[Top 10] Titanfall 2 Best Loadouts For The Current Meta

09 Dec 2022

The multiplayer aspect of Titanfall 2 follows the Call of Duty formula, where planning your loadout before a match begins will dictate your playstyle for the rest of the match. Newer players may find the influx of information to be overwhelming and struggle to create their own unique preset, and by extension, may not enjoy the game. In this article, 10 popular loadouts ranked by their combat prowess will be listed, alongside their respective playstyle, so players have a reference to copy their loadouts from


10. A-Wall LMG

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Loadout Details:

Primary: Spitfire

Secondary: P2016 

Anti-Titan: Charge Rifle

Tactical: A-Wall

Boost: Pilot Sentry/Map Hack

Grenade: Frag/Satchels

Kit 1: Power Cell

Kit 2: Kill Report


The Spitfire boasts a large magazine capacity, low ADS recoil, and moderate damage, making it a niche B-tier weapon when wielded as a battle rifle. In combination with the A-Wall boost atop a high point in the map with great visibility, pilots with this loadout should ADS and shoot down other pilots on the high ground, which takes about 1 headshot and 1 bodyshot, or 4 bodyshots to eliminate a pilot.

The A-Wall LMG loadout provides fast time-to-kill with a camper playstyle. Although vulnerable to flanks from cloaked pilots, selecting defensive boost abilities such as pilot sentry or map hack slightly mitigates those issues. Selecting satchels as your ordinance and detonating them as soon as you hear footsteps is another viable tactic.

Anti-titan weapons benefit from the damage increase from A-Wall as well but due to the mid-to-long range playstyle, equipping the Charge Rifle and sniping far off titans is the optimal decision.


What This Loadout Excels In

Rooftop MG

Set up a rooftop nest with A-Wall and with defensive options such as Pilot Sentry or Satchels.

High Damage Output

Bullets coming out of the A-Wall have their damage increased, lowering the Time-To-Kill considerably.

Alternate Method of Farming Titan Drop

With high magazine capacity and damage output, farming pilots and grunts can accelerate getting your titan.

Ease of use

No need to target enemies while wall running with the horrendous hip fire accuracy of most automatic weapons, just sit on a high place and click on enemies.


9. Cloak DMR

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Loadout Details:

Primary: Longbow/Doubletake

Secondary: Any

Anti-Titan: Charge Rifle

Tactical: Cloak

Boost: Smart Pistol/Pilot Sentry

Grenade: Gravity Star

Kit 1: Power Cell

Kit 2: Hover


If you find yourself on a map with large open areas such as Eden, Relic, or Rise, going for this long-range loadout will serve you well. Longbow is the preferred range weapon due to its hitscan nature compared to the Double Take, but the latter option is viable for newer players as the Double Take fires three shots side-by-side which is great for hitting targets and being a pseudo-shotgun in close range. 

Compared to other FPS, Titanfall 2’s designated marksman rifle (DMR) functions differently. Both the Double Take and Longbow require 1 headshot or 2 body shots to kill. A-Wall or Amped Weapons can be used so that the Longbow can 1 shot enemy pilots, but due to their conditional nature and opportunity cost, the lower visibility of scoping in while sticking out like a sore thumb is, in my opinion, not worth it. Running Cloak, or even Phase Shift, allows for safe getaways from flanking pilots and stealth repositions. In combination with a gravity star to nade the area you expect to be ambushed from, or to nade the area behind you when being chased, will boost your survivability. Select Smart Pistol or Pilot Sentry as your boost to increase your survivability when getting jumped.


What This Loadout Excels In 

Mid-to-Long Ranged Combat

With a hitscan Longbow and an almost hitscan Double Take, this loadout can take out 90% of enemy pilot’s HP with a body shot.

Headshots are instant kills

Landing them is the hard part.

High Rate-of-Fire

Unlike most games, the limiting factor for the rate of fire is how quick you can click

Options to Escape

By using cloak and movement, pilots running this loadout can escape 80% of enemies. The last 20% can be covered with your choice of Boost.


8. Anti-Titan Loadout

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Loadout Details:

Primary: Sidewinder SMR

Secondary: P2016/Wingman

Anti-Titan: Charge Rifle

Tactical: Cloak

Boost: Titan Sentry

Grenade: Firestar

Kit 1: Ordinance Expert

Kit 2: Low Profile/Titan Hunter


When the enemy team has all five members in Titans, this is the pilot loadout to run to be as useful as possible. The Sidewinder SMR has always been an underwhelming weapon against pilots. Being inaccurate, having a slow projectile speed, and having a small blast radius make this weapon perfect against titans. Boasting the highest amount of damage per second of any primary weapon in the game, the SMR shreds titans at close range. Add the Charge Rifle for longer-range engagements, Firestar to blind titans, Cloak for offensive repositioning or Phase Shift for escape, Titan Sentry, which deals meaningful damage and has decent hitpoints, Titan Hunter for getting your titan faster, or Low Profile to make Rodeos viable, and you have a versatile loadout that any enemy titan fears.


What This Loadout Excels In

Anti-Titan Specialist

Every armament present is meant to equip the pilot for the various scenarios in facing a titan.

Titan Sentry and Firestar are Secretly Overpowered Against Titans

Automated sentry that has decent HP and damage, coupled with the Firestar that blinds enemy titans.

Close and Long Range Lethality 

For close range, the Sidewinder and Firestar provide the damage and utility against titans. At longer distances, use the Charge Rifle.

Ability to Evade Titan Weaponry

Opting for Phase Shift to escape sticky situations or Firestars to blind enemy titans.

Low Profile + Cloak Makes Rodeo Playstyle Viable

Low Profile delays the notification that a Titan is being rodeoed until the pilot is halfway finished pulling out the battery.


7. Titan Farming Loadout

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Loadout Details:

Primary: Any automatic weapon

Secondary: Any

Anti-Titan: Sidewinder

Tactical: Cloak

Boost: Backup Battery

Grenade: Frag

Kit 1: Phase Embark

Kit 2: Titan Hunter

Optional: Titan Kit - Overcore


For the players who enjoy piloting Titans in multiplayer, this loadout and playstyle aim to optimize that.

The armaments are all flexible, but I will list my recommendations and the playstyle to go along with them, as well as the basics of farming your titan meter. The titan meter found on the lower weapons left corner of a multiplayer match has two components: the blue meter and the orange meter. The blue meter is a permanent meter that fills up when you contribute to the score, such as by killing grunts and pilots, damaging titans, and alike. The orange meter is a killstreak multiplier that slowly drains over time when no action has been taken that contributes to the team score. Keeping an eye on your titan meter and adjusting your tactics to reach Titanfall is the playstyle of this loadout.

To achieve Titanfall more often, staying alive and contributing to your team’s score are core principles in this loadout. Any automatic firing weapon can be used, but meta guns such as the CAR or R-201 are the optimal choice. The ideal Tactical is Cloak as it allows both offensive and defensive options for sneaking up on enemy pilots or escaping from a bad situation.

The playstyle to go along with this loadout is to stay alive the longest while filling up the titan meter. Killing grunts and damaging Titans provides a good boost to the meter, but taking down enemy pilots and Titans fills up the meter the most.

Once you're on your Titan, the Backup Battery gives you longevity by boosting your Core meter and providing shields. Opting for the Overcore Titan kit can be used in conjunction for faster Core buildup.


What This Loadout Excels In 

Farming Titan Drops

Maximizing the Titan meter by taking down grunts and damaging enemy Titans.

Straightforward Gameplay

Compared to the other loadouts in this list, the goal and tools to achieve it are intuitive.

Loadout Optimized for Supporting Friendly or Personal Titan

Backup Battery and the Anti-Titan weapon Sidewinder can be used to aid friendly titans and to farm your Titan Meter with a “fire and forget” weapon.

PvE and PvP viable

Killing AI and pilots is possible with this loadout due to Cloak.


6. Wingman Elite

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Loadout Details:

Primary: Wingman Elite

Secondary: Wingman

Anti-Titan: Any

Tactical: Grapple/Stim

Boost: Amped Weapons

Grenade: Frag

Kit 1: Any

Kit 2: Kill Report/Hover


For the small subsection of players who enjoy using the Deagle from CS:GO, Judge from Valorant, and Cassidy from Overwatch, Titanfall 2 has its own version of the accurate, slow-firing hand cannon named "Wingman."

The loadout is not a meta build but rather one that can top frag. The only mandatory armament is the Wingman Elite as your primary; the other weapons and kits are to help find picks with Kill Report and have longer uptime with Fast Regen. 

The Wingman Elite needs 1 headshot or 2 bodyshots to take down an enemy pilot. Using A-Wall or Amped Weapons reduces this to needing only 1 bodyshot. As a pistol, no magnification attachments can be added, and the bullets are projectile based. The combination of these 2 soft caps the Wingman’s range.


What This Loadout Excels In

Pinpoint Hip Fire Accuracy

For people wanting to train their aim for Apex Legends or other games, the pinpoint accuracy and one-shot potential of the Wingman are great ways to train.

High Skill Expression

Being the polar opposite of the spray-and-pray, the Wingman requires high levels of mechanical skill to operate.

Rewarding Gameplay

As a demanding weapon, the immediate satisfaction of taking down opponents and flicking your mouse is rewarding.

Deadliness at every range

The Wingman has no damage drop-off, making it a hand cannon at close range and a pseudo-sniper at longer distances.

Gain Respect From Teammates and Enemies for Using The Wingman

Only the Kraber and the Wingman are the two weapons in Titanfall 2 that earn respect from both teammates and enemies.


5. CQB Cloak Shotgun

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Loadout Details:

Primary: EVA-8 - Extended Magazine and Tactikill

Secondary: Wingman

Anti-Titan: MAG Launcher/Charge Rifle

Tactical: Cloak

Boost: Map Hack

Grenade: Frag/Firestar

Kit 1: Power Cell

Kit 2: Kill Report/Wall Hang


Arguably the best loadout for pilot versus pilot combat, this setup is considered despicable due to its effectiveness in the Titanfall 2 community, but I’ll have to admit how fun and easy this loadout is.

Preying on unsuspecting pilots in tight indoor places and exiting stealth to ambush them is the fundamental gameplay of this kit. Armed with the close-range quarters sweeper, the EVA-8 shotgun peppers anything in its path with a high rate of fire and high damage. Attaching the Extended Magazine and Tactikill to clear out larger groups of enemies and to achieve higher uptime on your Tactical are a must. Regardless of your skill level with the Wingman, this secondary weapon must be selected for engagements outside of shotgun range. For Anti-Titan weapons, the choice of selecting the MAG Launcher for close-range, or the Charge Rifle for long-range is up to the player.

As for everything else in the kit, Map Hack gives you and your team information on the enemy team’s location. Perfect for tracking them down and eliminating them. The choice of ordinance comes down to whether you prefer the generic frag grenade or the Firestar for enemies chasing  after you. Power Cell reduces your Tactical’s cooldown time from 10 to 6.6 seconds, which synergizes well with Tactikill. Wall Hang or Kill Report are both viable; one allows extra combat options by leading enemies to a room, climbing up the wall, and shooting them from below, whereas the other gives information on where enemies might be.


What This Loadout Excels In 

Close Range Monstrosity

The EVA-8 fires 34 rounds per minute, whereas only 1-2 rounds are needed to kill a pilot. 

Near-Permanent Invisibility

With Power Cell and Tactikill equipped for stealth gameplay, pilots can increase the uptime to be near-permanent.

Ability to Farm Executions

Occasionally, enemy pilots may be facing opposite you, allowing you to farm executions to unlock more execution animations.

Ease of Use

Straightforward playstyle, no need for wall jump mechanics or crazy aiming skill.

Fun and DIfferent Playstyle

For players tired of the run and gun SMG playstyle, this ambush hunter loadout breathes in fresh air to the game.


4. EPG Rocket Man 

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Loadout Details:

Primary: EPG-1

Secondary: Any

Anti-Titan: Thunderbolt

Tactical: Stim/Grapple

Boost: Amped Weapons

Grenade: Gravity Star/Satchel

Kit 1: Fast Regen

Kit 2: Hover


“I'm a rocket man

Rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone

And I think it's gonna be a long, long time”

Rocket Man, Elton John


The EPG functions similarly to the Soldier’s Rocket Launcher from Team Fortress 2 with high damage and a 1 shot kill upon direct impact, but with the slowest rate of fire at around 2 seconds per rocket.

As the EPG Rocket Man's playstyle revolves around two concepts: wallrunning and aiming. Hitting rockets at ground level is extremely difficult compared to firing down on enemy pilots while wallrunning. Because of this, equipping the Stim as your Tactical can help with mobility and wall running, but veteran EPG players select the grapple for the instantaneous vertical height. As the EPG is a projectile based weapon, you will not be aiming directly at pilots, but rather where they will be. For 95% of the enemies you kill, this will be easy; the small subsection of skilled pilots will move erratically, which makes your EPG less reliable. The solution to this is to familiarize yourself with any secondary weapon.

The other aspects of your kit improve mobility and combat prowess. Hover grants airtime off a wall run. Amped Weapons make one-shotting pilots from splash damage possible. Finally, Fast Regen increases combat uptime. The choice of ordinance comes down to personal preference. Opening combat with a Gravity Star slows down enemy pilots, making them easier to hit, whereas Satchel or Frag makes me feel like a carpet bomber.


What This Loadout Excels In 

Top Frag Potential

Pilots will not expect a wall-running rocket man to take them out from above.

1 Shot Potential

Amped Weapons and the high damage from EPG can instantly eliminate pilots on accurate shots

Different and Fun playstyle

Bringing a TF2 soldier into the wall running, movement shooter that is Titanfall 2 is immensely fun.

Area of Effect Splash Damage

For enemies hiding behind a corner, two shots from the EPG or well-placed ordinance can take them out.


3. Kraber Sniper

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Loadout Details:

Primary: Kraber

Secondary: Wingman or P2016

Anti-Titan: Charge Rifle or Archer

Tactical: Phase Shift/Cloak/Grapple

Boost: Pilot Sentry

Grenade: Gravity Star or Electric Smoke

Kit 1: Power Cell

Kit 2: Kill Report


On paper, the Kraber’s statistics sound overpowered, yet the developers were able to balance this one-shot, one-kill sniper rifle. For its damage output, the Kraber is a projectile-based weapon that requires the user to lead their shots to score a hit while having a very strong projectile drop due to gravity, and a low rate of fire due to being a bolt-action weapon. Not to mention the fact that 33% of your screen will be covered by the weapon model.

Similar to the Wingman Elite, there is no other feeling in the game than hitting your shots on a moving target. Unlike other loadouts, there aren't much armaments to support this classical sniper playstyle other than the choice of Tactical. The choice of Phase Shift, Cloak, or Grapple is a matter of personal preference. Skilled players opt for Grapple for rapid repositioning and hitting mid-air shots. Newer players can opt for Phase Shift as a defensive repositioner, or Cloak to stay safe while aiming down sights.

The choice of ordinance and boosts cover the downsides of scoping in and being unaware of your surroundings. Pilot Sentries to cover your back, and Gravity Star or Electric Smoke to deter enemy pilots.


What This Loadout Excels In 

Best Sniper Loadout

A synergistic kit to aid in the defense of stationary snipers.

1 Shot = 1 Kill

Getting hit in the pinky toe by a Kraber results in instant death.

Offensive and Escape

Any of the tactics above provide escape options, and the Electric Smoke acts as a smoke grenade.

Mid-to-Long Range Deadliness

At all ranges, the Kraber is a one-shot, one-kill weapon.


2. Mid-Range Pulse Blade

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Loadout Details:

Primary: R-201

Secondary: Wingman

Anti-Titan: Thunderbolt

Tactical: Pulse Blade

Boost: Amped Weapons/Map Hack

Grenade: Frag

Kit 1: Ordinance Expert

Kit 2: Kill Report


Pulse Blade is arguably the best Tactical out of all of them, and experienced players or players playing in a party should have one member running this Tactical as the information provided is invaluable. Coupled with any automatic primary weapon, and you’ll have a generic super soldier on the battlefield whose playstyle is similar to Bloodhunter from Apex Legends.

Throwing the Pulse Blade then running into the enemies with a close-range weapon such as the R-201 or CAR will be the playstyle of this loadout. Occasionally, using the Pulse Blade as a throwing knife to style on enemies is immensely satisfying. Combining the information gathering potential with Ordnance Expert and some well-placed frag grenades nets you free kills without needing to see your opponent.


What This Loadout Excels In 

Close and Mid Range Lethality

Knowing where your enemies are before engaging makes you a lethal force to be reckoned with.

Information Gathering

Pulse Blade reveals all enemies in a radius around the area while also not alerting them that they’ve been spotted.

Tactical Gameplay

Players run around looking for enemies they stumble on, but opting for this playstyle makes for more tactical gunfights.

Pulse Blade Is The Best Tactical

While Grapples and Cloaks may be fun, information is the most important element in warfare.


1. SMG Run and Gun

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Loadout Details:

Primary: CAR 

Secondary: Any

Anti-Titan: Charge Rifle or Thunderbolt

Tactical: Stim/Grapple

Boost: Amped Weapons

Grenade: Frag

Kit 1: Fast Regen or Ordinance Expert

Kit 2: Kill Report


The best loadout for the current meta: running and gunning with the CAR. Since the launch of Titanfall 2, the CAR has been the strongest automatic firing weapon due to its lack of recoil and solid DPS. Other SMGs can be used instead of the CAR, but they all falter in one way or another in either recoil, dps, time-to-kill, magazine capacity, and so on. The CAR submachine gun simply has it all.

Building around the theme of running and gunning, the Stim or Grapple Tactical adds to the mobility of the kit, while cooking and throwing frag grenades are highly effective in racking up the score.

Overall, a new player friendly yet strong weapon. Players run this weapon when they’re tired of being eliminated by other close range combatants.


What This Loadout Excels In  

Ease of Use

The lack of recoil and great stats the CAR has make it a new-player friendly weapon.

Fast Time-To-Kill

Only needing three body shots to kill at a fire rate of 70 rpm.

Great Allround PvP Loadout

Gun and grenade, the classic Call of Duty loadout perfect for PvP

Close and Mid Range Lethality

Shredding at close range and burst firing at mid range, the CAR can do it all.

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