[Top 3] TFT Best Neeko Builds That Are Powerful

Best Neeko Builds in TFT
22 May 2024

Neeko didn’t leave us and stayed to deal even more damage and get a shield to make her a beast on the frontlines.

Neeko cosplays the highest health member to gain more health and a huge shield; not only that, but when it breaks, it deals huge damage.

In this article, we will mention the combos to place Neeko in, her best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies in disguise.

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Your ancestors will feel this.

Neeko is a great pick in the front rows as she shares the guardian trait, which makes her a huge tank.

She also shares the superfan trait, but most importantly, the K/DA trait, which activates the K/DA hexes.

Neeko’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome by placing her on your team.


Best Neeko builds in TFT Set 10

Neeko’s stats:

  • Cost: 3 Gold
  • Health: 850 / 1530 / 2754
  • Mana: 90
  • Armor: 50
  • MR: 50
  • Ability Power: 100
  • DPS: 30 / 54 / 97
  • Damage: 50 / 90 / 162
  • Atk Spd: 0.6
  • Crit Rate: 25%
  • Range: 1


Neeko’s traits:

1. K/DA

Your team gains max Health, Ability Power, and Attack Damage if they are in a lighted hex. K/DA champions gain double!

  • 3 10% max Health, 10% Ability Power & Attack Damage
  • 5 15% max Health, 15% Ability Power & Attack Damage
  • 7 22% max Health, 22% Ability Power & Attack Damage
  • 10 50% max Health, 50% Ability Power & Attack Damage, 10 mana per second

2. Guardian

Once per combat at 50% Health, Guardians shield themselves and their closest ally for a percent of their max Health.

  • 2 25%
  • 4 40%
  • 6 60%

3. Superfan

Superfans improve your Headliner!

  • 3 Headliner gets a completed item
  • 4 Headliner gets 250 Health and 15% Omnivamp
  • 5 Item upgrades to radiant


Neeko’s ability

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Cosplays the highest Health ally and gain a Shield + 5% of the ally's Health for 4 seconds. When it breaks, deal % of its initial value as magic damage to adjacent enemies.

  • Headliner Effect: +200 Health, When she cosplays an ally, grant that ally 20 mana.
  • Shield: 250 / 300 / 350
  • Damage %: 60% / 70% / 80%


Carousel priority:

These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find below:

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Neeko’s best items

1. Warmog’s Armor

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Grants 800 Health

2. Dragon’s Claw

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Every 2 seconds, regenerate 5% maximum Health.

3. Bramble Vest

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Gain 5% max Health.

Take 15% reduced damage from attacks. When struck by any attack, deal 100 magic damage to all adjacent enemies.

Cooldown: 2 seconds


Best comps for Neeko


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  • 5 Spellweaver
  • 3 K/DA
  • 3 Superfan
  • 3 Guardian
  • 2 Sentinel
  • 2 Emo
  • 2 True Damage
  • 1 Hyperpop

The main character of this compilation, Annie, has the Spellweaver characteristic.

The spellweaver trait, which deals a lot of damage, is the main focus of the comp. Amumu and Neeko serve as formidable front tanks.

The best squad in this match:

1. Annie is the primary damage dealer, possessing both the Emo attribute with Amumu obtaining more mana and the Spellweaver as the major attraction.

2. Lulu possesses the Hyperpop attribute in addition to the Spellweaver trait.

3. Ahri is your Spellweaver and tier 4 K/DA member.

4. Lillia is a fantastic choice since she possesses the K/DA, Sentinel, and superfan supporting attributes, which make her an excellent tank.

5. Neeko is one of the primary tanks on the front lines who possesses the K/DA, superfan, and guardian qualities.

6. Amumu is the other primary tank that possesses both guardian and emo characteristics.

7. Ekko fits in perfectly because he has spellweaver, sentinel, and true damage shared with him.

8. Kennen activates the superfan and guardian qualities with Neeko and the truedamage with Ekko.


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  • 6 Guardian
  • 4 Punk

With Pantheon serving as the guardian headliner (you can alternatively use Jinx as the headliner with the rapidfire), this combination is among the best slow rerolls available.

Top squad for this match:

1. Because she possesses the guardian feature, which is the fundamental trait, Neeko is one of the major tanks.

2. Thresh is an excellent choice since he shares the guardian and stuns several adversary champions.

3. Because Vi possesses both the guardian and punk traits, she is a perfect fit.

4. Pantheon is the star performer for the guardians and the main tank on the front lines, sharing the punk.

5. Because Taric and I have the guardian trait, we are an excellent fit.

6. Amumu is extremely tanky because they are your sixth guardian.

7. Jinx is the primary agent of damage and possesses the punk quality.

8. Twitch, the fourth punk member, gives the punks the ability to deliver a ton of damage.


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  • 7 K/DA
  • 1 Breakout
  • 3 Superfan
  • 3 Spellweaver
  • 2 Sentinel
  • 2 True Damage
  • 2 Guardian

The focus of this competition is all the K/DA trait members, thus you shouldn't always adhere to the positioning because the K/DA hexes fluctuate.

Ahri is the main attraction with the K/DA characteristic.

The best squad in this match:

1. Ahri is a fantastic damage dealer, especially when he has both the K/DA and Spellweaver attributes and is the main character.

2. Neeko is an extremely powerful frontline since she fits the mold of a superfan, guardian, and K/DA.

3. Sharing the K/DA, superfan, and sentinel features, Lillia is somewhat of a Neeko but has one gold, making her an excellent tank in the early and mid games.

4. Given that he shares true damage, which increases his damage output, superfan, and guardian abilities, Kennen is a perfect choice.

5. With the flexibility to tailor her abilities to the needs of her team thanks to her shared K/DA and Breakout traits, Akali is a beast that causes massive amounts of damage.

6. With the qualities of a spellweaver and sentinel as well, Ekko is your second member to deal true damage.

7. Kai'Sa attacks from the backlines, dealing a lot of damage and possessing the K/DA trait.

8. With two gold and the identical K/DA and Spellweaver characteristics, Seraphine is more akin to Ahri than she is to her.

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