[Top 3] Plants vs. Zombies Best Fog Setups That Are Excellent

zombie games, plants, setup, plants vs. zombies
07 Jul 2022

The fog level in Plants vs. Zombies takes place at night and is a quite challenging part of Adventure Mode. You will have to make sure that you have proper strategies in place to triumph in this challenging battle. Let me tell you more about some killer setups that you can use. 

3. Shroom Mania

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This setup is inspired by a YouTube Video made by Serpexnessie named “Plants vs Zombies - Fog (All Levels)”. This very first setup used in this video is a combination of different mushroom plants. It works as follows:

  • Plant two rows of Sun-Shrooms at the very back of your yard. 
  • Make sure that you place Lily Pads where necessary. 
  • Next up is the Scaredy-Shroom. Although this plant hides when a zombie is within a 3x3 proximity, placing two rows of it will be very effective. 
  • Lastly, place as many Puff-Shrooms on the rest of your battlefield and use the Sea-Shroom as an alternative in the pool. These are small, yet potent plants that will ensure success in the ultimate battle. They will add the cherry to the cake when it comes to the ultimate winning setup. 

This setup is guaranteed to give you the upper hand in the battle against your plant-hungry opponents. 


2. Shrooms ‘n Nuts!

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This setup is very similar to the previously discussed one. It mainly makes use of mushroom plants but changes it up a bit with Wall-Nuts as the first line of defense. 

  • You start exactly as you would with the first setup, planting Sun-Shrooms, Scaredy-Shrooms, Sea-Shrooms, and Puff-Shrooms. 
  • Lastly, place a row of Wall-Nuts at the very front of your lawn. This will slow down zombies and create a period where the rest of your attacking plants can cause damage to your opponents. 

This setup is excellent and the Wall-Nuts just add that little touch that is needed to win this battle!


 1. Light up those Peas!

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The final setup makes use of a variety of plants. It uses Sun-Shrooms, Puff-Shrooms, Planterns, and The Splitpea. It works as follows:

  • Plant two rows of SunShrooms at the very back of your lawn. 
  • Next, place about two rows of Splitpeas after the SunShrooms. They are potent plants, therefore you will not have to fill the entire column with Splitpeas, but make sure that they are spread evenly. 
  • It is up to you where you want to place the Planterns. This plant makes the screen more visible and is very useful.
  • Lastly, place some Wall-Nuts at the very front of your lawn to buy yourself some time so that your attacking plants can cause damage to them. 

This setup is very effective and guaranteed to give you an advantage over your opponents!

The YouTube Video that inspired these setups is linked here: 

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