[Top 10] Valorant Best Omen Plays

Valorant Best Omen Plays, Valorant Best Omen Player
17 Nov 2020

10. Cool Ace by Raiider


This is a very standard example of solid Omen mechanics. Raiider does everything right, and while he does get lucky with some shots, he’s able to pick up a nice and simple Ace.

9. Another One by Raiider


Raiider’s play here was better than the previous one as his aim is more precise. His composure to take on some of the gunfights was very clean, especially when he caught the Sage before she could find cover.

8. I Could Be Anywhere by koolaidman


Most people tend to camp a spot after they’ve planted the spike. What koolaidman does instead is loads better as he decides to ult into the hallways further away from the site to completely baffle his opponents on his location. This allows him to increase the odds that he can peek them without getting traded and it pays off.

7. Omen OP by KimchiRice


KimchiRice does everything right here as he picks up a very smooth Ace on Ascent. The standout moment of this play has to be his teleport onto the boxes in the middle of the site where the enemies would least likely be checking. This helps him pick up several unaware enemies and finish off the round with a victory.

6. Outplayed by MrVulcan


They say that audio cues are key in Valorant and MrVulcan proves them right with this play. He hears the enemy Sage and Raze rushing onto the site and picks them off easily. For the last remaining opponent, MrVulcan hears him running around and lays off a perfect Paranoia and teleport to get behind him. Perfection.

5. Where Am I? by Tprett


Really clever use of smokes and teleports to continue catching the opposing team off guard. They make the mistake of not pushing the site together and the Omen takes advantage of this to pick them off one by one with a great teleport right next to the wall.

4. The Great Escape by TheFattyChips


TheFattyChips pulls off a cheeky play here when instead of running out of the Brimstone ult, he decides to take the aggressive approach and teleports himself into a corner away from the ult and near the entry point. The enemy team has no idea, obviously, and he picks up an easy 3 kills.

3. You Can’t See Me by Chronus


Using all the visual and audio cues, Chronus pulls off an impressive 1v4 to win the round. He first picks off two of the enemies who are trying to find him before pulling off the perfect Paranoia to find the last two kills with ease.

2. Aggression Always Wins by ViVi ill


The balls on this man to push through B Long on Bind and pick up two kills. He knows there’s an Operator somewhere down there and decides to push through with smokes to get himself close enough to be able to ult behind the Operator. Extremely clever and well played.

1. Juked by Darmwind


It’s one thing to know that Omen players can fake their teleports using their Shadow Walk. Darmwind pulls this off to perfection when he fakes the teleport making the enemies think he is going to the A site on Bind. As they all come rushing after him with their knives out, he swings around the corner to lay them all out before ulting to the other site to plant the bomb. Chef’s kiss, amazing play.

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