[Top 10] Mobile Legends Most Banned Heroes And Why

most banned heroes in mobile heroes, banned heroes in mlbb
19 Jan 2023

Get to know the heroes you should fear the most this season!

When you reach the Epic tier rank, you will begin to experience draft picking with the opportunity to ban heroes. When you ban a hero, both your team and the enemy team will not be able to use that for the game.

If a hero is too strong, overpowered, or a threat to your team’s composition, it is a wise choice to ban that certain hero immediately. For this article, we will tackle the most banned heroes in Mobile Legends and find out the reason why players are scared to fight against these heroes.


10. Beatrix

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The killer machine.

No doubt, Beatrix is one of the top-tier marksman heroes in Mobile Legends. Beatrix can also fit in almost any team composition, making it easier for her to adjust and adapt to her team’s skills. Beatrix is very versatile, and this is surely one of the reasons why players are scared of her. Her ability to use different weapons for every objective is a deadly reason enough.

What makes Beatrix Most Banned:

  • She has explosive ultimates that can really disrupt team formation.
  • She can excel both in close fights and long-range attacks because of her versatility.
  • She deals burst damage that is useful in the late game.

See Beatrix In action:

25 Kills + MANIAC!! New Beatrix One Hit Build Sniper!! - Build Top 1 Global Beatrix ~ MLBB


9. Xavier

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The defier of light.

Xavier is one of the fan’s new favorites. In fact, because of frequent banning on him, people rarely get to see his fullest potential being played online. Xavier is a hero that is very annoying to face. He got a wide range of skills, which is why he is irritating for enemy heroes that require close contact in order to deal damage. 

Xavier also has a high tendency to steal lords and secure low HP kills just by standing on a base. 

What makes Xavier Most Banned:

  • He has the ability to see hiding enemies by using his second skill.
  • He extends the duration of his passive by hitting enemies.
  • His first skill can pass through any obstacles on the map and can still deal damage even to those enemies outside of your vision.

See Xavier In action:



7. Kagura

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What really are under her umbrella?

Kagura is also a mage to look out for whenever you play Mobile Legends. She is a high-skilled hero that requires many practices to master her. Her skills are quite complicated for a beginner, which is why only a few people in the lower tier use her. Kagura is often seen in higher tiers.

If Kagura is open and the enemy team has a player who really masters her, then just expect frequent ganks and ambushes from her.

What makes Kagura Most Banned:

  • She has so many crowd-control skills.
  • She is strong both at close range and long distances.
  • She has high mobility, which is useful when dealing with assassins and fighters.

See Kagura In action:

26 Kills!! Kagura One Hit Build, Insane Magic Burst Damage!! - Build Top 1 Global Kagura ~ MLBB


6. Dyrroth

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Prepare to get smashed by Dyrroth.

Dyrroth is also a great fighter and has a great amount of burst damage. He can counter almost any core heroes, which is why he often gets banned in ranked games. Not only is he good against marksman heroes, but he is also a good match against Esmeralda. Esmeralda is a fighter who is very durable. The fact that Dyrroth can win against her is a testament to his strong skills and abilities.

What makes Dyrroth Most Banned:

  • He can easily penetrate enemy team formation because he is durable.
  • His passive skill allows him to strengthen his basic attack.
  • He has a lot of escape skills because he can blink and dash easily.

See Dyrroth In action:

26 Kills!! Dyrroth Crazy LifeSteal with Brutal Damage - Build Top 1 Global Dyrroth ~ MLBB


5. Valentina

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No one can come close to her.

Valentina continues to dominate and is still one of the most banned heroes in Mobile Legends. Her copying ultimate is truly a deal-breaker on top of her lifesteal and dash ability. Valenta deals absolute burst damage when her skills are activated. The stolen ultimate is also a great chance to help your team get the enemies wiped out.

What makes Valentina Most Banned:

  • She can use equipment builds from other hero roles in order to maximize the damage of her ultimate.
  • She is very flexible and can deceive the enemy team with her copying abilities.
  • She can use the enemy team’s strength against them.

See Valentina In action:



4. Ling

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The wall climber.

Ling is known for his great mobility and burst damage. He remains to be one of the most irritating assassins, which is why he is frequently banned in draft picks. If a player has truly mastered the abilities of Ling, it would be difficult for the opponent team to defeat them, especially since Ling has the privilege to easily escape and hunt down heroes.

What makes Ling Most Banned:

  • His ultimate enables him to be immune.
  • He has crowd-control skills that can knock up enemies and trap them.
  • He is difficult to fight against since he can utilize walls for escaping and has the advantage of ambushing enemies.

See Ling In action:



3. Julian

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Welcome the silent killer.

Julian is mostly banned, so if you have the chance to use him, you might as well grab the iron while hot! The three combinations that you can perform with Julian are unique and deals insane burst damage. Julian is also a hero who has high lifesteal abilities and gains immunity. This gives him the advantage of winning against other heroes and makes him a very risky hero to be left open.

What makes Julian Most Banned:

  • He deals nasty burst damage for an assassin.
  • His skills have fast and quick cooldowns, allowing him to use his abilities again.
  • He has high mobility and gets stronger in the late game.

See Julian In action:

29 Kills!! Best Julian One Hit Build and Emblem - Build Top 1 Global Julian ~ MLBB


2. Faramis

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The deadly support.

Faramis’s recent buff made him step up in the meta. Now, he can move across obstacles and use this to his advantage! Faramis can also make his teammates immortal, which is very useful during crucial games. Although Faramis is popularly known as a support, he also has a skill that deals burst damage and can solo kill enemies.

What makes Faramis Most Banned:

  • He has high movement speed.
  • He is the support with the greatest damage.
  • He can resurrect dead allies.

See Faramis In action:



1. Wanwan

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Can you even keep up with her?

We get it. Wanwan’s ultimate got nerfed. However, this does not replenish her potential of being a very powerful core hero that gives headaches to most players. Wanwan already has the skills, and the only thing left for you to do is to build all the required items to enhance her power. Although Wanwan is a threat, always make sure that other heroes can still counter her. If you want to use Wanwan, just make sure that Valentina is banned since your ultimate can be copied by her, which can lead to a disaster for your team.

What makes Wanwan Most Banned:

  • She can melt down even the most durable hero in your team, like the tanks.
  • She is very slippery and mobile, making it difficult for tanks and fighters to chase her.
  • Her ultimate deals area of effect damage that is very deadly, especially if most of the enemy team has low HP.

See Wanwan In action:

90% Win Rate S26 Wanwan Late Game Monster! - Top 1 Global Wanwan by Priaidaman99ZF - Mobile Legends


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