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. She’s one of Fairy Tail’s strongest members, and is often Team Natsu’s best negotiator when Erza isn’t around.
  • Lucy’s relationship with her spirits as a Celestial Wizard sets her apart from the other Celestial Wizard’s of Fiore, and this is emphasized several times throughout the manga/anime. She treats her spirits like people who deserve proper treatment, and this usually leads to her victories in battle, and has even led other Wizard’s Celestial Spirits to leave their original master for her.
  • Lucy’s relationship with Natsu, Nalu, is one of Fairy Tail’s most iconic fixtures, and is easily it’s most popular ship. Lucy’s natural chemistry with Natsu brings about some of the show’s funniest, emotional, and most endearing moments of all. It’s part of what makes Fairy Tail so popular. After all, you can’t have Nalu without Lucy.

3. Gray Fullbuster

Gray is Fairy Tail’s resident moody Ice Wizard. He has a pretty laid back personality, but will get serious when the time calls for it. He has a notorious stripping problem, brought on by training from his original master, Ur. Gray is known for being slightly surly and sometimes emotionless, although that isn’t the extent of his full personality. He used to be rather obstinate and reckless, but now takes a more cautious and calculated process towards life, something Natsu could take a hint from. Speaking of which, their friendly rivalry they’ve developed since childhood has served as some of Fairy Tail’s greatest comic relief.

What Makes Gray Awesome

  • Gray is very dedicated to his guild members and his family, despite his biological family being deceased. He will do just about anything for them, including using an irreversible ice mage spell on a demon to keep it from escaping (something you shouldn’t do). He expresses love in weird ways but it’s there.
  • Speaking of love, there’s his relationship with Juvia. It takes a lot to maintain a friendship with the extremely emotional Water Mage, let alone a romantic one. But Gray pulls it off, and somehow brings out the best in her. He even saved her when she fell to her death during a fight, despite her still being a part of Phantom Lord at the time. It just proves he has heart.
  • Finally, Gray remains one of the funniest side characters out of all of them, even rivaling Natsu if you want to take that debate. Depending on your taste in humor, Gray can be ten times funnier than Natsu, and can help make Fairy Tail a better show/manga.

2. Juvia Lockser

Juvia is a powerful Water Mage, and a former S Class wizard of the disbanded dark guild Phantom Lord. She was orphaned as a child, and avoided by all due to her inability to control the rain she brought around her. This led to her being extremely angry and sad, leading her down a dark path to Phantom Lord. After being defeated in battle by Gray during the Phantom Lord arc, she subsequently fell in love with him, choosing to change her ways and join Fairy Tail for his sake. She would do anything for love, and has sacrificed herself time and time again for Gray and for Fairy Tail.

What Makes Juvia Awesome

  • Juvia isn’t just any Water Mage, Juvia is a Water Mage that can turn her entire being into a body of water. This allows her to move more  quickly through battle and lets her escape hits that otherwise would have been extremely deadly. She has defeated powerful villains such as Keyes, Freed during the battle of Fairy Tail, Meredy, and more with this technique. 
  • However, Juvia’s ability to love and willingness to sacrifice herself for it remains her greatest strength of all. The things that she has done for Gray and Fairy Tail allow her to be a better person overall, and have consequently given Fairy Tail one of it’s most powerful mages.
  • Finally, her relationship with Gray, the ship, Gruvia, is one of Fairy Tail’s most comically famous ships. It seems as if Gray wants nothing to do with her at the time, but there are occasional serious moments where you see her true colors as a wizard shine through, and you realize that because of her personality, their relationship has a shot.

Top Fairy Tail Member: Erza Scarlet

Erza Scarlet is the pillar of strength that holds Fairy Tail together, and even serves as its seventh guild master when Makarov is out of commission. Erza was abducted from her home as a child and was basically taken into slavery to build the Tower Of Heaven. Even at a young age, she led the rebellion against the guards that saved herself and thousands of others. Soon after, she joined Fairy Tail, and became a permanent fixture in its ranks. Everyone is generally afraid her strict rules and strident punishments, but it’s primarily out of respect.

What Makes Erza Awesome

  • Erza has Requip magic, meaning that she can summon various weapons and armor out of a pocket in space to use whenever she wishes. This is what makes her one of Fairy Tail’s few S-Class mages, and makes her one of Fiore’s most formidable fighters. It’s nearly impossible to count how many armors she has, and she seems to have one for any emergency situation.
  • While Natsu may be a powerful mascot and Dragon Slayer, Erza is a powerful leader. She does what Natsu and most others cannot, and that is to lead a guild/team/army to victory or safety. While Natsu is a part of making that happen, Erza is the one behind the scenes making the gears turn just right.
  • While Erza can be wound up rather tight, it’s quite romantic to see her get occasionally flustered around Jellal. The way they casually protect each other or always seem to be there for one another despite there being no romantic confirmation makes them Fairy Tail’s “frustrating and tragic love story.” There is clearly chemistry; they grew up together, they protect each other, but that’s all that ever happens. Erza’s relationship with Jellal is one of her only weak points, yet it’s an entertaining one fans capitalize off of consistently. After all, where would a fandom be without a little angst?
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