[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Jugglers

Smash Ultimate Best Jugglers
12 Oct 2020

[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Jugglers

These fighters have the ability to keep their opponents in the air while raising their percentages. Here's why.

10) Bayonetta

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Back in Smash Wii U/3DS, this fighter took down many opponents through her unbalanced juggles. 

Every fighter who went up against her would be trapped in a combo that will send them up in the air, never to return again. This sort of behavior spilled onto the ultimate version, but eventually, the developers have toned her down and made her more balanced. Don't get it twisted though, she can still keep opponents up with her air combos and even kill at decent percentages.

Why Bayonetta is Great

·      Great Recovery

·      Great Combos

·      Slows Opponent

9) Mr. Game & Watch

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Game & Watch was always that oddball character that happened to have a great move-set. 

He is able to easily grab and throw his opponents. He can keep them above with his up-air which blows opponents upward and if they get close it can hurt them. He is also equipped with the turtle which can multi-hit, creating a great aerial game.

Why Mr. Game & Watch is Great

·      Easy Move-set

·      High Damage

·      Easy Gimps

8) Corrin

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This character’s abilities make them stand out among the rest of the cast.

With the ability to transform their body parts into dragon parts, it makes their juggle game unique and unpredictable. This allows them to have a variety of attacks at their disposal, such as their N-airs which has a wide hitbox they can also use their special moves to help juggle as well.

Why Corrin is Great

·      Varied Attacks

·      Ranged Hitboxes

·      Stuns Opponent

·      Wide Counter

7) Sheik

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Quick and clean, Sheik is able to use her acrobatic abilities to keep opponents in the air easily.

With her quickness she is able to catch opponents before they are able to land, then she gives them a beat down with her air combos. Experienced players will be able to use every aspect of her attacks, even ending off combos with her Bouncing Fish and Needle Storm.

Why Sheik is Great

·      Speed

·      Great Combos

·      Set-up Projectiles

·      Great Recovery

6) Roy

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In my opinion, Roy is the better of the Fire Emblem swordsmen.

Once his opponents are in the air, Roy can spam his n-air until his opponents fly off the stage. He is also able to attack his opponents in mid-air with his Double-Edge Dance, which has three different directions. His up-smash is another great attack that is a multi-hit but has some start-up lag. The only downside has to be his recovery, which is not that great.

Why Roy is Great

·      Powerful Attacks

·      Speed

·      Great Combos

·      Counter

5) Kirby

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This puffball doesn’t play when it comes to keeping his opponents high in the sky.

Kirby can use his floating ability to make sure his opponents have a hard time landing on stage. His air combos allow him to beat his opponents with speed and ferocity, and he is also able to perform meteor smashes easily. He is also able to send opponents up in the air with his sword. Kirby is also one of the few fighters that can get out of juggle with his Stone ability.

Why Kirby is Great

·      Great & Fast Air Combos

·      Floats

·      Air Combo Breaker

4) Captain Falcon

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Speed and Power, that's the name of the game. 

He has the speed to quickly approach and grab opponents, toss them above, and beat them with all his air combos. He can finish those combos off with his Falcon Dive, which is able to kill at decent percentages. He keeps opponents on their toes as they drop from above because Falcon's up smash can cause some great damage.

Why Captain Falcon is Great

·      Powerful Attacks

·      Great Combos

·      Speed

·      Great Finishers

·      Great Grabs

3) Mario

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I swear, Mario somehow finds his way onto many lists. 

One of the best jugglers in the game, he can keep opponents in the air by simply using his up tilt, which is hard to get out of unless you are fighting a floaty opponent. Not only that but his air attacks are pretty good, and his meteor smash is better. You can finish off opponents with his Super Jump Punch and gimp the recovering fighters with F.L.U.D.D and Cape. Just an all-around great character, who is easy to play but hard to master.

Why Mario is Great

·      Easy to Play

·      Varied Attacks

·      Great Smash-attacks

·      Great Gimps

2) Jigglypuff

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The floatiest character of them all shows off her air fighting style. 

She has great air attacks which hit hard and fast. She also has her pound which can cause serious damage. With her Sing, she can cause opponents to be open for attacks and cause them to plummet if used in the air, but be careful as it will make her unable to move in the air as well. With all that said, she has one of the most powerful moves in the game, Rest, which can be the most disrespectful combo finisher when performed correctly.

Why Jigglypuff is Great

·      Great Air Game

·      Floaty

·      One-hit K.O

·      Stuns

·      Easy Juggles

1) Meta Knight

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Wasn't it already obvious? Of course, it's this swordsman. 

Meta is the best juggler of them all with his air focused attacks and combos. All of his specials are also air-based which can put the hurt on opponents as well as aid his recovery. His jump will let him stay afloat as he slashes through anyone’s percentages. Many of his attacks are able to gimp recovering opponents as well. He is lethal in both air and ground.

Why Meta Knight is Great

·      Easy Gimps

·      Great Air Combos

·      Floaty

·      Juggler Breaker

·      Easy Recovery

·      Speed

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