[Top 3] TFT Best Neeko Builds That Are Powerful

Best Neeko Builds in TFT
13 Dec 2023

Neeko is back again in TFT, but not as a damage dealer but as a huge tank on the frontlines who can still deal a fair amount of damage.

Neeko leaps in the air, gaining a shield, then slams back to the ground, dealing damage to her surrounding enemies.

In this article, we will mention the combos to place Neeko in, her best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies with the colorful hits.

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Is Neeko far? Is Neeko near? No one knows...

Neeko is a great pick on the frontlines as she shares the bastion trait, which provides her with additional armor and magic resist.

She also shares the Ixtal trait, which summons elemental spots, changing their bonuses from one game to another.

Neeko’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome by placing her on your team.


Best Neeko Builds in TFT Set 9.5

Neeko’s stats:

  • Cost: 3 Gold
  • Health: 800 / 1440 / 2592
  • Mana: 50 / 120
  • Armor: 45
  • MR: 45
  • Ability Power: 100
  • DPS: 33 / 59 / 105
  • Damage: 50 / 90 / 162
  • Atk Spd: 0.65
  • Crit Rate: 25%
  • Range: 2


Neeko’s traits:

1. Ixtal

Gain elemental hexes, which give a different bonus from game to game.

When an empowered champion deals ability damage to an enemy, they set them on fire, dealing an additional 30% of the damage dealt as magic damage over time.

  • 2 Create 1 hex
  • 3 Create 2 hexes
  • 4 Effect depends on current element

2. Bastion

Bastion champions gain Armor and Magic Resist. This is increased by 100% for the first 10 seconds of combat.

  • 2 20 Defenses
  • 4 40 Defenses
  • 6 65 Defenses
  • 8 125 Defenses


Neeko’s ability

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 Pop Blossom

Leap towards the current target and gain Shield for 3 seconds. Slam down after a brief delay, dealing magic damage to enemies within two hexes.

  • Shield: 225% / 350% / 475%
  • Damage: 270% / 410% / 650%


Carousel priority:

These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:

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Neeko’s best items

1. Warmog’s Armor

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Grants 500 bonus Health.

2. Ionic Spark

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30% Shred enemies within 2 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, deal magic damage equal to 160% of their maximum Mana.

3. Morellonomicon

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Ability damage deals 1% Burn and 33% Wound to enemies for 10 seconds.


Best comp for Neeko


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  • 2 Gunner
  • 5 Bilgewater
  • 2 Ixtal
  • 2 Bastion

This comp revolves around the Bilgewater being protected by Neeko and Nautilus.

This is a slow reroll to level 8, trying to get as many champions as you can to level 3.

Best team for this build:

1. Neeko is a great pick as a Bastion member and an Ixtal member.

2. Miss Fortune is your early-to-mid-game damage dealer as a Bilgewater member.

3. Nilah is a great late-game damage dealer, as she shares the Bilgewater trait.

4. Graves will be activating the Rogue, Gunner, and Bilgewater traits, so he is a must in this comp.

5. Illaoi is a great tank in the early game, sharing the Bilgewater and Bastion traits.

6. Qiyana is your 2nd Rogue and 2nd Ixtal member, making her a good fit for this team.

7. Nautilus is a great tank that shares the Bilgewater trait.

8. Jinx will be activating the Gunner trait while dealing some good damage from the back rows.


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  • 4 Rogue
  • 3 Ixtal
  • 2 Zaun
  • 2 Bastion
  • 2 Sorcerer

This comp revolves around the Rogue trait, which turns the champions into assassins, taking out the enemy’s backlines.

Most of the champions can deal tons of damage if placed with the right items.

Best team for this build:

1. Ekko is a strong pick as he shares the Rogue trait and the Zaun, which gives him extra stats.

2. Katarina is your 2nd rogue, dealing tons of damage.

3. Qiyana is your 3rd Rogue and 1st ixtal, dealing a lot of damage and summoning the elemental spots.

4. Graves is the 4th Rogue, making the trait fully activated.

5. Neeko is your main tank, sharing the Bastion and Ixtal traits.

6. Taric is a great fit in this comp, sharing the Bastion and Sorcerer traits.

7. Milio is a cool support pick as he shares the Ixtal trait.

8. Silco is your 2nd sorcerer and 2nd Zaun member.


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  • 3 Targon
  • 4 Bastion
  • 2 Sorcerer
  • 2 Invoker
  • 2 Zaun
  • 2 Gunner

This comp revolves around the Bastion champions in the front row protecting the Gunner and Sorcerer traits in the back row to deal the damage needed.

This comp is a fast reroll to level 8, with a strong economy to make sure you get the high-tier champions.

Best team for this build:

1. Neeko is one of the strongest tanks so far, activating the Bastion trait.

2. Shen is a must, as he shares the Bastion trait and the Invoker trait, which makes him a great tank while allowing the team to generate more mana.

3. K’Sante is the tier 5 Bastion member who kicks enemies out of the arena.

4. Taric is a great pick as he shares the Bastion trait with others and the Targon trait with Aphelios and Soraka, which makes their heals and shields stronger. He also shares the Sorcerer trait with Silco.

5. Aphelios is your main damage dealer, as he shares the Targon and Gunner traits.

6. Silco is your second source of damage, sharing the Zaun trait and Sorcerer trait with Jinx and Taric.

7. Jinx is a great fit, as she shares both the Zaun and Gunner traits.

8. Soraka is your healing machine, sharing the Invoker and Targon traits and healing everyone in the arena.

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